Mark Meng

Associate Professor and Librarian
MLS Rutgers University 1991Doctorate in Comparative Literature, Rutgers University 1990Bachelor of Arts in English, ChongQing University, Sichuan, China, 1982

Mark (Mong) Meng, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor on Staten Island campus at St. John’s University. He is in charge of the Library Instructional Service on the campus. He was the Director of Loretto Memorial Library from 2000 – 2018. He is interested in the library instruction research. His research on learning object repository and interactive learning tutorials design have been presented in the national and international conferences such as 2006 MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) Ottawa, 34th IASL (International Association of School Libraries) Hong Kong University, 2005, 4th ICTL International Conference on Technology and Learning in Higher Education, Peking University, 2005, and InfoToday 2002, New York. The presentation papers were published in the respective proceedings of the conferences. Dr. Meng is also a regular book reviewer for library professional journals, including Library Journal, College and Research Libraries, Libraries & User Services Quarterly, and CHOICE for the past 25 years. He has published over 50 book reviews in the area of Chinese Religion, Buddhism, Asian Studies, and Library Instruction. is also fluent in classical Chinese language and specializes in tetra-syllabic-line poems from Northern and Southern dynasties (386 – 589).

SJC Honor Class, Introduction to Asian Literature, Undergraduate


DNY 1000C, Abstract Expressionism: New York School, Undergraduate

Chinese; Ethnic Studies; Hospitality; Japanese; Korean; Philosophy; Theology and Religious Studies; Transportation