
Collins College of Professional Studies Faculty Research Archive

Research conducted at The Collins College of Professional Studies has grown over the past few years. Below are different areas of research topics our faculty are exploring.

Boland-DeVito, Joyce, Esq. (School of Law) 

  • wrote a law review article, "Fashion(ing) a Political Statement: A Review of the Legal & Social Issues that Arise from Banned Political Clothing and Other Controversial Fashion Items in Light of the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky" was published in the Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal. Read more here.

Bukhari, Syed Ahmad Chan (Healthcare Informatics) 

  • Abbas, A., Mbouadeu, S. F., Keshtkar, F., DeBello, J., & Bukhari, S. A. C. (2022). Biomedical Scholarly Article Editing and Sharing using Holistic Semantic Uplifting Approach. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 35.
  • Mbouadeu, S. F., Abbas, A., Keshtkar, F., Wajahat, I., & Bukhari, S. A. C. (2022). A Sociotechnical Framework for Semantic Biomedical Content Authoring and Publishing. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 35.
  • has been awarded the Technological Innovation Award for significant advances in the processing and standardization of biomedical data as well as for demonstrating dedication and service to his profession. 
  • published "Nonclinical Features in Predictive Modeling of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Machine Learning Approach," Springer Link (March 2021). Click here to read the full article.
  • published "Detection and Prediction of Diabetes Using Data Mining: A Comprehensive Review," IEEE Xplore (February 2021). Click here to read the full article.
  • published "A Deep Learning Approach for COVID-19 8 Viral Pneumonia Screening with X-ray Images," ACM Digital Library (January 2021). Click here to read the full article.

Christoforou'sDr. Christoforos (Computer Science, Mathematics, and Science) 

  • wrote an article titled “Your Brain on the Movies: A Computational Approach for Predicting Box-office Performance from Viewer's Brain Responses to Movie Trailers” published in the top-tier, peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Neuroinformatics was featured in the Editor's Pick of the NMSBA's “Neuromarketing Year Book 2019” as one of the Most Impactful papers in the field. Click here to read the full publication:
  • is part of the multi-national team that was awarded a €142,000 research grant for the study of reading difficulties in children. Specifically, Dr. Christoforou served as co-principal investigator on the project "ReDI-Stance - Reading Difficulties Intervention: Scientific, Technological, and New Community Efforts". The project is funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation under the Competitive Program "Excellence Hubs" and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Funds. Link to the project announcement:
  • was the co-principal investigator of project which received a €142,000 grant from the EU Structural Funds Excellence: “ReDI-Stance: Reading difficulties intervention: Scientific, technological, and new community efforts.” Along with Dr. Fazel Keshtkar (Computer Science, Mathematics, and Science), he also received a $20,000 grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation to support their research, “Human-robot interaction: Comparing user’s perception to Alexa and Pepper- the humanoid robot."

Cozine, Keith (Criminal Justice and Homeland Security)

  • published No. 6 Using the Global Online Exchange to Enhance Cultural Intelligence in Future IC Workforces in the Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education (Volume 16 2023). Click here to read the full article.

Dick, Dr. Geoffrey (Computer Science, Mathematics, and Science)

  • published “Teaching Online: Creating Student Engagement,” CAIS (2021). Click here to read the full article.
  • published “Teaching and Learning Transformation in the Time of the Coronavirus Crisis,” Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (26 Dec 2020). Click here to read the full article.

Fondren, Elisabeth (Mass Communication)

Gibaldi, Dr. Carmine (Administration and Economics)

Ghazizadeh, Dr. Puya (Computer Science, Math, and Science)

  • 1-A. Ghazizadeh, P. Ghazizadeh, R. Mukkamala and S. Olariu, "Reasoning About Expected Job Completion Time in Dynamic Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 8279-8289, Aug. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3271291.
  • R. Florin, A. Ghazizadeh, P. Ghazizadeh, S. Olariu and D. C. Marinescu, "Enhancing Reliability and Availability through Redundancy in Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1061-1074, 1 July-Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2019.2905590.
  • R. Florin, P. Ghazizadeh, A. G. Zadeh, R. Mukkamala and S. Olariu, "A Tight Estimate of Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 721-734, 1 July-Sept. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2018.2834352.
  • R. Florin, A. Ghazi Zadeh, P. Ghazizadeh and S. Olariu, "Towards Approximating the Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 2045-2054, July 2018, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2710353.
  • R. Florin, P. Ghazizadeh, A. Ghazi Zadeh, S. El-Tawab and S. Olariu, "Reasoning About Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1762-1771, July 2017, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2620434.
  • P. Ghazizadeh, R. Florin, A. G. Zadeh and S. Olariu, "Reasoning About Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 751-761, March 2016, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2015.2486523.

