St. Johns Queens Campus Gate

Human Resources

If you are new to the University, we welcome you, and congratulate you on choosing St. John’s. If you are a current member of our community, you are already familiar with the unique environment that makes up St. John’s. The Office of Human Resources supports the University's Mission & Vision, Vincentian heritage, and Core Values, and its commitment to antiracism. We invite you to explore the Human Resources website, learn about our support for diversity and inclusion, find ways to engage with employees and students, and to contact a member of our team with any questions.

General Information
Office of Human Resources
The University Center, Suite C
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
Phone: 718-990-1865
Fax: 718-990-5887

View our staff organization chart

Human Resources

St. Johns Queens Campus Gate

Human Resources Policy Manual

A comprehensive guide to University-wide employment-related policies that apply to St. John’s University administrators and staff.

Top of St. Augustine Building

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St. John’s University educates leaders for today’s global society through quality academics, high-tech resources and an expanding international presence.

Exterior shot of the D"Angelo Center building

Office of Human Resources Antiracism Statement

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Human Resources located?
The Office of Human Resources is located in University Center, Queens campus.

Where can I find open positions?
You may find open positions updated weekly by clicking on the Recruitment landing page.

What are the office hours at Human Resources?
Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

How do I view or change my address, emergency contact, phone and other personal information in my Banner profile?
In New UIS Experience, under the Employee card click on My Profile. Here you can view and modify your Personal Details such as phone numbers, addresses (campus, mailing, and permanent) and emergency contacts.

If you need to change your St. John’s email address, contact the Payroll department at 718-990-1865 (press 1) to have your name updated in Banner.

If you need to make a change to your assigned department, your supervisor must contact Human Resources Services at 718-990-1865 (press 7) requesting the change.

What should I do if I cannot login to the University Information System (UIS)?
Go to and click on the IT Support application.

How do I request an employment verification?
The University partners with CCC Verify to complete verification of employment requests. Current and former employees, and verifiers/employers can find instructions on our website: Employment Verification and in HR policy #121.

The Benefits FAQs are linked here as a .pdf document, as well as on the Employee Benefits webpage.

How do I find out my title, grade and salary range?
Have a discussion with your supervisor or manager.  He/she has this information and it can be shared with you.  If your supervisor or manager does not have the information, ask him/her to contact the Compensation Department.

What forms do I need to complete to request new positions, process salary changes, and make other personnel changes?
Use the following forms, which are accessible online, for the personnel and salary actions listed:

  • NOV (Notice of Vacancy Form)
    Vacant Position
    New Position
  • PCF (Personnel Change Form)
    Title/Grade Changes
    Salary Adjustments, Promotions
    Department and Budget Code Changes
    New Hire

These forms should be sent to your department’s Human Resources Services Director. If you are unsure as to whom that is, please call 718-990-1502 for assistance.

What is a Position Description?
A summary of the most important and essential functions of the job.

How do I prepare a Position Description?
A Position Description template is available for direct input on the HR Forms web page.  Once you complete the template, you can send it in electronic form and/or print out the description.  If you require assistance to complete the position description, please contact the Compensation Office or the Human Resources Services area at ext. 1502.

What is a Position Evaluation?
The Compensation Office performs an evaluation by researching and compiling data to determine market value of internal positions.

When should a supervisor request a Position Evaluation from Human Resources?
Position evaluations should be requested from HR for the following reasons:

  • Job responsibilities have significantly changed in a current position.
  • You wish to upgrade/downgrade a vacant existing position.
  • You wish to promote an employee.
  • You wish to establish a new position.
  • Reorganization within a department/unit

Important: Before a supervisor requests a position evaluation, the supervisor should obtain prior approval from his/her Vice President to ensure there is support for such request.

How do I request a position evaluation?

