Beverly Greene

B.A., 1973, New York University, Psychology M.A., 1977, Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Clinical PsychologyPh.D., 1983, Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Clinical Psychology

Diplomate in Clinical Psychology
American Board of Professional Psychology


Area of Specialization
The role of institutionalized racism, sexism, heterosexism and other oppressive ideologies in the paradigms of psychology and practice of psychotherapy in organized mental health.

Understanding psychological resilience and vulnerability in socially marginalized people and their use in psychotherapy. 

Examining social privilege and marginalization via the development of multiple identity paradigms as more complex ways of understanding human identity. Using psychotherapy and psychological science to facilitate social justice.

Dr. Greene was awarded a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Derner Institute of Adelphi University, and was a Doctoral Fellow in Mental Retardation at the Mental Retardation Institute of New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York. She has served on the editorial boards of numerous scholarly journals and is the author of nearly 100 publications  in the psychological literature.  Nine of those publications have received national awards as significant contributions to the psychological literature on women, women of color, sexual minorities, African American women and families. She is the founding co-editor of the APA Div. 44 book series Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Issues.  She is also the recipient of numerous national awards that include the 1996 Outstanding Leadership Award from the APA Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns; 2000 APA Society for the Psychology of Women Heritage Award; 2003 APA Committee on Women in Psychology Distinguished Leadership Award;2004 Award for Distinguished Senior Career Contributions to Ethnic Minority Research(APA Division 45); 2005 Stanley Sue Award for Distinguished  Professional Contributions to Diversity in Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12); 2006  Helms Award for Scholarship and Mentoring (TC, Columbia Univ Cross Cultural Roundtable); 2006 Florence Halpern Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Clinical Psychology(APA Division 12); 2007  Distinguished Scientific Contributions to LGB Psychology Award (APA Division 44); 2007 Distinguished Career Award (Assn for Women in Psych); 2008 Carolyn Wood Sherif Award(APA Division 35); 2009 Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest Senior Career Award(APA).

A Fellow of 7 divisions of APA,(9,12,  she has served in many leadership positions in the association and currently serves on the Division 35 Executive Board, the Association’s  Policy and Planning Board and a representative of Division 44 to the APA Council of Representatives.

Professional Honors and Awards

2013   National Multicultural Conference Distinguished Elder Award

2013   American Psychological Association Presidential Citation      

2012 Oliva Espin Award for a Distinguished Scholarly Contribution onSocial Justice Concerns in Feminist Psychology. Assn for Women in Psychology  2

012   Jewish Women’s Caucus Award for Distinguished Scholarshipon Jewish Women. Assn for Women in Psychology

2011 American Psychological Association Presidential Citation

2010   Women of Color Psychologies Publication AwardAssn for Women in Psychology:

2010  Laura S. Brown Distinguished Contributions Award-Section onLesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns of the Society for thePsychology of Women. American Psychological Association.

2009   Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public InterestSenior Career Award.   American Psychological Association

2008   Carolyn Wood Sherif Award- Society for the Psychologyof Women. American Psychological Association. 

5/08   Outstanding Faculty Achievement Medal, St. John’s University

2007 Distinguished Career Achievement AwardAssn. For Women in  Psychology.

2007  Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender Psychology. Society for the Psychological StudyOf LGBT Issues(Division 44). American Psychological Assn.

2007    Dalmas Taylor Award-National Multicultural Conference & Summit

2006    Florence Halpern Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions toClinical Psychology. Society for Clinical Psychology(Div 12).American Psychological Association.

2006    16th Annual Janet Helms Award for Mentoring & Scholarship.Teacher’s College Winter Roundtable on Cross Cultural PsychologyTeacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, NY

2005    Stanley Sue Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions toDiversity in Clinical Psychology sponsored by the Society for ClinicalPsychology (Division 12). American Psychological Association.

2004    Distinguished Career Contributions to Research AwardSociety for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues(Div. 45)American Psychological Association.