Harte, Brian  (Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies)

  • Harte, B., & Romano, R. (2021). Violent Spectators: Enhanced Security as a Deterrent Against Extreme Stadium Violence. International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism/Hospitality, 22 (September), 1-25.
  • Harte, B., & Romano, R. (2022). Violent Spectators: Enhanced Security as a Deterrent Against Extreme Stadium Violence. In M. E. Korstanje, Tourism Safety and Security Just After COVID-19. Hauppauge, NY:  Nova Science Publishers.  doi:
  • received the Sam Houston State Publication Award for Outstanding Scholarship, awarded in conjunction with the Texas Probation Association, April 16, 2019.
  • received a Best Paper Award from the International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research (IOSSBR) at their virtual conference held from August 5 - 7 2020. Read more here.
  • received a TLS Innovation Design Award with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences at their conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, March 18, 2022. Read more here.

Hedlund, David (Sport Management)

  • Johnston, M., Naylor, M., Dickson, G., Hedlund, D. P., & Kellison, T. (2021).  Determinants of support and participation in a major sport event referendum. Sport Management Review, 24(1), 134-155. doi:
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2021). E-sports. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sport Management (pp. 166-169). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2021). Electronic Gaming. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sport Management (pp. 160-161). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (In Press).  Introduction to the “Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports.” Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports.
  • Goldman, M. M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2020). Rebooting Content: Broadcasting Sport & Esports to Homes During COVID-19. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(3), 370-380. doi:
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2019). Motivations to play eSports. In A. Andrade and S. Qiang (Eds.), eSports Guide (pp. 12-13).
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2019). Perspective: An interview with an Associate Professor. In J. E. Wells & M. Harrolle (Eds.), The business of esports: The wild wild west on fire (pp. 22-23). Tampa, FL: MGH Research.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2019). The motivations of esports players. In R. Rogers (Ed.), Understanding esports: An introduction to the global phenomenon (pp. 95-114). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.Hedlund, D. P. (2019, November). A call for more organized esport marketing research.  Presentation at the 2019 Sport Marketing Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2020). Comparing behaviors and intentions toward sports and esports. International Journal of Esports, 1(1),
  • Hedlund, D. P., Biscaia, R., & Leal, M. C. (2020). Classifying sport consumers: From casual to tribal fans. In C. L. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of research on the impact of fandom in society and consumerism (pp. 323-356). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Hedlund, D. P., & Howell, S. M. (2020). Sport Analytics. In D. P. S. Andrew, P. M. Pedersen, & C. D. McEvoy (Eds.), Research Methods and Design in Sport Management (2nd ed., pp. 294-318), Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Hedlund, D. P., & Naylor, M. E. (2020). Determinants impacting why college sports fans purchase merchandise. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 14(1), 17-35.
  • Hedlund, D. P., Fried, G., & Smith R. (2021). Esports Business Management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2021). A typology of esports players. Journal of Global Sport Management. doi:
  • Köse, H., Argan, M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2019, April). The influence of perceived fan orientation on satisfaction, loyalty and sport consumption behaviors. Presentation at the 2nd International Congress on Recreation and Sport Management in Bodrum, Turkey.
  • Köse, H., Argan, M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2020). The influence of perceived fan orientation on satisfaction, loyalty and sport consumption behaviors. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.
  • Mongeon, K., Hedlund, D. P., & Spalding, R. (2019).  Analytics in the sport industry. In P. M. Pederson & L. Thibault (Eds.), Contemporary Sport Management (6th ed., pp. 418-441), Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.
  • Published an article along with Mel Johnston, Ph. D.; Michael Naylor, Ph. D. Geoff Dickson, Ph. D.; and Timothy Kellison, Ph.D. (2021) "Determinants of Support and Participation in a Major Sport Event Referendum." Sport Management Review. Published online: 31 Mar 2021. Click here to read the article.

Iandoli, Luca (Associate Dean for Global Programs)

  • received a Best Paper Award from the Association for Information Systems at their Virtual Conference, AMCIS 2020, held from August 10 through 14. The paper and the presentation are both accessible at this link.
  • is the author of three publications that provide an overview of his research work on Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (2019). Read more here.

