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- Granville Ganter
Granville Ganter graduated from the City University of New York in 1998 and joined the faculty at St. John’s. His research focuses on oratory, rhetoric, and performance from the colonial period through the Civil War. He frequently teaches courses on African American and Native American literary traditions, as well as surveys of the major writers of the colonial, early national, and Transcendental eras. He is the editor of The Collected Speeches of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket (Syracuse UP), and won an award for the 2004 best essay in African American Review, “He Made Us Laugh Some: Frederick Douglass’s Humor.” He has been awarded fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society and the New York Historical Society. He is an advisor for the department’s student-run journal, the St. John’s Humanities Review.
"A New View of American Women's Speech, 1822-1835." Rhetoric Society of America. San Antonio, TX. May 23, 2014.
Organizer and Moderator. Roundtable on Kenneth Warren's "What Was African American Literature." February 24, 2014. St. John's University, NY.
Panelist. AAUP Panel on Organizing the Academy. Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL Jan
12, 2014.
"Miss Newtown Creek." Panel on "Silent Beaches, Untold Stories: New York City's Forgotten Waterfront" Sun Yat Sen Gallery, St. John's University. October, 2013.
Organizer and Panelist. "Anne Laura Clarke, Lecturer on History, 1822-1835." Panel on Nineteenth-Century Public Lecturing, New Media, and Technologies of Orality. American Studies Association Convention, Washington, DC, Nov 2013.
"Mistress of Her Own Affairs': Anne Laura Clarke, Traveling Lecturer of the 1820s" Panel on Early American Graphic Narrative. Society of Early Americanists, Savannah, GA, March 2, 2013.
"Anne Laura Clarke, Lecturer." WAMC Radio. 51%: The Women's Perspective. November, 2011. http://wamc.org/post/51-show-1213, go to Minute 20:46
"D'Arcy McNickle and Two Types of Modernization." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Mohegan Sun Casino, CT June 5 2012.
Participant. AAUP Workshop in Collective Bargaining. Boston, MA. Aug 2011.
Organizer and Panelist. "Huck Finn and the N-Word: A Roundtable Discussion." St. John's University. March 22, 2011
"A Place to Spread Our Blankets": Red Jacket, Difference, and Indigenous Studies Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Tucson, May 21, 2010.
Chair, Literary Approaches to Obama. STJ English Program Graduate Conference. April 9, 2010. Panel organizer and Intro. African-American Literary History After Obama MLA Convention.Philadelphia. Dec 29, 2009.
Red Jacket and Indigenous Rhetoric International Society for the Study of Rhetoric. Montreal. July 23, 2009
Sagoyawatha and the Contented Mind Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Minneapolis. May 22, 2009.
Chair. Gaming, Gambling, and Wagering in the Atlantic World. Biennial Conference of the Society of Early Americanists (SEA). Bermuda. Mar 6, 2009.
Chair and Respondent. Mediating Gender: What Happens When Newspaper Media Look at Women, 1829-1975. Annual Conference of the Organization of American Historians (OAH). Mar 28, 2008.
Race and Nation for the Haudenosaunee in the Age of Handsome Lake Prophetstown Revisited: A Summit on Early Native American Studies. Purdue University. April 4, 2008.
Red Jackets Role Playing and Literary Style. American Society for Ethnohistory. Tulsa, OK. November 8, 2007
Red Jacket, Tradition, and Public Relations after 1816. Annual Iroquois Conference. Rensellaerville, NY. Oct. 7, 2007.
Susanna Rowson and Dramatic Play. Charlotte Temple and Beyond: a Roundtable on Rowson Studies. Society of Early Americanists. College of William and Mary. June 7, 2007.
Nineteenth Century War Poetry: Whitman, Lowell, Dickinson A Presentation for the St. Johns Honors Society, Sigma Tau Delta. February 21, 2007.
The Case for Red Jacket. Native American Literature Society panel. MLA, December 30, 2005.
