Mark D. Terjesen

ProfessorAssistant Chair
Ph.D., 1998, Hofstra University in Clinical and School Psychology

Areas of Specialization

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and Intervention with Children and Adolescents
  • Clinical Decision Making Factors among School-Based Professionals
  • Single-Case Methodology in School Psychology
  • Behavioral Assessment and Consultation with Educators
  • Supervision and Training in School Psychology
  • International Psychology

Dr. Terjesen is Professor of Psychology at St. John’s University (Queens, New York), and a core member of the School psychology (PsyD and MS) programs having previously served two appointments as program director. He earned his Ph. D. in Clinical and School Psychology from Hofstra University. Previously, Dr. Terjesen served as the Chief School Psychologist at Milestone School for Child Development in Brooklyn, New York. He was previously the Child and Family Service Coordinator for the Albert Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Manhattan, New York and continues to be an active part of the research and training initiatives undertaken at the Ellis Institute. Dr. Terjesen has presented at a number of national and international conferences and has trained professionals in the use of cognitive behavioral practices with children and families.  Dr. Terjesen is very actively involved in a number of professional organizations: the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT; previously the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy; AABT), the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and the American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Terjesen has held a number of leadership positions in professional organizations. He was President of the School Division of the New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA), the senior organization of school psychologists in the state in 2004, 2011, and 2014. Dr. Terjesen was the recipient of the Academic Division of the New York State Psychological Association Virginia Staudt Sexton Early Career Award for Early Career Contributions to Academic Psychology (May, 2002). Dr. Terjesen served as the President of the Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP), the largest national training organization for school psychology faculty members in 2009. Dr. Terjesen is Past-President of Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA) and served as Treasurer for Division 16 (School) of the APA. Dr. Terjesen is also an APA Fellow. Dr. Terjesen has studied and published on topics that include matters related to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, issues in connection with Cognitive Behavior Therapy, issues associated with the assessment and treatment of ADHD, assessment and treatment of anger with children, investigation into school psychology issues, as well as international psychology. Dr. Terjesen has presently internationally and has co-authored papers or presentations with over 65 different graduate students in his academic career. 

(S) denotes publication co-author is student

Terjesen, M and Thielking, M. (Eds). (2017). Handbook of Australian School Psychology: International Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Nevid, J.S., Gordon, A. (S), Terjesen, M.D., & Hicks, A(S). Classroom Evaluation of Online Quizzing and Concept Building Exercises Embedded in an Integrated Learning System Psychology Learning and Teaching, 0(0), 1-10.

Ritter,  A.B.,Terjesen, M.D, & Khuc, T.N. (2019) Autism in Vietnam: Knowledge, training, and communication barriers among professionals, educators, and caregivers, International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 7:2, 123-134, DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2019.1572554

Terjesen, M.D., DelVecchio, T., & Gerardi, N. (S). (2018) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children. In S.G. Little & A. Akin-Little (Eds). Behavioral Interventions in Schools: Evidence-Based Positive Strategies, Second Edition. Washington, D.C. American Psychological Association.

Terjesen, M.D., Sciutto, M.J., & O’Brien, C. (S) (2019). Behavior Rating Scales and the Assessment of ADHD in Early Childhood: A Review of Psychometric Properties and Scale Features.  Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 4(1), 5-38.

Huk, O. (S), Terjesen, M.D., & Cherkosova, L. (S). (2019). Predicting Teacher Burnout as a Function of School Characteristics and Irrational Beliefs. Psychology in the Schools, 56(3), 792-808.

Bernardelli, S., & Terjesen, M. (2018). The Child and Adolescent Scale of Irrationality: Preliminary Validation for an Italian Population. International Psychology Bulletin (IPB), 22(4), 28-39.