8/03    Distinguished Leadership Award- Committee on Women in Psychology.American Psychological Association

2003   Cultural Impact Citation- Center for Intercultural Clinical PsychologyChicago School of Professional Psychology.

2002   Feminist Therapy Institute Founding Foremothers Award

2001   Distinguished Publication Award-Association for Women in Psychology

2000   Heritage Award- Society for the Psychology of Women(35)American Psychological Association.

2000 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award-Assn for Women in Psychology  

2000    Psychotherapy with Women Research Award-Society for the Psychology ofWomen. American Psychological Association(Div. 35). 

2000   Clinical Psychology MENTOR Award-Minority Education, Nurturing, Teaching, Organizational Advocacy and Research. Society for the Scientific Study of Clinical Psychology(Div 12) American Psychological Association.

2000   Clinical Psychology of Women Mentor Award-Society for the Scientific Study of Clinical Psychology(Div. 12)American Psychological Association, Section 4- Psychology of Women. 

2000   Outstanding Contributions to LGB Research Award:Georgia State Psychological Association, Division of Psychology of Human Sexual Orientations.  

1996   Outstanding Achievement Award- Committee on Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Concerns.American Psychological Association 

1996 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award, Div 35 APA      

1995 Distinguished Publication Award-Association for Women in Psychology 

1995 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award. Div 35   APA 

1995 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award-Assn for Women in Psychology

1992 Distinguished Professional Contributions to Ethnic Minority IssuesAwardSociety for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues(Div. 44). American Psychological Association 

1991 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award-Assn for Women in Psychology. 

Fellow, American Psychological Association
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (Div. 9)
Society for the Study of Clinical Psychology (Div 12)Division of Psychotherapy (Div. 29)
Society for the Psychology of Women (Div. 35)Division of Independent Practice (Div. 42)Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian ,Gay, Bisexual & Transgender PsychologySociety for the Study of Ethnic Minority IssuesDivision on Trauma Psychology (Div. 56). 

Greene, B.  (1985).  Considerations in the treatment of Black patients by white therapists. Psychotherapy,22,389-393.

Greene, B.  (1986).  When the therapist is white and the patient is Black: Considerations for psychotherapy in the feminist heterosexual and lesbian communities. Women & Therapy, 5,41-65.

Greene, B.  (1990).  What has gone before: The legacy of racism and sexism in the lives of Black mothers and daughters.  Women & Therapy-Diversity and complexity in feminist therapy,9,207-230.

Greene, B.  (1990). Sturdy bridges: The role of African American mothers in the socialization of African American children. Women & Therapy-Motherhood: Feminist perspectives, 10,205-225.

Greene, B.  (1993,Spring).  Psychotherapy with African American women: Integrating feminist and psychodynamic models. Journal of Training and Practice in Professional Psychology,7,#1,49-66. 

Greene, B.  (1993).  Human diversity in clinical psychology: Lesbian and gay sexual orientations. The Clinical Psychologist: Publication of the Division of Clinical
Psychology of the American Psychological Association,46,2,74-82.
Greene, B. (1994).Teaching ethics in psychotherapy. Women & Therapy,15(1),17-27. (Co-published in N. Gartrell (Ed.),  Bringing ethics alive: Feminist ethics in psychotherapy practice, New York: Haworth Press).

Greene, B.  (1994, April). Ethnic minority lesbians and gay men: Mental health and treatment issues. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology,62,2,243-251.
Greene, B.  & Pilowsky, D.  (1994). The abused and neglected foster child: Determinants of emotional conflict and oppositional behavior.  Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless,3,3,283-297.

Homma-True, R., Greene, B., Lopez, S., & Trimble, J.  (1993). Ethnocultural diversity in clinical psychology.  The Clinical Psychologist, 46,2,50-63.

Hall, R.L., & Greene, B. (1994). Cultural diversity in feminist family therapy: An ethical mandate. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy,6,3,5-28.
Greene, B. (1995, Summer). African American Families: A legacy of vulnerability and resilience. National Forum: Phi Kappa Phi Journal,75,3,26-29.

Greene, B. (1996). Psychotherapy with African American women: Considering diverse identities and societal barriers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences-Women & Mental Health,789,191-210.

Hall, R. L., & Greene, B. (1996). The sins of omission and commission: Women, psychotherapy and the psychological literature. Women & Therapy, 18,1,5-31. 