  • Contact your Human Resources Services Director. If you are unsure as to whom that is, please contact 718-990-1502 for assistance.
  • Provide the position description and any supporting documentation you may have. For example, the following items are very helpful in conducting evaluations:
    • Organization Chart
    • Professional Compensation Study
    • Background/History
  • The Compensation Office will conduct a position evaluation and provide you with our findings and recommendation.
  • Submit a Personnel Change Form (PCF) to the Human Resources Services Department once you receive department approval.
  • Notify the employee only after you have received the proper approvals.

What factors are considered during a position evaluation?
Positions are evaluated using any combination of:

  • Market Data
  • Published survey data
  • Informal telephone surveys
  • Online survey data
  • Internal Data
  • Review of similar positions within department and organization
  • Job Content
  • Responsibilities, skills, experience level, reporting relationship, etc.
  • Position Description Review
  • Knowledge, experience, complexity, impact, communication with others, direction/supervision of others, privy to confidential information
  • Please refer to Compensation Policy #302 (Job Evaluation) in the HR Policy Manual for additional details.

What types of compensation programs are available to administrators and staff? 
There are three programs through which administrators and staff may receive merit increases and other recognition rewards, all of which are processed through the Compensation Department:

  • Merit increases are awarded based upon an employee’s job performance, as outlined in the Partnership for Performance (PFP) program.  To be eligible, an employee’s performance must meet or exceed expectations.  Other factors that influence the merit increase allocation may include internal equity and salary positioning within the current salary range.  Merit increase budget considerations include the University’s overall performance (student enrollment & financial condition) and benchmarking of peer schools. Please refer to Policy #303 (Merit Review) in the HR Policy Manual for additional details.
  • Exceptional Performance Awards (EPA) are designed to reward exceptional performance displayed throughout the year, encourage on-going exceptional performance levels by an individual, retain outstanding talent, and encourage support of institutional goals. This program is intended for the top 25% of the University’s high performers. Merit increases and EPAs are generally awarded each year during October.  The EPA Recommendation form is available on the HR Forms web page. Please refer to Policy #305 (Exceptional Performance Awards) in the HR Policy Manual for additional details.

Special Recognition Awards (SRA) are designed to immediately acknowledge and reward an employee or group of employees for “special” accomplishment(s) achieved, inspire others to put forth effort above and beyond the normal job duties, and encourage employees to support and advance institutional goals. These awards typically take the form of cash, and an employee may earn more than one SRA per year.  To be eligible, employees must be meeting job expectations as defined in the Partnership for Performance process.  Awards are tiered based upon the impact level and reflection of institutional goals and values.  Forms are available on the HR Forms web page.  Please refer to Policy #304 (Special Recognition Awards) in the HR Policy Manual for additional details.

What is Equal Opportunity and Compliance? 
Equal Opportunity and Compliance is the department within Human Resources that enforces the University’s Policy against Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment (Policy #704).  The Policy is intended to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination and harassment.

Equal Opportunity and Compliance also handles all immigration matters for our employees both locally and abroad and ensures employment compliance for international sites.  In addition, the department facilitates the relationship with our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a benefit that provides free, confidential assistance to employees experiencing personal issues affecting their work performance.  Moreover, the department is responsible for risk mitigation through ongoing training, communications, internal audits, and proactive adherence to federal, state and local laws and regulations, including oversight for University-wide Title IX compliance. 

Where can I find the University's Policy against Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment (Policy # 704)?
This policy can be found in the Employee Handbook, in the Human Resources Policy Manual, in the Student Handbook, and is also linked on the Equal Opportunity and Compliance page of the Human Resources Web site.

Policy #704 prohibits “legally protected” status from discrimination and harassment. What if I’m feeling harassed or uncomfortable, but I’m not sure if it’s based on a “legally protected” status? 
You should raise any behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or harassed. A subsequent investigation may find that the behavior isn’t addressed in policy #704 as harassment or discrimination, but is still problematic behavior and not tolerated on our campus. Such behavior may be addressed by your immediate supervisor, department head, faculty department Chair or Dean, Dean of Student Life or member of HR Services, as appropriate.

