Tina J. Kanmaz, Pharm.D.

Associate Dean, Student Affairs Clinical Professor
Pharm.D., Pharmacy, St. John's UniversityBS, Pharmacy, St. John's UniversityBA, Biology, Hofstra University

Dr. Kanmaz serves as the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and is a Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice. She has served on the faculty at St. John's University, College of Pharmacy and Health Professions since 1996 with an interim three-year appointment as an HIV Clinical Science Manager at Abbott Laboratories. She earned her B.S. and Pharm.D. degrees at St. John’s University and completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.  Dr. Kanmaz previously served 3 years as Department Chair and 10 years as the Assistant Dean for Experiential Pharmacy Education.  She is a Senior Vincentian Research Fellow for the Vincentian Center for Church and Society at St. John's.  She has received several grants directed toward the care of patients with HIV/AIDS and disadvantaged persons in high poverty situations. She is certified as an American Academy of HIV Medicine HIV Expert and a certified immunizer. Dr. Kanmaz has provided leadership to numerous internally and within the American Association of College of Pharmacy. 

Research Interests

Curricular design and assessment, imposter phenomenon in healthcare professional students, care of impoverished patients, advancing the role of the pharmacist as a patient care provider.

Select Publications

Journal Articles

Kanmaz T, Newman K, Skrabal M, Smith MD, Wang Y, Stultz K. Response to Wheeler and Colleagues. Re: “Flexibility in APPEs but at What Cost?” Am J Pharm Educ Oct 2023.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100600. 

Kanmaz T, Newman K, Skrabal M, Smith MD, Wang Y, Stultz K. Response to Nelson and Colleagues. Re: “A Call to Action to Remove ACPE Limits on Non-patient Care Elective APPEs.” Am J Pharm Educ Oct 2023.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100602 

James J, Rana A, Kanmaz T. Pioneer HIV Capsid Inhibitor. U.S. Pharmacist. Health Systems Edition. HS-1 – HS-10. October 2023.https://bt.editionsbyfry.com/publication/m=22400&i=804080&p=14&ver=html5 

Kanmaz, TJ., Newman, K., Skrabal, M., Douglas Smith, M., Wang, Y., & Stultz, K. A Call to Action to Remove ACPE Limits on Non-Patient Care Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Am J Pharm Educ. Nov 2022, ajpe9055; DOI: 10.5688/ajpe9055, https://www.ajpe.org/content/early/2022/11/04/ajpe9055

Shtaynberg, J., Skrabal, M., Kanmaz, TJ, Oswald, C., Prisco, J., Jarrett, Jennie, Clarke, C., Ruehter, V., Gilliam, E., Clauson, A. Relationship between advanced pharmacy practice experience grading schemes and pharmacy residency match rates. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2022; 2022; zxac254, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajhp/zxac254

​​​​​​Kasbekar R, Kanmaz TJ, Shivani K.. The Impact of COVID-19 on Recent Pharmacy School Graduates. Pharmacy Times. Jan. 4, 2021. https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-recent-pharmacy-school-graduates

Kanmaz TJ, Culhane NS, Berenbrok LA, et al. A Curriculum Crosswalk of the Core Entrustable Professional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates. Am J Pharm Educ 2020;84(11):1532-38. 

Kanmaz T. (2019) Clinical Significance Box, Principles of Biotechnology-Derived Drugs In: TL Lemke, DA Williams, VF Roche, SW Zito (Eds.) Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. August 2019. 

Dennis VC, May DW, Kanmaz TJ, et al. Pharmacy Student Learning During Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences in Relation to the CAPE 2013 Outcomes. Am J Pharm Educ 2016; 80(7):1-13. 

Lee CS, Kanmaz TJ, Cassagnol M. Overview of Pancreatic Cancer. US Pharm 2012; 37(12):HS-12-15. 

Lee C and Kanmaz TJ. Recent controversies in cancer screening recommendations: a focus on breast, cervical and prostate cancer. US Pharm 2010;35(11)(Oncology suppl):3-8. 

Jodlowski TZ, Sym D, Conry J, Kanmaz T. Overview and update for the management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infected adults. In: America’s Pharmacist: The Voice of the Community Pharmacist. America’s Pharmacist 2010;39-59. 

Jodlowski TZ, Sym D, Conry J, Kanmaz T. Antiretroviral medication knowledge among New York State pharmacists: room for improvement. Letter to the editor. J Pharm Pract 2010;23(5):507-10. 

Shuter J, Sarlo JA, Kanmaz TJ, Rode RA, Zingman BS. HIV-infected patients receiving lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral therapy achieve high rates of virologic suppression despite adherence rates below 95%. JAIDS 2007;45:4-8. 

Sulli M, Kanmaz T, See S. Non-hormonal therapy for hot flashes. US Pharm 2003;28(9):41-54. 

Kanmaz TJ. Understanding the pharmacokinetic parameters in the appropriate selection of antiretroviral therapy for HIV patients. CE Supplement to US Pharm August 2001:3-16. 

Kanmaz T, See S. Resources for information on herbal medicinals and dietary supplements: A review of The Natural Pharmacist website. J Herb Pharmacother 2001;1(3):71-75. 

Jackson EA and Kanmaz TJ. An overview of information resources for herbal medicinals and dietary supplements. J Herb Pharmacother 2001;1(1):35-61. 

Brocavich J, Etzel J, Kanmaz T. Introduction: Therapeutic issues in the management of patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). J Pharm Practice 2000;13(6):422-5. 

Kanmaz TJ and Lee NJ. Significant toxicities associated with antiretroviral therapy. J Pharm Pract 2000;13(6):457-74. 

Miller LG, Hume AL, Mehra-Harris I, Jackson EA, Kanmaz T et al. White paper on herbal products. Pharmacotherapy 2000;20(7):877-91.