Terjesen, M and Thielking, M. (Eds). (2017). Handbook of Australian School Psychology: International Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Gerardi, N. (S), Thielking, M., Williams, B, & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Ethical School Psychological Practice in Australia. Chapter appearing in M. Terjesen and M. Thielking (Eds). Handbook of Australian School Psychology: International Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Thielking., M., & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Future Directions in School Psychology in Australia. Chapter appearing in M. Terjesen and M. Thielking (Eds). Handbook of Australian School Psychology: International Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Chezan, L.C., Kratochwill, T.R., Terjesen, M.D. & Nguyen, K.V.H  (S) (2017). Measuring Outcomes in the Schools. Chapter appearing in M. Terjesen and M. Thielking (Eds). Handbook of Australian School Psychology: International Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Kassay, K. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). International Collaboration to Develop School Psychology: Training and Professional Practice in Vietnam. Chapter appearing in S. Hatzichristou & S. Rosenfield (Eds.). International Handbook of Consultation in Educational Settings. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group

Terjesen, M.D., Rooney, T., Barnea, M. (S), & Nicosia, V. (S). (2017). Behavior Therapy for Counselors. In A. Vernon & K. Doyle (Eds.)., The What and How To of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Dart, E., Radley, K., Fischer, A., Collins, T., Terjesen, M.D. Wright, S.J., McCargo, M. & Hicks, A. (2017). Accuracy in Direct Behavior Rating Is Minimally Impacted by Completion Latency. Psychology in the Schools, 54 (9), 1123-1133. 10.1002/pits.22047

Terjesen, M.D., Kassay, K. (S)., & Anderson, D. (S).(2017).  Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Child Irrationality. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. doi:10.1007/s10942-017-0269-z

Sciutto, M.J., Terjesen, M.D., Kučerová, A., Michalová, Z., Schmiedeler, S., Antonopoulou, K., Shaker, N.Z., Lee, J., Alkahtani, K., Drake, B., Rossouw, J. (2016). Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Teachers' Knowledge and Misconceptions of ADHD. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. Vol 5(1), 34-50.

Del Vecchio, T., Jerusalmi, D. and Terjesen, M. D. (2015), Psychometric characteristics of the Parenting Scale in a Vietnamese sample. International Journal of Psych. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12242

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Changing Unhealthy Patterns of Thinking: An REBT Approach. In R. Flanagan, K. Allen, & E. Levine (Eds). Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions in the Schools. New York: Springer.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Assertion Training for Youth. In R. Flanagan, K. Allen, & E. Levine (Eds). Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions in the Schools. New York: Springer.



(S) denotes publication co-author is student


DeFillipo, D. (S), Milito, V. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). Attitudes and Practice Towards Therapeutic Homework Among Clinicians Working with Youth. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Milito, V(S), DeFillipo, D. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). Therapeutic Homework among Youth: Role of School Psychologists' Attitude, Student Age, and Disorder. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Hicks, A. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). School Psychologists' Training and Practice Regarding  Sexual and/or Gender Minority Students. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Lundgren, D.B. (S), Everson, K. (S), Albert, B. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). Examining Start Times among Schools in New York State: Patterns, Rationale and Implication. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Alexander, K. (S), DiFabio, D. (S), Schall, M. (S), Weiss, J. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). REBT Competency Scale: Assessing the Delivery of REBT to Guide Clinical Practice and Research. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Nazarian, R. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. How Knowledge Impacts Parent’s Perception of Preschoolers Problem Behaviors. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, Il, August 2019.

Terjesen, M.D., Schwartz, S. (S), Pata, A. (S), Mann, N. (S), & Busto, T. (2019). A Cognitive-Behavioral Psycho-educational SMART Board program for Anxious Youth. Poster presented  at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

Balducci, C. (S), Hettrich, E., & Terjesen, M.D. (2019). Promoting Healthy Responses in Siblings of Children with Developmental Disabilities. Paper presented to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

Pucci, L. (S), Kammerer, M., (S), Johney, N., Terjesen, M.D. & Alderman, L. (2019). Utility of the DIAL-4 in Predicting Academic Achievement among a Diverse Preschool Population. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

Kammerer, M., (S), Pucci, L. (S), Johney, N., Terjesen, M.D. & Alderman, L. (2019). Developmental and Behavioral Screening among Preschoolers in Predicting Academic Achievement. Poster presented the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

O’Brien, C. (S), Prizer, J. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. Measuring Irrationality among Youth: Implications for Counseling in School Psychology. Poster presented  at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

Johney, N., Kammerer, M. (S), Pucci, L. (S), Terjesen, M.D. & Alderman, L. (2019). Assessing Predictive Validity of Developmental Screeners on Kindergarten Reading Proficiency. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Atlanta, GA, February 2019.

Pata, A., (S), Terjesen, M.D., O’Brien, C(S). (2018). A New Vignette-Driven Measure of Children’s Irrational Beliefs: Development, Expert Consensus and Predictive Validity of Emotions and Behaviors. Poster presented at the ABCT convention in Washington, DC, November 2018.