What should I do if I have a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment?
The University’s Policy against Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment (Policy #704) addresses ways to report a complaint. You can also complete the online complaint form available at or contact the Equal Opportunity and Compliance office directly at 718-990-1865 (press 4).

I’m not ready to discuss this; can I wait a while?
You decide when you are ready to discuss the incident or behavior that is making you uncomfortable. The sooner you raise your concern and address the situation, however, the easier it will be to resolve it.

Do I have to try to stop the behavior myself, first?
If you are comfortable speaking to the individual whose behavior is offensive, of course you may do so. Many people don’t realize that their behavior, jokes or comments are offensive and will stop it and even apologize!  If speaking to an individual doesn’t stop the behavior, or if you don’t feel comfortable approaching the individual (or group of individuals), then seek help from Equal Opportunity and Compliance.

How will I know that anyone will believe me if I speak up?
Good faith complaints are looked into to determine the facts. Remember that anyone raising a concern or filing a complaint is protected by law from retaliation.

What can I expect when I contact Equal Opportunity and Compliance? 
Contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation. We normally set aside an hour to speak with you. When you visit us, we will ask you to describe your situation and your view of what happened.

Equal Opportunity and Compliance is available to provide guidance and will keep information received in consultation confidential to the fullest extent possible and as allowed by law.  Discretion will be used by Equal Opportunity and Compliance staff in communicating sensitive information and individuals receiving the information will be urged to use discretion in order to protect the person who reported the situation to the fullest extent possible.

Retaliation against any person who reports a situation that is then referred for investigation is prohibited and will not be tolerated.  Acts of retaliation should be reported to Equal Opportunity and Compliance immediately.  For more information about the bias reporting process, click here.

What is the Employee Assistance Program?
The EAP is a free, confidential benefit designed to help full-time faculty, administrators and staff and their household or family members handle life’s challenges successfully – from routine concerns to major crises.  Our EAP is a holistic life service with something for everyone - from traditional counseling for personal stress to legal and financial consultation, to referrals related to caregiving, substance abuse, adoption services, and everyday needs.  For more information, visit Work-Life Programs on the Human Resources website, or go directly to Corporate Counseling Associates, our EAP service provider at (login with company code: STJOHNS).

How can I get in touch with an EAP counselor?
Professionals who work for Corporate Counseling Associates, our service-provider, are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by calling the help line at (800) 833-8707.  In-person counseling can be scheduled at convenient locations locally and nationwide. All appointments with a counselor must be made in advance by calling the help line or using the website at (login with company code: STJOHNS).  All meetings with a professional counselor are confidential.


How can HR Services help me?

As Human Resources generalists, the HR Services (HRS) team is the principal point of contact for employees throughout their life cycle at St. John’s University. HRS provides guidance and support to managers and employees to facilitate positive work relations, address a variety of issues within departments, such as performance, staffing, employee engagement, workflow, conflict, etc., and put plans in place to improve conditions and enhance service levels. 

In collaboration with leadership, HRS focuses on the University’s priority of retaining talent. By combining workforce analyses with the outcomes of interviews we conduct with current and departing employees, the HRS team assesses and aims to anticipate employees’ needs and challenges and partner effectively with managers to support workforce demands and changes. 

The HR Services frequently asked questions are currently under review. Visit Human Resources Services on the web for information on assistance available for managers and employees.

You can find Payroll, W-2 and Timesheet frequently asked questions on the Payroll and HRIS webpage.

Where can I find out about University policies that affect my employment?
The Human Resources Policy Manual for Staff and Administrators is online is the supervisor's resource for policy information. The Employee Handbook is a practical reference guide that contains the policy summaries and employment information that pertain to all University staff and administrators. 