Greene, B., & Boyd-Franklin, N. (1996). African American lesbian couples: Ethnocultural considerations in psychotherapy. Women & Therapy,19,3,53-64.

Greene, B. (1997).  Lesbian women of color: Triple jeopardy. Journal of Lesbian
Studies-Special issue: Classics in Lesbian Studies,1,1,49-60.

Greene, B. (June,1997). Psychotherapy with African American women: Integrating Feminist and psychodynamic models. Journal of Smith College Studies in Social Work-Theoretical, Research, Practice and Educational Perspectives for Understanding and Working with African American clients, 67,3,299-322. 1995 Psychotherapy With Women Research Award.

Greene, B.  (2000). African American Lesbian and Bisexual Women.  Journal of Social Issues-Journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues of the American Psychological Association:  Women’s Sexualities: Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender,56,2,239-249.

Trotman, F., Greene, B., & Pressley,A. (2001, Summer).  African Americans and the Independent Practice of Psychotherapy: Factors Affecting Access to Clinical Services. The Independent Practitioner: Bulletin of the Psychologists in Independent Practice of the American Psychological Association, 21,3,140-153. 

Hall, R. L. & Greene, B. (2002). Not Any One Thing: The complex legacy of social class on African American Lesbians’ Relationships.  Journal of Lesbian Studies,6,1,65-74.

Greene, B. (2002,Summer).  Heterosexism and Internalized Racism Among African Americans: The Connections and Considerations for African American Lesbians and Bisexual Women.  A Clinical Psychological Perspective. Rutgers  University Law Review,54,4 LatCrit Symposium VI,931-957. (Published summer 2003)

Greene, B. (2004).  African American Lesbians and other Culturally Diverse People in
Psychodynamic Psychotherapies: Useful Paradigm or Oxymoron? Journal of Lesbian Studies-Lesbians, Feminism and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave,8,1/2,57-77.

Greene, B. (2005, Dec.).  Psychology, Cultural Diversity & Social Justice: Beyond heterosexism and across the cultural divide. Invited paper. Journal of Counseling Psychology Quarterly,18,4,295-306.

Barrett, S.E. with Chin, J.L., Comas-Diaz, L., Espin, O., Greene, B., & McGoldrick, M. (2005).  Multicultural Feminist Therapy: Theory in Context. Women & Therapy,28,3/4,27-61.

Greene, B. (in progress). Trojan Horses, Trojan Women & Social Justice: Moving From Symbolism to Structural Change.  2008 Carolyn Wood Sherif Award Invited Address. Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Greene, B. (2009, November). The Use and Abuse of Religious Beliefs in Dividing and Conquering Between Socially Marginalized Groups: The Same Sex Marriage Debate. 2009 Senior Career Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest Award Invited Address & Publication.  American Psychologist 64,8. 

Professional Newsletters, Magazines, Non-refereed Journals
Greene, B.  (1990, December).  African American lesbians: The role of family and culture.  B & G Magazine, 6;26.

Greene, B.  (1992, May).  Racism and anti-semitism: An African American feminist perspective.  Catalogue of the Black International Cinema-Berlin(pp. 9-15, English; pp. 17-22, German).  Berlin, Germany

Greene, B.  (1992, Summer).  African American women: The burden of racism and sexism.  American Family Therapy Academy Newsletter, 48, 20-23.

Greene, B.  (1993, Winter).  Psychotherapy with African American women.  Focus: Notes from the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues of the American Psychological Association, 7,8.

Greene, B. (1993, Winter).Psychotherapy with African American women: The interface of race and gender, excerpts. Cultural Impact: Newsletter of the Center for Intercultural Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Professional  Psychology, 1,3.

Greene, B. (Ed.). (in progress). Phenomenal Women: Psychological Resilience & Vulnerability in High Achieving Black Women.

Greene, B. & Brodbar, D. (Eds.).(in press).  A Minyan of Women: Family Dynamics, Jewish Identities and psychotherapy practice.  London, UK: Routledge and as Women & Therapy: A Feminist Quarterly, 31,3/4  Special Journal Double Issue Spring 2010.
Greene,B.  (in progress)  Teaching Cultural Competence in Graduate Mental Health: A Handbook for Instructors. New York: NYU Press.