Frederick Douglasss Hustle Douglass-Melville Conference. New Bedford, MA May 23, 2005.
Invitational Lecture: Is It Oratory?: Womens Public Speech before 1848. Conference of the American Antiquarian Society. June 11, 2005.
Invitational Lecture: The Failure of Transcendentalism? Walden Conference. Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI. February 25, 2004
The Old Truths: Frederick Douglass and the Kansas-Nebraska Debates. Sequicentennial Abraham Lincoln Conference. Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI. June 26, 2004.
When We Open Our Leaves: the School Journals of Mary Ware Allen. Margaret Fuller Society Panel. Modern Language Association (MLA) San Diego, CA December 2003.
Dickinsons Apocalypses North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR). Fordham University, New York, New York. August 3, 2003.
Frederick Douglass Lied. American Literature Association (ALA). Cambridge, MA. May 22, 2003.
Invitational Lecture: Emerson and the Flux of Social Identity. Ralph Waldo Emerson Bicentennial Conference. CUNY Graduate Center NY, NY. April 29, 2003.
Chair and organizer. Punishment and Feeling in the Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs. Paper on The Burronites Hay-Mow Sermon. Society of Early Americanists (SEA). Providence, RI. April 12, 2003.
Womens Oratorical Education, 1815-1835 Invited Paper. New York Americanist Group (NYAG) December 7, 2002.
U.S. Womens Oratory Before 1848. American Studies Association (ASA). Houston, TX November 15, 2002.
Laughter and Loss: The Devolution of James Russell Lowells Birdofredum Sawin Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). Toronto, Canada. April 11, 2002
"Caleb Bingham and The Lecturess. Conference of College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Chicago, IL. March 21, 2002
Invitational Lecture: He Made Us Laugh Some: Frederick Douglasss Humor Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI. February 7, 2002
A Species of Language: Frederick Douglasss Republican Rhetoric. American Studies Association (ASA). Washington, DC. November 11, 2001.
A New Leviathan: Coopers View of 1757 Panel on the French and Indian War. Conference of the Society of Early Americanists (SEA). Norfolk, VA. March 7, 2001
We Are No More We Are Forever: Little Tree and the Klan. Panel on The Lost Cause. Twentieth-Century Conference. University of Louisville, KY. February 23, 2001.
Cato and American Evangelism. Panel on Rome and the American Enlightenment. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference (ASECS). University of Notre Dame. April 2, 1998.
Panelist on American Subcultures. Twentieth-Century Conference. University of Louisville, KY. February 28, 1998.
Grateful Dead and the Sound of Enthusiasm. Southwest Popular Culture Association.. Lubbock, Texas. January 30, 1998.
Emerson and Collective Identity. Thoreau Society Panel. MLA Convention. Toronto, Canada. December 30, 1997.
Voices of Instruction: Oratory and Discipline in Coopers The Last of the Mohicans and The Redskins. James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art: 1997 James Fenimore Cooper Symposium. Oneonta, NY. July 11, 1997.
Battles of Rhetoric: Oratory and Identity in Coopers The Last of the Mohicans.Cooper Society Panel. American Literature Association (ALA). Baltimore, MD May 24, 1997.
Respondent. The International Dimensions of the Harlem Renaissance. Remapping the Harlem Renaissance, SUNY Westbury. October 25, 1996.
Emerson and the Transformation of the Postmillennial Citizen. Undisciplined: A Conference at the CUNY Graduate Center. April 22, 1996.
Passing f/or Queer? The Uranian Aesthetics of Wallace Thurman. National Association of African-American Scholars, Houston. February 15, 1996.
To Do Whats Right: The Anti-Liberal Rhetoric of Frederick Douglass. MLA Convention, Chicago. December 28, 1995.
Panel introduction and organizer. Oratory and Nineteenth-Century American Fiction. MLA Convention, Toronto. December 29, 1993.
