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- David Kaspar
- Normative Ethics
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David Kaspar is currently working on two projects in ethics. In his 2012 book Intuitionism (Bloomsbury) he laid out the general structure of his account of intuitionism. Intuitionism is the theory that holds that ‘You know what’s right,’ with self-evident moral propositions founding such knowledge. Now he is working out details of the theory in several directions. He is also investigating different aspects and applications of his prudence dependency thesis: One cannot be moral person without being prudent. The article that introduced this thesis is ‘Can Morality Do Without Prudence?’, Philosophia, 2011. David grew up in New Jersey, not far from the city, and is excited to be back in the neighborhood after several enjoyable years in Reno, Nevada and Mansfield, Pennsylvania. In his view the most important-and most overlooked-insight for humans is this is your life.