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- Alison G. Hyslop
Professional Affiliations
New York Academy of Sciences, Member
American Chemical Society, Member
Division of Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Member
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member
Pi Lambda Upsilon: Chemistry Honor Society, Member
Iota Sigma Pi: Women's Chemistry Honor Society, Member
Service - National/Professional
Member of the Admissions Committee for the American Chemical Society
Co-chair New York American Chemical Society Student Affairs Committee – Undergraduate Research Symposium
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, St. John's University, Queens, NY, January 2000-Present.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, September 1999-June 2000.
Academic Awards and Honors
Petroleum Research Fund Summer Faculty Fellowship (Summer 2004)
Nominated to Admissions Committee of the American Chemical Society
Faculty Research Reduction, St. John’s University, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000
CHE 111 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 266 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry: Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 1100 College Chemistry
CHE 1110 Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry
CHE 1210 General Chemistry I
CHE 1220 General Chemistry II
CHE 3340 Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHE 3441 Introduction to Inorganic Synthesis
HON 1313 Honor's General Chemistry Laboratory and Recitation I
HON 1320 Honors General Chemistry Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
HON 1321 Honor's General Chemistry Laboratory and Recitation II
Tan, Y.; Escorcia, N.; Hyslop, A.; Wang, E. Investigation of Cobalt Porphyrin Doped Polymer Membrane Films for the Optical Sensing of Imidazole and Its Derivatives. Anal. Chem. Res. 2015, 3 (Copyright (C) 2017 American Chemical Society (ACS). All Rights Reserved.), 70–76.
Neil Jespersen, James Brady and Alison Hyslop, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 7th Edition, Wiley and Sons, New York, 2015.
A. G. Hyslop, "Student's Solution Manual: Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 7th Edition by Jespersen, Brady and Hyslop", Wiley and Sons, New York, 2015.
Neil Jespersen, James Brady and Alison Hyslop, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 6th Edition, Wiley and Sons, New York, 2012.
A. G. Hyslop "Student's Solution Manual: Chemistry, Matter and Its Changes by Brady and Senese", Wiley and Sons, New York, 2009.
A. G. Hyslop "Instructor's Solution Manual: Chemistry, Matter and Its Changes by Brady and Senese", Wiley and Sons, New York, 2009.
Amy K. Petros, Amit R. Reddi§, Michelle L. Kennedy, Alison G. Hyslop, Brian R. Gibney, "Using the Ferredoxin Maquettes to Probe Structure-Function Relationships of Natural Metalloproteins." Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 9941-9958.
Virginia Seng, Farah Charles-Pierre, Xiulan Wang, Salome Bhagan, Rukya Ali, Alison G. Hyslop"Tetrakis-((imidazol-1-yl)phenyl)porphyrins, Synthesis and Characterization.", Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2006, 43, 1077-1081.
E. G. Megehee, R. J. Rosso, and A. G. Hyslop, Tetraphenylporphyrins: An Example of an Interlaboratory Collaboration Experiment, The Chemical Educator, 2005, 10, 120 – 125.
E. G. Megehee, A. G. Hyslop, and R. J. Rosso, Interlaboratory Collaborations in the Undergraduate Setting, Journal of Chemical Education,2005, 82, 1345 – 1348.
A. G. Hyslop, M. Orphanide, U. Javed, and E. G. Megehee "Energy versus Electron Transfer in Pyridylporphyrin Osmium(II) Dyads", Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2003, 355C, 285-292.
A. G. Hyslop "Instructor's Solution Manual: Chemistry, Matter and Its Changes by Brady and Senese", Wiley and Sons, New York, 2004.
A. G. Hyslop, M. J. Therien, “Synthesis of Porphyrin-Spacer-Quinone Compounds via Metal Mediated Cross Coupling”, Inorganica Chemica Acta, 275-276, 427-434.
A. G. Hyslop, M. A. Kellett, P. M. Iovine, M. J. Therien, “Suzuki Porphyrins: A New Synthon for the Fabrication of Porphyrin Containing Supramolecular Assemblies”, Journal of the American Chemical Society,120, 12676-12677.
1) Sun, Y.; Romanenko, Y. G.; Hyslop, A. Synthesis and Characterization of Metallated Carbene Porphyrins. In Abstracts of Papers, 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 19-23, 2012; American Chemical Society, 2012; p INOR-29.
(2) Chan, M.; Mecwan, N.; Hyslop, A. Bis-Porphyrin Imidazolium Complexes. In Abstracts of Papers, 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 19-23, 2012; American Chemical Society, 2012; p INOR-717.
(3) Megehee, E. G.; Hyslop, A. Binding of Bis-(2,2’-Bipyridine)-Carbonyl-Osmium(II) Compounds to Porphyrins via Imidazole or Pyrimidine. In Abstract of Papers, 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, August 16-20, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-508.
(4) Mecwan, N.; Hyslop, A.; Seng, V. Bisporphyrin Imidazolium Complexes. In Abstract of Papers, 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, August 16-20, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-571.