Greene, B. & Trotman, F. K. (in progress).  Tales from the Academic Plantation: Black Women Challenging Racism & Sexism in the Academy.

Pope, K. S., Sonne, J., & Greene, B. (2006). What Therapists Don’t Talk About and Why: Understanding taboos that hurt us and our clients.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Greene, B., & Croom, G. L. (Eds.). (2000).  Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay and bisexual issues Vol.  5: Education, Practice and Research in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Psychology: A Resource Manual.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Jackson, L.C., & Greene, B.  A.  (Eds.). (2000).  Psychotherapy with African American Women: Innovations in Psychodynamic Perspectives and Practice.  New York: Guilford Press.  2001 Distinguished Publication Award

Greene, B. (Ed.). (1997). Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues Vol. 3: Ethnic and cultural diversity among lesbians and gay men. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Greene, B., & Herek, G. (Eds.). (1994).  Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues Vol. 1: Lesbian and gay psychology- Theory, research and clinical applications.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Herek, G., & Greene, B. (Eds.).  (1995). Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues Vol. 2: AIDS, Identity and community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Comas-Diaz, L., & Greene, B.  (Eds.).  (1994).  Women of color: Integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford. Recipient of the 1995 Distinguished Publication Award; 1995 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award.

Nevid, J.S., Rathus, S.A., & Greene, B.  (1994-2006).  Abnormal Psychology in a changing world.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Nevid, J.S. , & Greene, B. (2000). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Book Chapters and Commentaries
Greene, B.  (1992).  Racial socialization as a tool in psychotherapy with African American children.  In L. Vargas & J. Koss-Chioino (Eds.), Working with culture:  Psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnic minority children and adolescents (pp. 63-81).  San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.

Greene, B. (1992).  Still here: A perspective on psychotherapy with African American women. In J. Chrisler & D. Howard (Eds.), New directions in feminist psychology: Practice, theory and research(pp. 13-25).  New York: Springer. 1991 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award

Greene, B.  (1992).  Black feminist psychotherapy.  In E. Wright (Ed.), Feminism and psychoanalysis: A critical dictionary(pp.34-35).  Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.

Greene, B.  (1993).  Stereotypes of African American sexuality: A commentary.  In S. Rathus, J. Nevid & L. Rathus-Fichner,  Human sexuality in a world of  diversity(pp. 257).  Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Greene, B.  (1994).  African American women: Derivatives of racism and sexism in psychotherapy.  In  E. Toback & B. Rosoff (Eds.), Genes & Gender Series Vol. 7- Challenging racism and sexism: Alternatives to genetic explanations(pp.122-139). New York:  Feminist Press.

Greene, B.  (1994). African American women. In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene (Eds.),  Women of color(pp.10-29). New York: Guilford.

Greene, B.  (1994).  Lesbian women of color.  In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene (Eds.), Women of color(pp. 389-427). New York: Guilford.

Comas-Diaz, L., & Greene, B.  (1994).  Women of color with professional status. In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene  (Eds.), Women of color(pp. 347-388).  New York: Guilford.

Greene, B. (1994).  Lesbian and gay sexual orientations: Implications for clinical training, practice and research. In B. Greene & G. Herek (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues Vol. 1-Lesbian and gay psychology: Theory, research and clinical applications (pp. 1-24). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Greene, B.  (1994). Diversity and difference: The issue of race in feminist therapy. In M. Pravder-Mirkin (Ed.),Women in context: Toward a feminist reconstruction of psychotherapy(pp. 333-351). New York: Guilford.

Greene, B. (1995). An African American perspective on racism and anti-semitism in feminist organizations.  In J. Adleman & G. Enguidanos (Eds.), Racism in the lives of women: Testimony, theory and guides to practice(pp. 303-313). New York: Haworth Press.