Prizer, J. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). Reinforcers for Today's Youth: A Revised Version of the Children's Reinforcement Schedule. Poster presented at the ABCT convention in Washington, DC, November 2018.

Terjesen, M.D., Kelly, T. (S), & Alexander, K(S). (2018). Building Skills in Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions. Workshop presented at the NYASP conference, Lake Placid, NY, October 2018.

Carrozza, N. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). The impact of Mindfulness Bibliotherapy on Children’s Social Emotional Development. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association to be held in San Francisco, CA

Pzena, R. (S), Khuc, T. (S), Terjesen, M.D., Mann, N. (S), & DiGiuseppe, R. (2018). Validation of Two American Scales with a Vietnamese Youth Population. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association to be held in San Francisco, CA

Hicks, A. (S), Wade, R. (S), Ferrara, N. (S), Nicosia, V. (S), Nazarin ,R. (S), Palma, K(S)., Lugli, V (S)., and Terjesen. M.D. Publication Practices of School Psychology Journals (2000-2014). Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association to be held in San Francisco, CA

O’Brien, C. (S), Prizer, J. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). Impact of Sleep on Anxiety, Depression and Achievement in Children and Adolescents across Cultures. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association to be held in San Francisco, CA

O’Brien, C. (S)., & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). Evaluating a Measure of Competency in Research, Evaluation and Statistics: Implications for Trainers. Poster presented at the Trainers of School Psychology conference in Chicago, IL, February 2018.

Chabbra, T, (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). Psychological Assessment Practices among Youth in India. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Chicago, IL, February 2018.

Duhning, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2018). Knowledge of Traumatic Brain Injury among Educators and School Psychologists. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention, Chicago, IL, February 2018.

Terjesen, M.D., DiGiuseppe, R., Kelly, T. (S), & Alexander, K(S). (2017). Building Skills in Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions. Workshop presented at the NYASP conference, White Plains, NY November, 2017.

Hicks, A(S)., Nicosia, V(S)., Nazarian, R. (S), Wade, R. (S), Palma, K. (S), Lewis, A. (S),  & Terjesen, M. (2017). A 35-Year Review of CBT Outcome Literature in Clinical Psychology Journals. Poster presented at the ABCT convention in San Diego, CA, November 2017.

Kelly, T. (S), Hicks, A(S), Lin, K. (S), & Terjesen, M. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale (CATS) in Serbian and Vietnamese Youth. Poster presented at the ABCT convention in San Diego, CA, November 2017.

Terjesen, M.D., Balducci, C. (S), & Hicks, A. (S) (2017), Measuring Sleep Problems among Youth Internationally: What Does Location Have to Do with It? Paper presented as part of the symposium: Sleep Assessment, Intervention, Consultation and School-Wide Health Promotion among Youth.   presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, August, 2017.

Terjesen, M.D., Bernardelli, S., & Hettrich, E. (2017). Adapting Measures of Cognitive and Behavioral Functioning among Youth: Lessons Learned. Paper presented as part of the symposium: Internationalizing School-Based Research and Practice: Practical Suggestions and Lessons Learned  presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, August, 2017.

Terjesen, M.D. (2017). (Chair) Becoming a Global Scientist: Strategies and Challenges: Strategies for School-Based Research. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, August, 2017.

Terjesen, M.D. (2017). (Chair). Current Status of REBT: Evaluating the Theory, Model, and Clinician Competency. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, August, 2017.

Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Intervention Research in Psychology Journals: A Review of Publication Practices. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Kelly, T. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. Examining the Factor Structure of the CASI across International Populations. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Single-Case Methodology in Clinical Outcome Research. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Weinrib, T. (S), Franco, G.A(S). Hicks, A. (S), Lundgren, D. (S), Wade, R. (S), Buchanan, B. (S), Lemmerz, K. (S), Virga, J.Q. (S), Wilson, D.T. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Validation of the REBT Competency Scale: Implications for Clinical and Research Applications. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Hicks, A. (S), Balducci, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Psychometrics of the Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students and International Assessment of Sleep. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Lin, K. (S), Randel, J. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Examining Problematic Behaviors across Youth Internationally. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Wellington, R., Duhning, C. (S), Terjesen, M.D, Aydinoglo, N.M. (S), & Bucceri, B.N(S). (2017). Measuring Knowledge of TBI and Concussions among School Psychologists. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Randel, J. (S), Hicks, A. (S), Lewis, A. (S), Palma, K. (S), Ferrara, N. (S), Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Single-Case Methodology in School Psychology Outcome Research. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