Cornel West and How Intellectuals Matter. The Role of the Intellectual Conference, City University of New York, November 12, 1993
Paul Maas, Sigmund Freud, and the Systematized Follies of The Crying of Lot 49. Twentieth- Century Conference, University of Louisville. February 26, 1993.
Co-Organizer, Fatality and Banality in Cultural Studies. National Conference, CUNY Cultural Studies Program, 1991.
The Collected Speeches of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket. Syracuse University Press, 2006. Supplementary Material: <http://facpub.stjohns.edu/~ganterg/redjacket/home.htm>
Articles and Chapters:
"Mistress of Her Affairs: Anne Laura Clarke, Lecturer, 1822-1835." Accepted, New England Quarterly.
"No Apology for the Show: Performance and Oratorical Self-Creation in Obama, Douglass, and Ellison" Race and Identity in Barack Obama's Dreams from My Father: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Michael A. Zeitler and Charlene Evans. Edwin Mellen Press, 2011. 16-28.
"Changing the Script: Susanna Rowson, Popular Drama, and Masquerade" in Charlotte Temple and Beyond: New Essays on Susanna Rowson. Ed. Jennifer Desiderio and Desiree Henderson. Studies in American Fiction 38.1-2 (Spring-Fall 2011): 57-75.
"'Make Your Minds Perfectly Easy': Sagoyewatha and the Great Law of the Haudenosaunee." Early American Literature 44.1 (2009):121-14
with Hani Sarji, "'May We Put Forth Our Leaves': Rhetoric in the School Journal of Mary Ware Allen, a Student of Margaret Fullers from 1837-8." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 117.1 (2007): 61-142.
"Red Jacket and the Decolonization of Republican Virtue." American Indian Quarterly 31.4 (Fall 2007): 559-581
The Unexceptional Eloquence of Sarah Josepha Hale. Proceedings of the AmericanAntiquarian Society 112.2 (Spring 2004): 116-136.
Sovereign Municipalities?: After the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 EnduringLegacies: Native American Treaties and Contemporary Controversies. Ed. Bruce Johansen. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood, 2004. 25-43
He Made Us Laugh Some: Frederick Douglasss Humor. African American Review37.4(Winter 2003): 535-552. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, vol 235 Bloomfield, MI: Gale Research, 2010.
Decadence, Sexuality, and the Bohemian Vision of Wallace Thurman. MELUS 28.2 (Summer2003): 83-104. Rpt. New Voices on the Harlem Renaissance. Ed. Australia Tarver and Paula Barnes. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2006. 194-213. <http://facpub.stjohns.edu/~ganterg/ganter-thurman.pdf>
Republican Pleasures: Emersons ACircles, Oratory, and the Log Cabin Campaign. American Transcendental Quarterly. 16.4 (Dec 2002): 257-75.
The Art of Prophecy: Interpretive Analysis, Academic Discourse, and Expository Writing Composition Studies 29.1 (Spring 2001): 63-79.
You Are a Cunning People Without Sincerity: Sagoyewatha and the Trials of Community Representation. Native American Speakers of the Eastern Woodlands: Selected Speeches and Critical Analyses Ed. Barbara Mann. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001. 165-195.
Tuning In: Daniel Webster, Alfred Schutz, and the Grateful Dead. Dead Reckoning: The Life and Times of the Grateful Dead Ed. John Rocco. New York: Schirmer Books, 1999. 172-181. <http://facpub.stjohns.edu/~ganterg/dead.htm>
The Active Virtue of The Columbian Orator. New England Quarterly 70.3 (Sept 1997): 463-476.
Battles of Rhetoric: Oratory and Identity in The Last of the Mohicans. James Fenimore Cooper Society Miscellaneous Papers 9 (Aug 1997): 7-14.
Voices of Instruction: Oratory and Discipline in Coopers The Last of the Mohicans and The Redskins. James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art; Papers of the 1997 James Fenimore Cooper Symposium. Oneonta: SUNY Oneonta, 1999. 47-53.