Greene, B.  (1995).  Institutional racism in the mental health professions.  In J. Adleman & G. Enguidanos  (Eds.), Racism in the lives of women: Testimony, theory and guides to practice(pp.113-125). New York: Haworth Press.

Biaggio, M. K., & Greene, B. (Section Eds.).(1995). Overlapping/Dual relationships. In E. Rave & C. Larsen (Eds.), Ethical decision making in therapy: Feminist approaches(pp. 88-123). New York: Guilford Press.

Greene, B. (1995). Lesbian couples. In K. Jay (Ed.), Dyke Life: From growing up to growing old-A celebration of the lesbian experience(pp.97-98;100-101;103-104;106).
New York: Basic Books.

Greene, B. (1995). Addressing racism, sexism and heterosexism in psychodynamic psychotherapy. In J. Glassgold & S. Iasenza (Eds.), Lesbians and psychoanalysis: Revolutions in theory and practice(pp. 145-159). New York: Free Press.

Greene, B.,& Boyd-Franklin, N. (1996). African American lesbians: Issues in couples therapy. In J. Laird and R.J. Green (Eds.), Lesbians and gay men in couples
and families: A handbook for therapists(pp.251-271). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.  1996 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award.

Greene, B. (1996) Lesbians and gay men of color: The legacy of ethnosexual mythologies in heterosexism.  In E. Rothblum & L. Bond (Eds.),  Preventing heterosexism and homophobia(pp.59-70).   Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Greene, B. (1997). Ethnic minority lesbians and gay men: Mental health and treatment issues. In B. Greene (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues Vol.3-Ethnic and cultural diversity among lesbians and gay men(pp.216-239). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Greene, B., & Sanchez, J. (1997).  Diversity: Advancing an inclusive feminist psychology. In J. Worell & N. Johnson (Eds.), New directions in education and training for feminist psychology practice(pp.173-202). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Greene, B. (1998).  Ethnic identity and family dynamics: African American lesbians and gay men.  In C. Patterson & A. D'Augelli (Eds.), Lesbian, gay and bisexual identity: Psychological research and social policy(pp.40-52). New York: Oxford University Press.

Greene, B.  (1998, Summer). Stereotypes and erroneous presumptions: Barriers to effective practice with  lesbian and gay patients of color.  Medical Encounter: A Publication of the American Academy on Physician and Patient-Special Issue, Medical Practice and Homophobia: Medical Consequences,14,2,15-17.

Greene, B.  (1998).  Sexual Orientation.  In M. Hersen &  A. Bellack (Eds.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology: Vol. 10-Sociocultural & Individual Differences (pp.207-232).  Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd.

Greene, B.  (2000).  Psychotherapy.  In B. Zimmerman (Ed.), The encyclopedia of lesbian and gay histories and cultures Vol. 1: Lesbian histories and cultures(pp.618-621).Garland Press of the Taylor Francis Group.

Greene, B.  (2000).  Beyond heterosexism and across the cultural divide: Developing an Inclusive Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Psychology.  A Look to the Future. In B.  Greene & G. L. Croom (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues Vol 5: Training, Practice and Research in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Psychology: A Resource Manual(pp.1-45). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Greene, B.  (2000). Gender, sex and culture: Gender and culture.  In A. E.  Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and  Oxford University Press.

Greene, B.  (2000). Homophobia.  In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press. 

Greene, B.  (2000).  Gender, sex and culture: Sex and culture.  In A. E.  Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press.

Greene, B., White, J.C., & Whitten, L. (2000).  Hair  texture, length and style: A metaphor in the African  American mother-daughter relationship. In L. Jackson & B. Greene(Eds.),  Psychotherapy with African American women: Innovations in Psychodynamic perspectives and practice(pp.166-193). New York: Guilford Publications.  2000 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award.

Greene, B.  (2000).  African American Lesbian and Bisexual Women in feminist-psychodynamic psychotherapy: Surviving and thriving between a rock and a hard place. In L. Jackson & B. Greene (Eds.), Psychotherapy with African American women: Innovations in Psychodynamic perspectives and practice(pp.82-125). New York: Guilford Publications.  2000 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award; 2000 Women of Color Psychologies Publication Award.