(5) Kyaw, M.-T. H.; Fang, W.; Hyslop, A. G. Metallation of Imidazole Porphyrin Complexes. In Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, March 22-26, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-358.
(6) Hernandez, C.; Hyslop, A.; Megehee, E. Synthesis and Characterization of Bis-(Diimine)-Carbonyl-(5-Pyridyl-10,15,20-Triphenylporphyrin)-Osmium(II) Complexes. In Abstract of Papers, 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, August 16-20, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-802.
(7) Fang, W.; Blondel, S. R.; Hyslop, A. Benzyl Imidazolium Porphyrins and the Coordination of the Carbene to Metal Centers. In Abstract of Papers, 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, August 16-20, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-570.
(8) Chabra, J.; Ali, R.; Chowdhury, T.; Sheikh, M. O.; Hyslop, A. Synthesis of Porphyrin-Imidazolium-Ferrocene Complexes. In Abstract of Papers, 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, August 16-20, 2009; American Chemical Society, 2009; p INOR-572.
National Meetings
Metal complexes of imidazolium porphyrins, Weici Fang, Maung-Tin Htoo Kyaw, and Alison Hyslop, 336th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2008
Synthesis of porphyrin-imidazolium-ferrocene complexes, Jennifer Chabra, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, and Alison Hyslop, 336th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2008
Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Porphyrins; Alison Hyslop, Inorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, Newport, RI, July 2007.
Imidazolium Porphyrins as Precursors to Porphyrin Arrays; A. G. Hyslop, V. Seng, X. Wang, R. Ali, F. Charles-Pierre, W. Fang, and S. Bhagan, 330th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington DC, August 2005
Imidazolium Porphyrins as Precursors to Porphyrin Arrays; A. G. Hyslop, R. Ali, W. Fang, F. Charles-Pierre, V. Seng, X. Wang, Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Newport, RI, July 2005.
Synthesis and Characterization of Triphenylamine and Triphenylphosphine Porphyrins; A. G. Hyslop, R. J. Rosso, 2004 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Newport, RI, July 2004
Energy Versus Electron Transfer in Pyridylporphyrin Osmium(II) Dyads, E. G. Megehee, A. G. Hyslop, 226th American Chemical Society National Meeting, September 20038.
Energy Transfer or Electron Transfer in Osmium(II) Bipyridine Pyridylporphyrin Compounds, A. G. Hyslop and E. G. Megehee, 2003 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Newport, RI, July 20039.
Incorporation of Modernized Cary-14 into Advanced Undergraduate Laboraotories, A. G. Hyslop, E. G. Megehee, R. J. Rosso, N. D. Jespersen, F. Charles-Pierre, 2003 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, July 200310.
Synthesis and Characterization of Triphenylamine and Triphenylphosphine Porphyrins, A. G. Hyslop, R. J. Rosso, 2002 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Newport, RI, July 200211.
Synthesis and Characterization of Osmium(II) Bipyridine Pyridylporphyrin Compounds, A. G. Hyslop and E. G. Megehee, 2002 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry Newport, RI, July 200212.
Porphyrin Arrays as Light Harvesting Complexes, Alison G. Hyslop the 2001 Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Newport, RI, July 200113.
Porphinato Boron Pinacol Esters: Synthesis, Characterization and Porphyrin Functionalization Reactions, Alison G. Hyslop, Matthew Kellet, Michael J. Therien, 215th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX, April 199814.
Probing the Role of Coordinate Bonds Versus Covalent Bonds in Mediating Electron Transfer, Alison G. Hyslop, Michael J. Therien, Gordon Research Conference, Graduate Research Seminar: Bioinorganic Chemistry, Santa Barbara, CA, January 199815.
Probing Electronic Coupling In a Series of Porphyrin-Spacer-Quinone Systems, Alison G. Hyslop, Michael J. Therien, 210th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D. C., August 199516.
Probing Electronic Coupling Between s- and p- Networks In a Series of Porphyrin-Spacer-Quinone Systems, Alison G. Hyslop, Michael J. Therien, 208th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D. C., August 199417.
Probing Electronic Coupling Between s- and p- Networks In a Series of Porphyrin-Spacer-Quinone Systems, Alison G. Hyslop, Michael J. Therien, Sixth International Conference of Bioinorganic Chemistry, La Jolla, California, August 1993.
Local and Regional Meetings
Benzyl Imidazolium Porphyrins, Weici Fang, Maung-Tin Htoo Kyaw, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, Xiulan Wang, and Alison Hyslop, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional, Queens, NY, May 20082.
Synthesis of Porphyrin-Imidazolium-Ferrocene Complexes, Jennifer Chabra, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, and Alison Hyslop, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional, Queens, NY, May 20083.
Synthesis of Porphyrin-Heterocycle-Osmium Complexes for Use as Light Harvesting Compounds, Elissa Ramcharitar, Samantha Blondel, Carina Hernandez, Elise Megehee, and Alison Hyslop, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional, Queens, NY, May 20084.
Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Porphyrins, Weici Fang, Xiulan Wang, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, and Alison G. Hyslop, ACS MidAtlantic Regional Meeting: Collegeville, PA, May 2007.5.
Synthesis of Osmium Porphyrin Complexes for Use as Light Harvesting Compounds, Elissa Ramcharitar, Elise G. Megehee, and Alison G. Hyslop, ACS MidAtlantic Regional Meeting: Collegeville, PA, May 2007.
Synthesis of Porphyrin–Imidazolium–Ferrocene Complexes as precursors to Porphyrin Arrays, Jennifer Chabra, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, Xiulan Wang and Alison G. Hyslop, ACS MidAtlantic Regional Meeting: Collegeville, PA, May 2007.
Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Porphyrins, Weici Fang, Rukya Ali, Virginia Seng, Xiulan Wang, and Alison Hyslop, 55th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium sponsored by the New York section of the American Chemical Society, Manhattan College, NY, May 2007.
Twelfth Annual Faculty Research Forum, St. John's University: "Imidazolium Porphyrins: Syntheses and Characterizations." Alison G. Hyslop, Rukya Ali, Xiulan Wang, Virginia Seng, Weici Fang, Stephanie Myers, Elissa Ramcharitar, Jennifer Chabra, Maung–Tin Htoo Kyaw, and Sara Hadi, Twelfth Annual Faculty Research Forum, St. John's University, Queens, NY, April 2007.
Synthesis of Osmium Porphyrin Complexes for Use as Light Harvesting Compounds, Elissa Ramcharitar, Maung–Tin Htoo Kyaw, and Dr. Alison Hyslop, Student Research Day, St. John's University, Queens, NY, April 2007.
Porphyrin Osmium Dyads, Rukya Ali, Mahpara Khaliq, Alison Hyslop, 53rd New York American Chemical Society, Undergraduate Research Symposium, May 2004
Porphyrin Osmium Dyads, Mahpara Khaliq, Rukya Ali, Xiulan Wang, Virgnia Seng, Farah Charles-Pierre, Alison Hyslop, Inorganic Chemistry Poster Session, New York Academy of Sciences, April 2004
Incorporation of Modernized Cary-14 into Advanced Undergraduate Laboratories, A. G. Hyslop, E. G. Megehee, R. J. Rosso, N. D. Jespersen, F. Charles-Pierre, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Princeton, NJ June 2003
Novel Synthesis of Amino Substituted Porphyrins, Salome Baghan and Alison G. Hyslop, 51st Annual Undergraduate Research Day, Hofstra University, May 2003
Porphyrin Arrays Around a Nitrogen Atom, Aireen Romu, 50th Annual Undergraduate Research Day, Hofstra University, May 2002
Triporphyrylphosphine Osmium Complex: Synthesis And Characterization, Nahida Khan, 50th Annual Undergraduate Research Day, Hofstra University, May 2002
Light Absorbing Properties Of Triphenylamine Substituted Porphyrins, Farzana Afroze, 50th Annual Undergraduate Research Day, Hofstra University, May 2002
St. John’s University
Chair, Department of Chemistry, Fall 2012 - present
Assistant Chair, Department of Chemistry Fall 2006 to 2012
Served on UEPC, Department of Chemistry Fall 2001 to present
Served on Science Inquiry Curriculum Committee, Fall 2008 to 2012
American Chemical Society
Councilor, American Chemical Society 2017 to present
Membership Affairs Committee Member 2017 to present
Immediate Past Chair, New York Section of the American Chemical Society, 2017
Chair, New York Section of the American Chemical Society, 2016
Chair, Education Committee, New York Section of the American Chemical Society, 2012 to present
Co-Chair, Student Affiliates Committee New York Section of the American Chemical Society, 2005 to 2010
Director, New York Section of the American Chemical Society 2009
Synthesis of novel porphyrin arrays for light harvesting complexes. Development of novel metal binding sites on porphyrin peripheries to from the porphyrin arrays. Investigation of unusual electronic properties of the arrays.
My research is focused on synthesizing and characterizing porphyrin arrays by joining the porphyrin molecules through a variety of linkers. These compounds are useful as light harvesting complexes which mimic the first processes in photosynthesis. These processes in green plants utilize porphyrins to collect light and funnel the energy to a reaction center. I am currently focusing on two sets of porphyrin arrays, the first is the phosphine-porphyrins and the second is imidazole-porphyrins.
The goal of the proposed research is to design, synthesize and study porphyrin arrays as light harvesting compounds. By incorporating phosphines or N-heterocyclic carbenes on the porphyrin periphery allows us to utilize these groups to act as linkers between various porphyrin macrocycles. By utilizing them in this manner, allows us to develop large-scale molecular systems by binding them through a metal centers, such as osmium, ruthenium, palladium and rhodium. The electronics of these arrays may be easily modulated by adding electron withdrawing or electron donating substituents to the porphyrin periphery or by changing the metal atoms inside the porphyrins. The photophysics is studied to determine any electronic interactions between the porphyrins as we believe these compounds have great potential as light-harvesting compounds for converting light into electrical energy.