Rioting, Textuality, and The Crying of Lot 49. Found Object 2 (Fall 1993): 67-81.<http://facpub.stjohns.edu/~ganterg/ganter-lot49.pdf>
Rev. of The Mount of Vision: African American Prophetic Vision, 1800-1950 by Chris Hobson.
Socialism and Democracy 27.3 (Nov 2013): 163-166.
Saving Miles from Himself Rev. of Its About That Time: Miles Davis On and Off Record. by Richard Cook. Oxford UP, 2007. Popular Music and Society 32.3 (July 2009): 435.
David Treuers Search for Extremely Indian Fiction. Rev. of Native American Fiction: A Users Manual, by David Treuer. Graywolf, 2007. St. Johns Humanities Review 6.2 (Spring 2008): 155-159.
Rev. of Daniel Webster and the Oratory of Civil Religion by Craig R. Smith. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 2005. in The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 103.3 (Summer 2005): 563-566.
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980; Red Jacket; Joseph Brant in The Encyclopedia of American Indian History. Eds. Bruce Johansen and Barry M. Pritzker.Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008. vol. 2: 573-575; 3: 829-831; 3: 667-669
Rhetoric. American Literature Through History, 1820-1870. Ed. Robert Sattelmeyer and Janet Gabler-Hover. New York: Scribners, 2006. vol 3: 984-989.
Rev. of The Aesthetics and Politics of the Crowd in American Literature by Mary Esteve.Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. The St. Johns Humanities Review 1.3 (Fall 2003)
Rev. of Drop City by T.C. Boyle. New York: Vintage, 2003. The St. Johns Humanities Review 1.2 (Spring 2003) <http://stjenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/STJHUMRev-1-2-Dropcity.pdf>
Rev. of Publics and Counterpublics by Michael Warner. New York: Zone Books, 2002. The St. Johns Humanities Review 1.1 (Winter 2003): 4-10. <http://stjenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/STJHUMRev-1-1-publics.pdf>
Rev. of Emerson, Thoreau, and the Cultural Critic by Sam McGuire Worley. Albany: SUNY UP, 2001. New England Quarterly 75.1 (March 2002): 165-167.
Solomon Stoddard, David Humphreys, Jared Sparks, George Ticknor, N.P. Willis. Encyclopedia of American Literature Ed. Steven Serafin. New York: Continuum, 1999.
William Leete Stone and ABenjamin Drake American National Biography New York: Oxford, 1999. 20: 874-5. 6: 860-1.
Undergraduate Courses
- Native American Literature (senior seminar)
- African-American Literature to 1900
- Transcendentalism
- Antebellum Reform Movements (senior seminar)
- Literature in a Global Context
- Introduction to Literary Theory
- Introduction to English Studies
- Reading the Romance
- Poe / Melville
- Antebellum Literature
- Colonial U.S. Literature
- U.S. Literature to 1865
- U.S. Literature survey
Graduate Courses
- Rescuing Melodrama in Nineteenth Century Literature
- High/Low in African-American Folk Literature
- Native American Literature and Fiction
- Transcendentalism
- Literary Theory
- Dickinson / Whitman
- U.S. Realism and Naturalism
- American Sublime
- Antebellum Literature
- Colonial U.S. Literature
2013 Grierson Fellow, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College. Northampton, MA.
2007 NEH Summer Seminar Fellow, "The American Indian and Ethnohistory" Project: "Sagoyewatha as a Traditional Speaker of the Haudenosaunee."
2004 Darwin Turner Award for Best Essay in African American Review, 2003-4. "'He Made Us Laugh Some': Frederick Douglass's Humor."
2002 New York Historical Society, Delmas Fellow. Project: "When America Meant North America and South America: 1816-1826."
2001 American Antiquarian Society, Peterson Fellow. Project: "Pregnant Words: the Matrix of Women's Oratory, 1800-1850."