Greene, B.  (2002).  Older Lesbians Concerns in Psychotherapy: Beyond a footnote to the footnote.   In  F. Trotman & C. Brody (Eds.), Women therapists working with older women: Cross Cultural Family and End of Life Issues(pp.161-174).  New York: Springer.

Greene, B. (2002). Homophobia/Heterosexism Among African Americans: The Connection to Internalized Racism. Implications for African American Lesbians. In B. E. Hernandez-Truyol (Ed.), Moral Imperialism: A Critical Anthology(pp.78-96). New York: New York University Press.

Greene, B. (2003). Beyond Heterosexism and Across the Cultural Divide: Developing an Inclusive Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology-A Look to the Future.  Linda D. Garnets & Douglas C. Kimmel, (Eds.), Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences-2nd Edition(pp.357-400).  New York: Columbia University Press. (Reprint of previously published chapter).

Hall, R. L. & Greene, B. (2003). Contemporary African American Families: An Update at the Millennium.  In L. Silverstein & T. Goodrich(Eds.), Feminist Family Therapy: Empowerment and Social Locations(pp. 107-120). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Greene, B. (2003).  What difference does a difference make?: Societal privilege, disadvantage and discord in human relationships.  In J. Robinson &  L. James (Eds.), Diversity in Human Interactions: The Tapestry of America(pp.3-20).  New York: Oxford University Press.

Greene, B. (2003). Racism and Mental Health. In A. Banks, J. Henderson-Daniel, L. Slater (Eds.), The Complete Guide to Women’s Mental Health(pp. 190-193). Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Greene, B. (2003).  Women of Color and Relationships. In A. Banks, J. Henderson-Daniel, L. Slater(Eds.), The Complete Guide to Women’s Mental Health(pp.100-103).  Boston,  MA: Beacon Press.

Greene, B.(2006).  Ethical Considerations in Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men. In K.  Bieschke, R. Perez, &  K. DeBord, (Eds.), Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients 2nd Ed(pp.181-199).  Washington, DC: American Psychological Assn. Press.

Greene, B. (2006). African American Lesbians & Gay Men in Psychodynamic Psychotherapies.  In R. Moodley & S. Palmer (Ed.), Race, Culture and Psychotherapy: Critical Perspectives in Multicultural Practice(pp.163-176).  London, UK: Routledge.

Kimmel, D., Rose, T.,  Orel, N.  & Greene, B. (2006). Historical context for research on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender aging.  In D. Kimmel, T. Rose & N. Orgel (Eds.), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Aging(pp. 1-19). New York: Columbia University Press.

Greene, B. (2005).  Twenty first century challenges to multicultural practice: The personal is the professional is the political.  In J. Barnett (Ed.). Working with culturally diverse clients in practice: What every practitioner needs to know.  A Handbook.  APA Division 42 Publication.

Greene, B. (2006).  How Difference Makes a Difference: Social Privilege, Disadvantage and Multiple Identities. J.C. Muran, Ed. Dialogues on Difference: Studies in Diversity in the  Therapeutic Relationship(pp. 47-63). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Greene, B. (2006). Voices from the Margins: Multiple Identities in Clients, Therapists, and Theories. A Reply to Aron, Olson & Jenkins.  In J.C. Muran, (Ed.), Dialogues on Difference: Diversity Studies of the Therapeutic Relationship(pp. 78-81).  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Greene, B. (2007).  Ella Fitzgerald: The Singer’s Singer.  In E. Gavin, A. Clamar, & M. A. Siderits (Eds.), Women of Vision: Their psychology, circumstances and successes(pp 231-243).  New York: Springer Publications.

Baker, N. & Greene, B. (2007).  Lesbians and Leadership: Which comes first? In J. Chin, B. Lott, J. Rice, & J. Sanchez (Eds.), Women & Leadership: Transforming Visions and Diverse Voices. New York: Blackwell.

Greene, B., Miville, M. L., & Ferguson, A. D. (2007).  Lesbian & Bisexual women of Color, Racism, Heterosexism, Homophobia & Health: A Recommended Intervention And Research Agenda for Reducing Health Care Disparities. In B. Wallace (Ed.), From Health Inequity to Equity in Health: A New Global Approach to Health Disparities. New York: Springer Publications.

