Zheng Zhou

Ph.D. 1996 Columbia University, New York, School PsychologyM. Phil. 1995 Columbia University, New York, School PsychologyM.S. 1989 Tulane University, New Orleans, School PsychologyB.A. 1982 Suzhou University, Suzhou, China, English

Research Interest: Cross-cultural research in children’s mathematical thinking and reasoning, mathematics curriculum and teaching; basic relational concepts acquisition; school adjustment of Asian-American students

Dr. Zheng Zhou is Fulbright Scholar and Fellow of the Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Zhou was ranked as one of the top 15 contributors in the nation to the School Psychology literature in peer-reviewed journals. She has also been recognized by the Publisher of the journal, School Psychology International, as a significant contributor to both national and international arenas for improving the understanding of school psychology in different cultures. She is an Associate Editor for School Psychology International and has served on various editorial boards. Dr. Zhou has served as the Chair of Division 16’s Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) and as the Division 16 Liaison to the Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA). Dr. Zhou was elected as a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP). She has received several Faculty Recognition Awards from St. John’s University for her outstanding research. 

Zhou, Z. (2011). The clinical interview in mathematics assessment and intervention:The case of fractions (pp.351-366). In M. A., Bray & T.J. Kehle (eds.), Oxford Handbook of School Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.  

Niu, W., & Zhou, Z. (2010). Teaching mathematics creativity in Chinese classrooms. In R. Beghetto & J. Kaufman (Eds.), Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom (pp.271-288). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Zhou, Z., Xin, T., & Siu, C. (2009).Promoting cultural competence in counseling Asian American children and adolescents. Psychology in the Schools, 46 (3), 290-298. 

Zhou, Z., Peverly, S. T., & Xin, T. (2006). Knowing and teaching fractions: A cross- cultural study of American and Chinese Mathematics Teachers. Contemporary           Educational Psychology, 31, 438-457.

Zhou, Z., Peverly, S. T., & Lin, J-S. (2005). Understanding early mathematical competencies in American and Chinese children. School Psychology International, 26, 413-427. 

Zhou, Z., Peverly, S. T. & Lin, J.-S. (2005) Teaching Addition & subtraction to first graders: A Chinese perspective. School PsychologyInternational, 42 (3), 259-272.  

Zhou, Z., & Peverly, S. T. (2004). Cross- and within-cultural variations in American and Chinese Children’s understanding of distance, time, and speed interrelations: A follow-up study. Journal of Genetic Psychology,165(1), 5-27.  

Zhou, Z. & Boehm, A. E. (2004). American and Chinese children’s understanding of basic relational concepts in directions. Psychology in the Schools41 (2), 261-272.  

Zhou, Z. & Peverly, S., Xin, T., Huang, A. S., & Wang, W. (2003). School  adjustment of first-generation Chinese American adolescents. Psychology in the School, 40 (1),71-84.   

Xin, T. & Zhou. Z., Bray, M. A., Kehle, T. J. (2003). The structure of self-reported problem behaviors in Chinese Children. Psychology in the Schools, 40 (1), 19-34.  

Zhou, Z. & Boehm, A. E. (2001). American and Chinese children’s knowledge of basic relational concepts. School Psychology International, 22 (1), 5-21.  

Zhou, Z. & Lin, J. (2001). Developing mathematical thinking in Chinese kindergarten children: the case of addition and subtraction. International Journal of  Educational Policy, Research, and Practice, 2, 141-155. 

Zhou, Z., Peverly, S. T., Boehm, A. E., & Lin, C. D. (2000). American and Chinese children’s understanding of distance, time, and speed interrelations. Cognitive Development, 15, 215 -140.

Undergraduate Courses:

Educational Psychology, Child Development,Experimental Psychology of Learning, Senior Seminar 

Graduate Courses: 

Research Methods in School Psychology, Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism, Cognitive Psychology of Academic Learning, Developmental Psychology I & II, Inferential Statistics, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Psychoeducational Assessment

Zhou, Z. and Peverly, S. T. (2014). Psychological and Educational Needs of Children in Asia. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology

Zhou, Z. & Peverly, S. T. (2005). Culture and Psychology: Fulbright Psychologists and Educators in China,Psychology in the School42 (3). 

Zhou, Z. & Peverly, S. T. (2003). Psychoeducational and Psychosocial Functioning of Chinese children,Psychology in the School40 (1).