What information is in the HR Policy Manual?
The manual contains policy information for administrators and staff in the following areas: Employment; Employee Training, Development, and Performance Management; Compensation; Time Off; Leave; Benefits; Employee Relations; Work Environment; Information Technology; and Operating/Administrative policies. 

Are Tuition Remission Benefits taxable? 
Please refer to the following policies 608A, 608AA, 608B and 608-BB. In addition, this link to Frequently Asked Questions sheet can answer most questions about taxable tuition benefits. 

I am a faculty member; does the Human Resources Policy Manual apply to me?
No. The manual was written primarily for staff and administrators. There are some policies in the manual, however, that also apply to faculty, such as the Policy against Bias, Discrimination and Harassment. The “Scope” at the beginning of each policy identifies who is covered. For HR policies that apply specifically to faculty members, expand the Faculty Policies tab at the bottom of the policy page. If you are a faculty member who supervises administrative or staff employees, you should familiarize yourself with all the policies in the Manual for staff and administrators, not just the faculty policies. 

How are employees notified of new policies or policy updates?
The Office of Human Resources updates existing policies and develops new policies year round and posts them to the HR Policy Manual. Once an update or new policy has been approved, it is posted to the HR Policy Manual online, and can be easily referenced from the Recent Policy Updates tab located at the bottom of the page. New policies and significant policy updates are also communicated directly to employees via email blast. The Employee Handbook online is updated regularly to reflect current policies and related employment information.

What is the role of the Policy Review Committee and who are the members?
The Policy Review Committee represents broad University leadership, and includes the following members: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Executive Vice President for Mission; Vice President for Business Affairs, CFO and Treasurer; Vice President for Administration, Secretary and General Counsel; AVP for Human Resources; Vice President of Equity and Inclusion; Vice President for Advancement and University Relations; Director of Equal Opportunity, Compliance and Title IX; Director of Human Resources Services; and Manager of Policy Development and Employee Communications. The Committee's purpose is to review and approve University policies affecting administrators and staff for inclusion in the Human Resources Policy Manual. The Committee is also involved in policy development efforts and policy revisions.

Do the online HR Policy Manual and Employee Handbook replace the hard copy versions?
Yes. The online resources contain the most comprehensive and current policies that apply to staff and administrators. Please discard old hard copies or return them to the Office of Human Resources.

What do I do if I have questions about something that is written in the Human Resources Policy Manual?
A “Responsible Office” is designated in the header of each policy. The office identified is responsible for administering that policy, and is the one you should contact if you have questions. General questions can be directed to HR Services at 718-990-1502.

Who do I contact to suggest a new policy or policy revision or if I find an error?
You are encouraged to discuss suggestions with your supervisor first. He or she may have valuable thoughts and input. You can also contact the office responsible for such a policy. If you notice an error in a policy, please contact HR Services at 718-990-1502.

Who do I contact if I disagree with a policy?
You are encouraged to discuss your disagreement with your supervisor first. If you do not feel that you have been able to resolve your issues in this way, you should follow the procedures listed in the Complaint Resolution policy, #701.

What is a Training and Development certificate and how will earning a certificate benefit me?
The St. John's Office of Human Resources provides employees with significant professional development enhancement through three Training and Development certificate programs. The programs consist of a curriculum of Core and Elective workshops that employees must complete in order to graduate. At a special graduation ceremony held every two years, employees who have successfully completed the requirements of a certificate program are formally recognized and awarded a framed Certificate of Completion and a personalized plaque.

The three program tracks include a Professional Development Certificate for staff and administrators, a Management Development Certificate for managers and a Continuing Education Certificate for any manager, administrator, or staff member who has completed the requirements of the other two certificates.  The certificate programs support the University’s strategic goal to build an organization of strong leaders where faculty, administrators and staff are enabled, motivated and engaged. The programs also directly support the Development Plan component of the University’s performance management system by creating a clear path for professional growth for each employee.