Terjesen, M.D., Balducci, C. (S), Kelly, T. (S), Mayer, C. (S), & Schwartz, S (S). Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Skill-Building: Implications for School Psychologists. Mini-Skills workshop presented at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Randel, J. (S), Balducci, C. (S), Terjesen, M.D., Lin, K. (S), & Hicks, A(S). (2016). Assessing Social-Emotional Functioning Among Youth Internationally. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Nicosia, V. (S), Nazarin, R. (S), Hicks, A. (S), Gerardi, N. (S), Leibowitz, T. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). An Examination of Experimental Research in School Psychology Journals. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Singh, A. (S), Kelly, T. (S), Balducci, C. (S), Hicks, A. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2017). Gender differences in maladaptive cognitions: A multicultural perspective. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Duhning, C (S), & Terjesen, M.S. (2017). Development of a Measure of Knowledge of TBIs and Concussions among Educators: Implications for School Psychology Training Poster presented at the Trainers of School Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Hicks, A (S), Gerardi, N. (S), Nazarian, R. (S), Nicosia, N. (S), Ferrara, N. (S), Lewis, A. (S), Palma, K. (S), Randel, J. (S), Leibowitz, T. (S), Wade, R. (S), & Terjesen, M.S. (2017). Single-Case Methodology and Adherence to APA Publishing Guidelines in School Psychology Outcome Research. Poster presented at the Trainers of School Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX, February 2017.

Terjesen, M.D. (2016). (Panelist). Education and Mental Health: An Overdue and Necessary Alliance.  Paper presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, NYC, NY, October, 2016.

Gerardi, N. (S), Vuolo, C(S). & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: What Do We Know, What Don’t We Know, and What Are Our Misperceptions? Poster presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, NYC, NY, October, 2016.

Gerardi, N. (S), Lundgren,D. (S), Tenaglia, L. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). An Acquired Capability for Suicide Among a College-Age Sample. Poster presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, NYC, NY, October, 2016.

Nazarian, R. (S), Terjesen, M.D., & Stephanou, H(S). (2016). The Role of Context Variables in Predicting Parent Perception of the Function of Student Behavior. Poster presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, NYC, NY, October, 2016.

Terjesen, M.D. (2016). (Chair). What Do We Know About Knowledge? Measuring Knowledge of Psychological Disorders among Clinicians. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Terjesen, M.D. (2016). The Role of Knowledge of Externalizing Disorders Among Clinicians, Educators, and Parents Paper. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Mayer, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). A Meta-Analytic Review of Canine-Assisted Therapy With Children and Youth. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Terjesen, M.D. (2016). (Chair). Expanding School-Based Assessment and Intervention Globally and Technologically.  Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Lin, K. (S), Balducci, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). Assessing Social-Emotional Functioning Among Youth Internationally: Factor Analysis of the Conners Behavior Rating Scale. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Stewart, C. (S), Balducci, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). The Psychometrics of the Anger Regulation and Expression Scale Among Youth Internationally. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Randel, J.L(S)., Kelly,T. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). The Psychometric Properties of Automatic Thoughts and Irrational Beliefs Among Youth Internationally. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Carrozza, N. (S), Terjesen, M.D., Khuc, T(S)., & Eklund, K. (2016). Assessment of Child Behavior in Vietnam: An Effort in Standardization. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Terjesen, M.D., Gerardi, N. (S), Nicosia, V. (S), Nazarian, R. (S), Leibowitz,T. (S), & Hicks, A(S). (2016). Single-Case Methodology in Clinical Outcome Research (1994 – 2014). Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Sciutto, M.J., & Terjesen, M.D. (2016). Teachers’ Misconceptions of ADHD and Recommendations to Parents. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Denver, CO, August, 2016.

Dart, E.H., Radley, K.C., Fisher, A.J., Collins, T.A., Terjesen, M.D., & Hicks, A. (S) (2016).  Completion Latency and the Accuracy of Direct Behavior Ratings. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2016.