Ivan, Emese (Health and Human Services)

  • Ivan, E., & Nagy, E. (2019). Creating the global classroom: Is there a place for virtual academic collaboration? Journal of Global Awareness.
  • Kamyuka, D., & Ivan, E. (2019, July). Developing opportunities through legacy: Fallacy or reality. Presentation at 2019 Annual Sport Africa Conference in Dakar, Senegal
  • Pandev, A., & Ivan, E. (2019, May). Forgotten or not needed: Human talent across borders. Presentation at the 2019 Annual Conference of Global Awareness Society International in Marrakesh, Morocco.
  • Sinyutin, M. V., Ivan, E., Tewari, S., & Jin, J. (2019). Students’ attitude to doping practices in Russia, China, USA, and India. Journal of Sociological Research.

Keshtkar, Fazel (Computer Science, Math and Science)

  • Abbas, A., Mbouadeu, S. F., Keshtkar, F., DeBello, J., & Bukhari, S. A. C. (2022). Biomedical Scholarly Article Editing and Sharing using Holistic Semantic Uplifting Approach. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 35.
  • Mbouadeu, S. F., Abbas, A., Keshtkar, F., Wajahat, I., & Bukhari, S. A. C. (2022). A Sociotechnical Framework for Semantic Biomedical Content Authoring and Publishing. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 35.
  • Faizan Ahmed, Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari, Fazel Keshtkar: A Deep Learning Approach for COVID-19 8 Viral Pneumonia Screening with X-ray Images. Digit. Gov. Res. Pract. 2(2): 18:1-18:12 (2021) Doi:

Kim, Sungwon (Sport Management)

  • Kim, S., & Connaughton, D. P. (2021). How familiar are youth sport parents about state concussion legislation? Presentation at the 2021 SHAPE America National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • was recently honored by the Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA) with the 2021 Lori K. Miller SRLA Young Professional Award for his research seeking to improve interventions to reduce concussions among youth sport athletes.
  • published the article: Kim, S., & Connaughton, D. (2020). Youth Soccer Parents' Attitudes and Perceptions About Concussions. Journal of Adolescent Health. doi:
  • published the article: Kim, S., Connaughton, D., Sagas, M., & Ko, Y. (2020). Concussion Knowledge, Attitude, and Risk Management Practices of High School Girls’ Soccer Coaches. The Physical Educator, 77(5). doi:
  • studied the risk of concussion among young soccer athletes. Click here to read more about this important study.
  • Kim, S., & Connaughton, D. P. (2019, June). An examination of Florida high school girls’ soccer coaches’ concussion knowledge, attitude, and related risk management practices. Presentation at the North America Coach Development Summit at Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • Kim, S., Connaughton, D. P., & Sagas, M. (2019, October). An examination of concussion management practices in high school girls’ soccer. Presentation at the World Association for Sport Management Annual Conference in Santiago, Chile.
  • Kim, S., & Connaughton, D. (2020). Youth Soccer Parents' Attitudes and Perceptions About Concussions. Journal of Adolescent Health. doi:
  • Kim, S., Connaughton, D., Sagas, M., & Ko, Y. (2020). Concussion Knowledge, Attitude, and Risk Management Practices of High School Girls’ Soccer Coaches. The Physical Educator, 77(5). doi:

Merenda, April (Administration and Economics)

  • talks about her research on how travel will adapt post-pandemic on SJU Power Hour Episode 4, May 14, 2020. Listen here. Click here to view the full presentation on the research.
  • published an article in the June 2023 edition of Tourism Now titled Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: The Quest for Equilibrium: The Balance between Profitability and Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry. 

Monteiro, Basilio (Mass Communication)

  • Monteiro, Basilio G. (2023) "Ministrare Non Ministrari: Urgently Needed Servant Leaders," Journal of Vincentian Social Action: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 4. Click here to view the article.

Pack, Simon (Sport Management)