How a Certificate Program Can Benefit You:

  • Build skills and knowledge to use in your current and future jobs
  • Enhance your credentials and your resume
  • Have a ready-made Development Plan
  • Network with colleagues in other departments and campuses
  • Attend free courses during regular business hours
  • Receive a framed Certificate of Completion to proudly display
  • Enjoy the excitement and rewards of life-long learning

Management Development Certificate
This certificate is for administrators whose primary responsibility is managing a St. John’s University function and supervising staff and/or administrators. Supervisors must complete the University Core, the Management Development Core, and at least 6 Electives. Refer to the Certificate Programs listed on the Training and Development web page for a list of the required workshops.

Professional Development Certificate - (see page 2 of the document)
This certificate is for full- and part-time staff and non-supervisory administrators. Eligible employees must complete the University Core, the Professional Development Core, and at least 8 Electives.  Refer to the Certificate Programs listed on the Training and Development web page for a list of the required workshops.


Continuing Education Certificate

This certificate is available to any manager, administrator, or staff member who has already completed a professional or management development certificate.  Eligible employees and managers must complete the 8 core workshops and 6 electives.   Refer to the Continuing Education Certificate listed on the Training and Development web page for a list of the required workshops.


How can I check my training profile to determine if I’m eligible to receive a certificate?

  1. Log in to, and click on UIS.
  2. Click on Employee Tab
  3. Scroll down and click on Employee Workshops
  4. Click on HR Employee Training
  5. Click on Training Profile (upper-right side of screen)
  6. Compare your current progress with the requirements of the Certificate that you are pursuing

What do I do if my Training Profile is not up-to-date?
You may email the Training Assistant at [email protected] or phone 718-990-2330.

May I receive a certificate even if I plan to leave the University?
As long as all the certificate requirements are met prior to your termination date, you may request to receive a certificate.  

Where can I find a list of open positions on the St. John’s University website?
Open positions are listed on the Recruitment page under our Apply for Jobs section. Potential applicants have the option of viewing Faculty or Administrative/Staff positions, and all current St. John’s employees should use the Internal Employee Career Portal. Visit Human Resources on the web and click on Recruitment to learn more.

What types of positions are posted?
Generally, all types of administrator and staff positions are posted as job openings become available. In addition, some faculty positions are also posted on our Recruitment website. There may be times when a position is not posted, which may occur when there is a need for specialized skills or when internal changes are taking place.

How often are the positions updated online?
Positions are added and removed as they are received and filled. To improve your chances of securing a position, check the site frequently.

How do I apply for a position posted online?
Instructions explaining how to apply are provided with each position posted. Positions may include a link for potential employees to apply online, or an e-mail address and mailbox so that potential applicants may send a cover letter and resume/CV. You should receive a reply acknowledging receipt of your submission. The reply does not guarantee that you will be contacted by the Recruitment function or hiring manager to be offered an interview. Only candidates that are being considered will be contacted.

What if I would like to send a resume for consideration for any open position?
Sending an unsolicited resume is not encouraged or recommended. We urge you to review the open positions and apply to those you feel fit your background, experience and skills.

Can I apply for multiple positions at the same time?
You may apply for multiple positions by following the instructions outlined for each specific position you have interest in, and there is no limit on the number of applications you can submit. Again, you are encouraged to be selective and focus on those open positions that are related to your experience, background and skills.

Does the University have any pre-employment requirements?
Certain positions may require testing in the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access) to determine the level of technical competence for a particular position. Additionally, any offer of employment is subject to receipt by St. John's University of satisfactory references, verification of employment and education. Newly hired candidates may find additional necessary paperwork on our HR Forms page (there is a section on the page for new hire paperwork).

Are there any internal transfer requirements for internal applicants?
Yes, for current St. John’s employees there are requirements related to time spent in your current position, whether you are within the new employee Orientation Period and your current performance level. For further information, refer to your Employee Handbook or see policy #124 in the HR Policy Manual.

