Marie I. George

M.A., Pastoral Theology, St. Joseph's College of Maine, Maine, 2008M.A., Biology, Queens College, New York, 2002B.A., summa cum laude, Biology, Queens College, New York, 2000Ph.D., Philosophy, Laval University, Québec, 1987M.A., Philosophy, Laval University, Québec, 1982B.A., Liberal Arts, Thomas Aquinas College, California, 1979


  • Natural philosophy
  • Philosophy of biology
  • Science and religion
  • Aquinas
  • Aristotle

Marie George has been a member of the Philosophy Department since 1988.  Professor George is an Aristotelian-Thomist whose interests lie primarily in the areas of philosophy of nature and philosophy of science.  She has received several awards from the John Templeton foundation for her work in science and religion, and in 2007 she received a grant from the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) for an interdisciplinary project entitled:  “The Evolution of Sympathy and Morality.”  Professor George has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and two books:  Christianity and Extraterrestrials? A Catholic Perspective(2005) and Stewardship of Creation (2009).  She is currently working on Aquinas’s “Fifth Way,” and also on a variety of questions concerning living things (self-motion, consciousness, evolution, etc.).  Professor George is a member of ten philosophical societies, including the American Catholic Philosophical Association, the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, and more.


  • Philosophy of the Human Person
  • Ethics
  • Business Ethics
  • Informal Logic
  • Philosophy of Biology
  • Philosophy of Science and Religion
  • Environmental Ethics


  • Philosophy of the Human Person
  • Logic


Stewardship of Creation:  What Catholics should know about Church teaching on the environment (Indianapolis:  Saint Catherine of Siena Press, 2009).

Christianity and Extraterrestrials? A Catholic Perspective (New York:  iUniverse, 2005). 

Faith, Scholarship, and Culture in the 21st Century.  Edited by Marie I. George and Alice Ramos (American Maritain Association publication, distributed by Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2002).


“The Biologist’s Need for Philosophy as Seen through a Comparison of Aristotle’s Views on Living Things with Those of Modern Biologists,” forthcoming in Science and Religion…and Philosophy?

“On the Occasion of Darwin’s Bicentennial:  Finally Time to Retire the Fifth Way?” forthcoming in the Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.

“Aristotle vs. the Neo-Darwinians:  Human Nature and the Foundations of Ethics,” in Virtue's End, edited by Fulvio Di Blasi, Joshua P. Hochschild, and Jeffrey Langan (South Bend:  St. Augustine’s Press, 2008).

“Thomas Aquinas Meets Nim Chimpsky:  On the Debate about Human Nature and the Nature of Other Animals,”The Aquinas Review, 10, 2003, 1–50.

“On the Tenth Anniversary of Barrow and Tipler's Anthropic Cosmological Principle:  Thomistic Reflections on Anthropic Principles,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 72, 1, Winter 1998, 39–58.

“Aquinas on Reincarnation,” The Thomist, 60, 1, January 1996, 33–52.

“Wonder as Source of Philosophy and of Science:  A Comparison,” Philosophy in Science (Tucson:  Pachart Publishing House, 1995), 97–128.

“Imagination as Source of Falsehood according to Aquinas,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 67, 1993, 187–202.