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- Alexander A. Katz
1. Katz, A.A., A note on invertability of unilaterally invertable normals in lmc-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 58 (2016), no. 2, pp. 257-265.
2. Katz, A.A., A note on Civin-Yood Theorem for locally C*-algebras. (English) Malaya Journal of Matematik, 3 (2015), no. 2, pp. 182-186.
3. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A.;Shwartz, L., A note on non-commutative ergodic theorems for actions of hyperbolic groups. (English) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 426 (2015), no. 1, pp. 624–633.
4. Katz, A.A.; Kushnir, R., On Gelfand-Naimark-Segal representations of continuous fiber bundles of C*-algebras over Stonean compact. (English) 109–133, Math. Stud. (Tartu) 6 (2014), pp. 109–133.
5. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On a Gelfand-Naimark type theorem for locally JB-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 55 (2013), suppl., pp. 103–116.
6. Katz, A.A., On Boolean-valued interpretations of real C*-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 55 (2013), suppl., pp. 85–102.
7. Katz, A.A., A note on two-sided ideals in locally C*-algebras. (English) Int. Math. Forum 8 (2013), no. 21-24, pp. 1175–1184.
8. Katz, A.A., A note on the uniqueness of involution in real locally C*-algebras. (English) Int. Math. Forum 7 (2012), no. 33-36, pp. 1777–1784.
9. Katz, A.A., A note on the uniqueness of involution in locally C*-algebras. (English) Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 65 (2012), no. 1, pp. 1–9.
10. Katz, A.A., A note on the uniqueness of involution in locally JB*-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 53 (2011), suppl., pp. 87–95.
11. Katz, A.A., On locally JB*-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 53 (2011), suppl., pp. 73–86.
12. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On universal enveloping locally C*-algebra for a locally JB-algebra. (English) Int. Math. Forum 6 (2011), no. 33-36, pp. 1749–1752.
13. Goldstein, D.Sh.; Katz, A.A., On a local structure in Rickart algebras—definitions and basic properties. Int. J. Funct. Anal. Oper. Theory Appl. 2 (2010), no. 2, pp. 133–168. 46K05
14. Katz, A.A.; Kushnir, R., On continuous fiber bundles of C*-algebras over Stonean compact. (English) Indian J. Math. 52 (2010), suppl., pp. 137–161.
15. Katz, A.A., On a local structure in Kaplansky algebras. Definitions and basic properties. (English) Indian J. Math. 52 (2010), suppl., pp. 69–101.
16. Katz, A.A.; Kushnir, R.; Ustayev, M., On real locally W∗- and locally JBW-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 51 (2009), suppl., pp. 133–146.
17. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On real and Jordan Lassner algebras and Gelfand-Naimark type theorems for barrelled real locally C*- and locally JB-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. 51 (2009), suppl., pp. 111–132.
18. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On bounded approximate identities and existence of dense ideals in real locally C*- and locally JB-algebras. (English) Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 32 (2009), no. 1, pp. 1–30.
19. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On intrinsic characterization of real locally C*- and locally JB-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. (2008) suppl., pp. 85–103.
20. Katz, A.A., On continuous fields of JB-algebras. (English) Indian J. Math. (2008) suppl., pp. 71–84.
21. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A., A note on Banach principle for JW-algebras. (English) WSEAS Trans. Math. 6 (2007), no. 10, pp. 833–837.
22. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A.; Shwartz, L., A. On non-commutative ergodic type theorems for free finitely generated semigroups. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 9 (2007), no. 1, pp. 38–47.
23. Goldstein, D.Sh.; Katz, A.A., On the algebra of measurable operators affiliated to a Rickart ordered *-algebra. (English) Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS) 24 (2007), no. 1, pp. 45–54.
24. Katz, A.A.; Friedman, O., On projective limits of real C*- and Jordan operator algebras. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 8 (2006), no. 2, pp. 33–38.
25. Rakhimov, A.A.; Katz, A.A., Group actions on real W*-algebras. (English) Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 98 (2006), no. 3, pp. 181–194.
26. Chilin, V.I.; Katz, A.A., On abstract characterization of non-commutative Lp-spaces associated with center-valued trace. (English) Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 11 (2005), no. 4, pp. 346–355.
27. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A.; Shwartz, L., On weak convergence of iterates in quantum Lp-spaces (p≥1). (English) Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. (2005) no. 14, pp. 2307–2319.
28. Rakhimov, A.A.; Katz, A.A.; Dadakhodjaev, R., On ideal of compact operators in real factors. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 6 (2004), no. 1, pp. 42–45.
29. Katz, A.A., One property of the weak convergence of operators iterations in von Neumann algebras. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 5 (2003), no. 2, pp. 34–35.
30. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A., On Neveu decomposition and ergodic type theorems for semi-finite von Neumann algebras. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 5 (2003), no. 2, pp. 5–9.
31. Katz, A.A., On the weak convergence of operators iterations in von Neumann algebras. (English) Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 5 (2003), no. 3, pp. 39–45.
32. Rakhimov, A.A.; Katz, A.A.; Dadakhodjaev, R., The ideal of compact operators in real factors of types I and II [translation of Mat. Tr. 5 (2002), no. 1, 129–134; MR1918900]. Siberian Adv. Math. 13 (2003), no. 2, pp. 90–94.
33. Rakhimov, A.A.; Katz, A.A.; Dadakhodzhaev, R., The ideal of compact operators in real factors of types I and II. (Russian) Mat. Tr. 5 (2002), no. 1, pp. 129–134.
34. Grabarnik, G.Ya.; Katz, A.A., Ergodic type theorems for finite von Neumann algebras. (English) Israel J. Math. 90 (1995), no. 1-3, pp. 403–422.
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Ergodic Theory, Operator and Topological algebras, applications of Logic to Analysis.
Research Summary:
My research is on Topological Algebras, their classification, structure theory, representation theory and applications of topological algebras to Analysis, Operator theory, Ergodic theory, Probability theory, Non-commutative Geometry and Topology.