Nancy Colodny

Associate ProfessorDirector, M.A. Speech-Language Pathology

Dr. Colodny is an Associate Professor and Director, M.A. Speech-Language Pathology Program. She has been a full-time professor since 1997 and is a member of the Dysphagia Research Society as well as the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Special Interest Group 13: Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia). 

Dr. Colodny’s research and clinical interests are in the areas of dysphagia, adult neurogenics, geriatrics and medical speech-language pathology. 

Her students participate in academic service-learning (AS-L) through the Loving Spoonfuls Feeding Program.  Dr. Colodny also teaches a graduate-level AS-L/Global Studies course Management of Pediatric Dysphagia in a Developing Country (CSD 341) in Guatemala in which the students attend lectures and volunteer at an orphanage/ hospital with infants and children with special needs and complex medical issues. 

Colodny, N., Miller, L. & Faralli, M. (2015). The development of a feeding, swallowing and oral care program using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in an orphanage-hospital in Guatemala. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17:2, 127-137.

Colodny, N. (2008). Validation of the caregiver mealtime and dysphagia questionnaire (CMDQ). Dysphagia, 23: 47-58.

Keshishian, F., Colodny, N. & Boone, T. (2008). Pharmacist-patient and physician-patient communication: Patients' perceptions and opinions. Patient Education and Counseling, 71: 265-284.

Colodny, N., (2007).Determinants of noncompliance of Speech-Language Pathology recommendations among patients and caregivers. Perspectives on swallowing and swallowing disorders, (16), 20-24.

Colodny, N. (2005). Dysphagic independent feeders’ justifications for noncompliance with SLP recommendations.American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 14, 61-70.

Colodny, N. (2004). Pulse oximetry as an indicator for aspiration: The state of the art. Perspectives on swallowing and swallowing disorders, (4), 9-13.

Colodny, N. (2002) Interjudge and intrajudge reliabilities in fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) using the penetration-aspiration scale: A replication study. Dysphagia, 17, 308-31.

Colodny, N. (2001) The construction and validation of the mealtime and Dysphagia Questionnaire: An instrument designed to assess nursing staff reasons for noncompliance with SLP dysphagia and feeding recommendations.Dysphagia, 16, 263-271.

Colodny, N. (2001) Effects of age, gender, disease and multisystem involvement on oxygen saturation levels in dysphagic persons. Dysphagia, 16, 48-57.

Colodny, N. (2000) A comparison of dysphagics and nondysphagics on pulse oximetry during oral feeding.Dysphagia, 15, 68-73.

  • Dysphagia Theory & Practice (CSD 328). (graduate)
  • Motor Speech Disorders (CSD 312). (graduate)
  • Acquired Language Disorders (CSD 317). (graduate)
  • Adult Practicum Seminar (CSD 408). (graduate)
  • Communication Problems of Geriatric Persons (CSD 322). (graduate)
  • Management of Pediatric Dysphagia in a Developing Country (CSD 341) Summer Intersession. (graduate)