Marlene Sotelo-Dynega

Associate ProfessorGraduate Director for School Psychology

Educational Background
Doctor of Psychology, 2007, St. John’s University, School Psychology
Master of Arts, 2001, Iona College, School Psychology
Bachelor of Science, 1998, Iona College, Psychology

Areas of Specialization
Bilingual School Psychology, Cognitive Assessment, and the Assessment, Identification, and Intervention of Learning Disabilities

School Neuropsychology

Graduate Courses

  • Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention, Parts I & II
  • Psychoeducational Assessment Practicum
  • Assessment, Identification, & Intervention of Learning Disabilities
  • Psychoeducational Consultation
  • Cognitive Psychology of Academic Learning
  • Introduction to School Psychology
  • School Psychology Internship Seminar: Ethical and Legal Issues
  • School Psychology Internship Seminar: Psychological Interventions

Flanagan, D.P., & Sotelo-Dynega, M. (2010). Intellectual assessment and measurement of cognitive abilities and processes: A guide for parents and teachers  In A. Canter, L. Paige, & S. Shaw (Eds.), Helping children at home and at school III: Handouts for families and educators.  Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Flanagan, D.P., & Sotelo-Dynega, M. (2009). The Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Fourth Edition. In B. Kerr (Ed.)Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent. CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Lichtenberger, E.O., & Sotelo-Dynega, M. (2009). The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement – Second Edition. In J. A. Naglieri and S. Goldstein (Eds.), APractitioner's Guide to Assessment of Intelligence and Achievement. NY: John Wiley & Sons, NY.

Lichtenberger, E.O., Sotelo-Dynega, M., Kaufman, A.S. (2009). The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children – Second Edition. In J. A. Naglieri and S. Goldstein (Eds.), APractitioner's Guide to Assessment of Intelligence and Achievement. NY: John Wiley & Sons, NY.

Sotelo-Dynega, M. (2009). The first official meeting of the bilingual school psychology interest group.Communiqué, Volume 37(8), pp. 30-31.

Sotelo-Dynega, M., Ortiz, S.O., Flanagan, D.P., & Chaplin, W. The effect of English language proficiency on the Woodcock-Johnson tests of cognitive abilities-third edition. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Sotelo-Dynega, M., Flanagan, D.P., & Alfonso, V.C. Overview of Specific Learning Disabilities. In D.P. Flanagan, & V.C. Alfonso (Eds.), Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification. NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In press.

Terjesen, M.D., Kassay, K.S., Sotelo-Dynega, M., Dowdy, E., Harris, B, Meskin, M., and Stokes, J.  (2010). Preparing faculty for a training program in school psychology in Vietnam. Trainers’ Forum, 29 (2).

National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, 2010
Chicago, IL: March 5, 2010
Invited Speaker: What is a bilingual school psychologist? A national survey of credentialing procedures.

National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, 2010
Chicago, IL: March 5, 2010
Poster Presenter: What topics does NASP value most? An examination of convention programs from 2004-2009.

National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, 2010
Chicago, IL: March 4, 2010
Workshop Presenter: Is there life beyond the WISC-IV?

Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District, Superintendent’s Conference Day
Port Chester, NY: November 3, 2009
Invited Speaker: Bilinguals and Testing

Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District, Superintendent’s Conference Day
Port Chester, NY: November 3, 2009
Invited Speaker: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition

New York Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, 2009
White Plains, NY: October 22, 2009
Invited Speaker: The effects of culture and language on intelligence test performance.

New York City Department of Education, Psychologist in Training Professional Development Day
St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY: April 24, 2009
Sole Presenter: Intellectual assessment of bilinguals

National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, 2009
Boston, MA: February 27, 2009
Primary Poster Presenter: What is a bilingual school psychologist?

Trainers of School Psychology at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, 2009
Boston, MA: February 26, 2009
Symposium participant: Internationalizing school psychology

  • Co-presenters: Drs. Shane Jimerson (University of California, Santa Barbara), Frank Worrell (University of California, Berkeley), and Gary Stoner (University of Rhode Island)

New York City Department of Education, Psychologist in Training Professional Development Day
St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY: February 6, 2009
Sole Presenter: Response to Intervention: What it is and what it is not

Dowling College
Oakdale, NY: November 2008
Invited Speaker: School psychology: A career that makes a difference

Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District, Superintendent’s Conference Day
Port Chester, NY: November, 2008
Invited Speaker: Response to Intervention: What it is and what it is not: Integrating RTI and the Instructional Support Team

St. John’s University
Oakdale, NY: August 2008
Workshop Presenter: Preparing for your internship: A crash-course on CHC theory, Cross-Battery Assessment and Non-discriminatory assessment.

Hanoi University of Education, Training of Trainers
Hanoi, Vietnam, July 21-31, 2008
Trainer: Provided an intensive, one-week course to future trainers of school psychology on psychoeducational assessment.

American Psychological Association, 116th Annual Meeting
Boston, MA: August 2008
Poster Presenter: Effects of culture and language on the WJ-III

New York City Department of Education, Psychologist in Training Professional Development Day
St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY: April 18, 2008
Presenter: Intellectual assessment of bilinguals for the nonbilingual psychologist

New York State Associate for Bilingual Education, 31st Annual Conference
Melville, NY: March 15, 2008
Co-Presenter with Drs. Samuel Ortiz & Agnieszka Dynda; Language proficiency, intelligence, and school achievement: When do ELLs really catch up?

National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, 2008
New Orleans, LA: February 6-9, 2008
Poster Presenter: English language proficiency and performance on tests of cognitive abilities

National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, 2008
New Orleans, LA: February 6-9, 2008
Mini-Skills Workshop Presenter: Intellectual assessment of bilinguals for the nonbilingual psychologist

Contemporary Issues in the Practice of School Psychology
St. John’s University, Oakdale, NY: November 2, 2007
Workshop Presenter:  The study of intelligence: An historical review.