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- Joan P. Ball, Ph.D.
Joan's research, teaching and consulting work has a strong focus on service design for transitions, creativity, resilience and curiosity, and how they create conditions for social impact and human wellbeing. She has a particular interest in liminal space and the services, processes, supports and resources necessary for individuals, teams and organizations need to flourish in times of uncertainty. Her research has been published in a variety of international peer reviewed journals including: The Journal of Service Management, The Journal of Service Marketing, The Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Creating Value, The International Journal of Bank Marketing. Touchpoint, Global Economics and Management Review and the Journal of Postdigital Science and Learning. Her book, Stop, Ask, Explore: Learn to Navigate Change in Uncertain Times was published in 2022.
Joan earned her PhD in international business management, an M.S. in Organizational Leadership and a B.A. in Economics. She has extensive professional experience in public relations and marketing communications working directly with and consulting for professional services firms including: Capital One, Verizon, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Standard and Poors, Zurich North America and others.
Her contact information is as follows:
Joan Ball, Ph.D. Associate Professor The Peter J. Tobin College of Business
St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, New York 11439
Tel: 845-234-5917
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: joanball
Teaching Interests
Research Interests
Courses Taught
Select Publications
Journal Articles
Parasuraman, P., Ball, J. P., Aksoy, L., Keiningham, T. L., and Zaki, M. (2020). More than a feeling? Toward a theory of customer delight. Journal of Service Management. pp. pp. 1-26..
Ball, J. P. (2019). Ecosystems, Blueprints and Journeys – Oh My! - Toward a practice-oriented typology of service design metaphors. Touchpoint. vol. 11,
Keiningham, T., Ball, J., Benoit (née Moeller) , S., Bruce, H. L., Buoye, A., Dzenkovska, J., Nasr, L., Ou, Y., and Zaki, M. (2017). The Interplay of Customer Experience and Commitment. Journal of Service Marketing. vol. 31, pp. 148-160.
Aksoy, L., Keiningham, T., Buoye, A., and Ball, J. (2017). Linking Satisfaction to Credit Card Decisions: An Application of the Wallet Allocation Rule. International Journal of Bank Marketing. vol. 35, pp. 205-219.
Ball, J., and Barnes, D. (2017). Delight and the Grateful Consumer: Beyond Joy and Surprise. Journal of Service Theory and Practice. vol. 27, pp. 250-269.
Ball, J. P., Buoye, A., Keiningham, T., and Aksoy, L. (2016). The Role of Emotions on Customer Commitment and Repurchase Intentions. In: AMA Winter Educators' Proceedings. Las Vegas, NV: American Marketing Association. pp. K-76-K-84.
Ball, J. P. (2015). Rising Every Time They Fall: The Importance and Determinants of Consumer Resilience. Advances in Consumer Research. vol. vol 43,
Books Chapters
Cadet, F., Rubin, D., and Ball, J. P. The Transformative Potential of Marketing to Fight Child Poverty. In: Inequalities in the Early Years. Routledge.