Balducci, C. (S), Terjesen, M.D., Stewart, C. (S), Singh, A. (S), Randel, J. (S), Lin, K. (S), Kelly, T. (S), Josephson, A. (S), & Hicks, A. (S). Assessing Social-Emotional Functioning Amongst Youth Internationally: Psychometrics of the CBRS. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2016.

Gerardi, N. (S), Nicosia, V. (S), Hicks, A. (S), Nazarian, R. (S), Leibowitz, T. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. Single-Case Design Research in School Psychology Journals. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2016    

DeMucci, J. (S) & Terjesen, M.D. (S). A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses of ADHD Interventions. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2016.

Terjesen, M.D., Balducci, C. (S), & Hicks, A. (S). Measuring Sleep Problems Among Youth Internationally: Methodology, Outcome, and Implications. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2016.

Pagirsky, M.S. (S), Gopin, C., Flye, B.L., Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Validating a Screening Instrument for Psychological Dysregulation in Adolescence. Poster presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy conference, Chicago, Il, November 2015.

Gerardi, N. (S), Vuolo, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Measuring the Knowledge and Misperceptions of Self-Injurious Behaviors Among School Psychology Students and Professionals. Poster presented at the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy conference, Chicago, Il, November 2015.

Gerardi, N. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Training of School Psychologists in Evidence-Based Practice for Depression: A Review of Course Syllabi. Poster presented at the SIG Meeting of the Association of behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, Chicago, Il, November 2015.

Gerardi, N. (S), Duke, D. (S), Duke, G. (S), Kambouras, M. (S), Opperman, M. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Psychotherapy Course Content in School Psychology Graduate Programs. Poster presented at the SIG Meeting of the Association of behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference, Chicago, Il, November 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Development of Measures for Social-Emotional Functioning among Vietnamese Youth: Implications for Educators, Psychologists, and Researchers. Keynote presented at the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) conference: Psychology for the wellness of school children.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Chair for the Symposium: Adaptation of Psychological Assessment of Children Internationally – Implications for Practice. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Balducci, C. (S), & Terjesen, M.D. (2015).  Measuring Sleep Problems Among Youth Internationally: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Paper presented as part of the symposium Adaptation of Psychological Assessment of Children Internationally – Implications for Practice at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Kelly, T. (S), Balducci, C. (S), Terjesen, M.D., & Josephson, A(S). Irrational Beliefs and Automatic Thoughts in Predicting Affect and Behavior Among Students Globally. Paper presented as part of the symposium Adaptation of Psychological Assessment of Children Internationally – Implications for Practice at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Chair for the Panel Discussion: Demonstration of Two Psychotherapy Approaches With One International Client. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Using Technology to Foster Connections in Education, Research, and Training around the World. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015).  Presidential Address: Going Back to School: Developing Education and School-Based Research Internationally. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. The Science of REBT: Current Status and Future Directions. Paper presented as part of the symposium: REBT in the 21st Century---Theoretical, Training, and Empirical Advances (DiGiuseppe, Chair). Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Terjesen, M.D. (2015). Chair for the symposia: School Psychology in Australia – Practice, Research, and Training. Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2015.

Koo, J. (S) & Terjesen, M. (2015).Current Practice of Music Therapy in School Settings and Implications for Training. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Lin, K. (S) , Balducci, C (S) , & Terjesen, M. (2015). Assessing Social-Emotional Functioning Amongst Youth Internationally: Psychometrics of the Conners Behavior Rating Scale. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Josephson, A. (S), Kelly, T. (S), Balducci, C.  (S) & Terjesen, M. (2015). Examining the Role of Irrational Beliefs and Automatic Thoughts in Predicting Affect and Behavior among Students Internationally. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Cheng, D. (S) & Terjesen, M. (2015). Impact of a State Bullying Law on School Psychologists. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Balducci, C. (S)  & Terjesen, M. (2015). The Prevalence of Bullying in Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.

Gerardi, N.  (S) , Vuolo, C. (S)  & Terjesen, M. (2015). School Psychologists' Knowledge and Misperceptions of Adolescent Self-Injury. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, February 2015.




Courses taught at St. John’s University

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Psychological Assessment
  • Adolescent Psychology

Graduate Courses:

  • Proseminar in School Psychology
  • Behavior Therapy
  • Psychoeducational Consultation
  • Interviewing and Counseling
  • School Psychology Internship Seminar