  • Jara-Pazmino, E. S., & Pack, S. M. (2022, June). International Student-athletes within the Collegiate Athletics Recruiting Process in the Post-Pandemic Era. Presentation at the 2022 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Jara-Pazmino, E. S., & Pack, S. M. (2022, March). NIL…but NOT for International Student-Athletes. Presentation at the College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) Conference in Columbia, South Carolina.
  • Corr, C., & Pack, S. (2022, February). The College Athlete Experience: Pedagogy to Aid Athlete Adjustment and Transition. Presentation at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Conference in Houston, Texas.
  • Bae, J., Won, D., Lee, C., & Pack, S. M. (2020). Adolescent participation in new sports: Extended theory of planned behavior. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(Supplement Issue 3), 2246-2252.
  • Pack, S. (2019). Grassroots Paralympic sport in Israel: The case of wheelchair curling. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 4(1), 18-30.
  • Pack, S. (2019). Sport management institutes and university-industry collaboration. Sport Management International Journal, 15(1), 15-32.
  • Pack, S. M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2020). Inclusion of electronic sport in the Olympic Games for the right (or wrong) reasons. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(3), 485-495. doi:
  • Pack, S., & Nemeth, A. (2020, June). Back to basics: Assessing the writing and communication skills of sport management interns. Poster presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference in San Diego, California.
  • Pack, S., & Peak, S. (2020, February). Using student advisory boards to enhance learning and program assessment in sport management. Presentation at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • Pack, S. M., & Peek, S. (2020). Engaging Students as Stakeholders through a Student Advisory Board. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 7(1), 74-81.  doi:
  • Rosenberg, J., & Pack, S. (2020, February). Using debate in the sport management classroom. Conference presentation at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • Won, D., Chiu, W., Bae, J. S., & Pack, S. (2019, May-June). Nike is just still doing it: Use of social media and application technology platforms to increase direct to consumer sales. Poster presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Pal, Dr. Ipshita (Health and Human Services)

  • received a $40,619 grant from the Society of Human Resource Management to support her research project, “National study of the changing workforce 2016.” Her paper, “Health effects of paid family leave: New evidence from New Jersey” was selected as a “Best Paper” at the Labor and Employment Relations Association Symposium in June 2018.

Palomba, Dr. Anthony (Mass Communication)

  • was honored as a Faculty Fellow at the annual meetings of the National Association of Television Programming Executives in Miami, FL, January, 2019.

Parikka, Dr. Tuija (Mass Communication)

Park, Seunghyun “Brian”(Administration and Economics / Hospitality Management)

  • Park, K., Jeon, H., & Park, S. B. (2022). Disability e-inclusion for accessible tourism websites. Current Issues in Tourism [SSCI, Impact factor: 7.578].
  • Park, S. B., Park, K., Park, J., & Back, R. M. (2021). Social media analytics in event marketing: Engaging marathon fans in Facebook communities. Event Management. 25(4), 329-345. Click here to read more.
  • published the research article: Song, S., Park, S. B., & Park, K. (2020). Thematic analysis of destination images for social media engagement marketing. Industrial Management & Data Systems [SCIE, Impact factor: 4.89]. Click here to read more.
  • published the research article: Ok, C. M., Park, K., Park, S. B., & Jeon, H. H. (2020). Event participation and advocacy: assessing the role of affective commitment and perceived benefits. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing [SSCI, Impact factor: 2.988], 37(1), 128-140. doi:10.1080/10548408.2020.1722783. Click here to read more.
  • Why does Disneyland bring us so much joy?  Are all traveler's emotions the same throughout the theme park? Dr. Park explores this topic as well as investigating consumer emotions on cruises, in restaurants, at theme parks and festivals, and on airlines. Click here to read more about his research on this fascinating topic!
  • published a research article along with Kwangsoo Park, Ph.D.; Chihyung "Michael" Ok, Ph.D.; and Hyelin "Lina" Kim, Ph.D. (2021). "Community Marathon Event Participation and Quality of Life." Sport Management Review. Published online: 03 Jun 2021. Click here to read more.

Rizzo, Michael A. (Mass Communication)

  • published "The Sacred Task Of Journalism Is Not for AI" (January 17th, 2024). Click here to read the full article.

Rogers, April  (Health and Human Services)