From a hiring manager’s perspective, what should I do if I have an open position to fill?
If you are a St. John’s University hiring manager and have questions about the hiring process, you should visit the Recruitment page. A list of contact staff is located at the bottom of the page.

Where is the Student Employment office located?
Student Employment is located in the University Center on the Queens campus and is a function of the Office of Human Resources. For more information visit Student Employment on the web.

Where are student worker positions listed?
Open student worker positions are listed on the Job Posting section of our Student Employment pages. Be sure to read the Guide to Student Employment.

What do the different job categories mean?
Two types of student employment positions are available. Students may apply for Regular Student Worker or College Work-Study positions, depending on eligibility:

Regular Student Worker
These positions are funded by the employing department. Students who are not eligible for a work-study grant may apply for a Regular Student Worker position. However, there are relatively few positions available in this category. Academic progress is a requirement for continued eligibility.

College Work-Study
These positions are funded by the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program and grants are awarded to matriculated students, with special emphasis on full-time students with financial need. Academic progress is a requirement for continued eligibility. Students need to apply for a grant in order to be eligible for college work-study positions: see instructions to check your eligibility.

How often are student worker positions updated?
Student worker positions are added and removed as they are received and filled. However, many student worker opportunities become available at the beginning of the semester. To improve your chances of securing a position, check the site frequently and apply early.

Do I need prior work experience?
No prior experience is required for student employment. The available positions are designed to provide students with valuable learning experience and to help offset the cost of tuition and college expenses. As a student worker, you will gain basic skills in a variety of disciplines.

How do I apply for a job?
First, learn more by reading the Guide to Student Employment. Next, follow the four steps to apply provided on the Student Employment web page.

What do I do once I have been offered and have accepted a position?
Once you accept a position that is offered, you  must contact the Student Employment Manager to complete employment processing.  See below for contact information.

Do I have to apply for a position every year?
No, students do not need to re-apply every year if they remain in the same department. Students are eligible to transfer to a new department after one full semester of employment.

Can I keep my same position for all four years?
Students may be eligible to stay with the same department all four years; however, this is not a requirement and often depends on a student’s interests, as well as the department’s needs.

If I transfer to a new department, do I have to re-apply for employment?
If a student wishes to transfer, the student must apply online to a posted position, follow up with a resume to the hiring manager and have an interview with the department. Students must fill out a new employment application, which can be found by logging in to the Sign-On Portal and clicking on the New UIS Experience app, then go to the Student Employment page.

Do I need to fill out paperwork every year?
Students who receive college work-study need to reapply for their work-study award each year. A student’s FAFSA must be completed with the Student Financial Services Offices by early spring and the award will be posted to the student's UIS account under the Financial Aid tab. Once the student is awarded federal work-study, the student must complete a work-study Agreement. Freshman must sign the work-study agreement with the Office of Student Financial Services, while returning or continuing students can access and complete the work-study agreement by logging in to the Sign-On Portal and clicking on the New UIS Experience app.

If I am accepted into a study abroad program, do I have to re-apply for employment?
Students who wish to work while studying abroad must apply online to a posted position (available for the Rome and Paris campuses), follow up by sending a resume to the hiring manager, and interview with the department. Students must fill out a new employment application, located by logging in to the Sign-On Portal and clicking on the New UIS Experience app.

How do I get paid?
Student workers are required to submit hours worked to their supervisor via Web time entry. Students are on a bi-weekly pay schedule distributed by the St. John’s University Payroll Department.

What if I do not qualify for Work-Study and all Regular Student positions are filled?
The University Career Services provides employment resources to assist students in obtaining a job or an internship. Contact the University Career Services at 718-990-6375 or email [email protected].

What if I still have questions?
For more information, refer to the Guide to Student Employment brochure and the Student Worker Resource Guide. If you have any further questions, contact the Student Employment Office at 718-990-1865, press 3.

Office of Human Resources
The University Center, Suite C
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439

Monday through Thursday
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Fridays until 3:00 pm