Greene, B. (2007, August). Lesbians and Gay men of color: Between the rock of ethnoracial identity and the hard place of heterosexism.  Overview.   Communique: Publication of the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs, Public Interest Directorate of the American Psychological Association, pp. III-VII.

Greene, B. (2007, August).  Homophobia/Heterosexism in Communities of Color. Communique: Publication of the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs, Public Interest Directorate of the American Psychological Association, pp.XXV-XXVIII.

Chisholm, J. & Greene, B. (2008).  Women of Color: Perspectives on Multiple Identities in Psychological Theory, Research, and Practice. In Denmark, F. & Paludi, M. (Eds.), Psychology of Women: A Handbook of issues and Theories(pp.40-69). Second Edition. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.

Greene, B. (2008).  African American Women, Spirituality and Psychotherapy:  The Use and Abuse of Religion/Spirituality.  In  C. Rayburn & L. Comas Diaz (Eds.).,  Woman Soul: Women & Spirituality.  Westport, CT: Praeger Publications.

Greene, B. (2008).  African American Lesbians and Gay Men.  In  H. Neville (Ed.)., The Psychology of African Americans: A Handbook.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Greene, B. (in press).  Intersectionality and Diversity in the Minyan: A Commentary. In  B. Greene & D. Brodbar (Eds.),  A Minyan of Women: Family dynamics, Jewish identity and psychotherapy practice.  London, UK: Routledge And as Women & Therapy, 31,3/4.

Greene, B. (2009). African American Lesbians and Gay Men: Life Between a Rock and A Hard Place. In H. A. Neville, B. M. Tynes, & S. O. Utsey (Eds.),Handbook of African American Psychology(pp.311-331). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

 Greene, B. (2010). Intersectionality and Complexity of Identity: How the Personal Shapes the Professional Psychotherapist. In B. Greene & D. Brodbar (Eds), A Minyan of Women: Family dynamics, Jewish Identity and Psychotherapy Practice. UK: Routledge. (Co published in a special issue of the journal: Women & Therapy, 33, ¾). 

Greene, B. (2011). Intersections of Multiple Identities and Multiple Marginalizations: Clinical and Paradigmatic Issues. In R. Nettles & R. Balter (Eds.), Multiple Minority Identities: Applications for Practice Research and Training(pp.81-91). Springer Publishing Co., New York. 

Greene, B. (2011). From Slave to Midwife: Healing in the Midst of Social Injustice. In L. Comas-Diaz & Weiner, M. B. (Eds.), Women Psychotherapists: Journeys in Healing(pp.57-72). New York: Jason Aronson. 

Spivey, P. B., & Greene, B. (in press). Gender Non conforming Black Male Children: Endangered, Misunderstood, & Mistreated. In K. Vaughans (Ed.),The Black Male Child. New York: Jason Aronson. 

Greene, B., Boyd-Franklin, N., & Spivey, P. (2013). Couples therapy with African American Lesbians and Gay Male Couples. In K. Helms & J. Carlson (Eds.), Love, Intimacy and the African American Couple. New York: Routledge. 

Greene, B. (2013). Lesbians of Color. In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene (Eds.), Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges and Opportunities. Westport, CT: Praeger Press. Trotman,

F. K., & Greene, B. (2013). Women of Color in Academia. In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene (Ed.), Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges & Opportunities. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.  


Greene, B. (1986). [Review of Contemporary perspectives on psychotherapy with lesbians and gay men]. Readings: A Journal of Review and Commentary in Mental Health, American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1 #4, 24. 

Greene, B. (1992,November). [Review of Women's mental health in Africa].Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews, American PsychologicalAssociation, 37,#11,1151-1152.    

Courses Taught at St. John’s University

Undergraduate Courses

  • Senior Seminar
  • Psychology of the African American Experience

Graduate Courses

  • Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology
  • Cultural Diversity in the Delivery of Psychological Services
  • Psychology of Women 
  • Second and Third year Doctoral Clinical Practicum Supervision