  • October 20-25, 2023, Dr. Rogers and CCPS student Tanzia Hassan presented a scientific abstract, “Physical and Mental Health among Blacks with OSA and Insomnia: Results from a Culturally Tailored Sleep Health Education Study” at World Sleep 2023 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Rogers, A., Blanc, J., Seixas, A., Nunes, J., Casimir, G., & Jean-Louis, G. (2021). 685 Sleep Latency, Pre and Peri-COVID-19 Experiences and PTSD Symptoms: Results from the NYU COVID-19 Mental Health Study. Sleep, 44(Suppl 2), A267. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • Jean-Louis, G., Seixas, A., Rogers, A. Blanc, J., Jin, P., Ravenell, J., & Ogedegbe, O. (2021). 473 Effectiveness of tailored peer-based sleep health education and social support in increasing home-based OSA screening among blacks. Sleep, 44(Supplement_2), A186-A187. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • Williams, E., Mullins, A., Bubu, O., Kam, K., Parekh, A., Rogers, A. (50%), Blanc, J., & Varga, A. (2021). 800 Similarities of Sleep Macrostructure in Cognitively Normal Elderly and Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Sleep, 44(Supplement_2), A311-A312. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC
  • Rogers, A . J., Kaplan, I., Chung, A., McFarlane, S. I., & Jean-Louis, G. (2020). Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk and Stroke among Blacks with Metabolic Syndrome: Results from Metabolic Syndrome Outcome (MetSO) Registry. International journal of clinical research & trials, 5(1). 143-148. (IPR)
  • Seixas, A. A., Moore, J., Chung, A., Robbins, R., Grandner, M., Rogers, A., ... & Jean-Louis, G. (2020). Benefits of Community-Based Approaches in Assessing and Addressing Sleep Health and Sleep-Related Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Precision and Personalized Population Health Approach. Current Hypertension Reports, 22(8), 1-18. (IPR)
  • Rogers, A. Seixas, A., Moore, J., Zizi, F., Williams, S., Gyamfi, L., & Jean-Louis, G. (2020). “Utilization of the ARES to Predict OSA Among Blacks Using Home-based WatchPat Recording”. In SLEEP* (Vol. 43, pp. A237-A238). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • Seixas, A., Jin, P., Liu, M., Nunes, J., Grandner, M., Rogers, A ,& Jean-Louis, G. (2020). “The Role of Sleep in Sex and Racial/ethnic Differences in 10-year CVD risk in the Sleep Heart Health Study: The use of Machine-Learning and Precision Insights to Understand Racial/ethnic and Sex Difference in Sleep-CVD Disparities”. In SLEEP*  (Vol. 43, pp. A403-A404). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • Williams, S., Seixas, A., Avirappattu, G., Robbins, R., Lough, L., Rogers, A., & Jean-Louis, G. (2020). “Modeling Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Hypertension Using Deep Learning Networks: Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data” In SLEEP* (Vol. 43, pp. A402-A402). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • Garcia, J., Moore, J., Payano, L., Rogers, A., Poke, P., Casimir, G., & Seixas, A. (2020). Relationship Between Emotional Distress and Sleep Duration Among Hispanics Using The 2018 National Health Interview Survey Dataset. SLEEP*, 43(Supplement_1), A419-A419. (IPR)
  • Lough, L., Seixas, A., Avirappattu, G., Robbins, R., Rogers, A., Williams, S., & Jean-Louis, G. (2020). “Assessing Sleep-related Hypertension Risk Using the Joint National Committee 8 and Guidelines: Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data”. In SLEEP* (Vol. 43, pp. A397-A397). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. (IPR)
  • A Chung, N Williams, R Robbins, A Seixas, A Rogers, N Chanko, D Chung, G Jean-Louis (2019). Community-Based Participatory Research Methods in Sleep Medicine: Lessons Learned. Sleep*, Volume 42, Issue Supplement_1, April 2019, Pages A399–A400. (IPR)
  • Rebecca Robbins, Ralph J J DiClemente, Andrea Troxel, David Rapoport, April Rogers, Tiffany Donley, Ricardo Osorio, Girardin Jean-Louis (2019). Examining Disparities in Sleep Health (Duration and Quality) Among Black and White Older Adults in the U.S: An Analysis from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS). Sleep*, Volume 42, Issue Supplement_1, April 2019, Page A278. (IPR)
  • Robbins, R., Senathirajah, Y., Williams, N. J., Hutchinson, C., Rapoport, D. M., Allegrante, J. P., Alwyn Cohall, April Rogers, Olugbenga Ogedegbe & Jean-Louis, G. (2018). Developing a Tailored Website for Promoting Awareness about Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Among Blacks in Community-Based Settings. Health communication, 1-9. (IPR)
  • Williams, NJ, Perlis M, Castor C, Barnes A, Chng A, Kalinoski J, Roseus J, Rogers A, Jean-Louis (2018). An Exploratory, Descriptive Study of African American’s Experiences of Insomnia Symptoms and Treatment. Sleep (41)    Supplemental 1, A 75-A76. (IPR)
  • Rogers A, Robbins, Senathirajah Y, Rapoport DM, Allegrante J, Ogedegbe G, Williams, Bademowski J, Chung A, Aird C, Jean-Louis. (2018). Designing a Community Engaged Intervention to address Sleep Apnea Health Disparities: The Tailored Approach to Sleep Health Education (TASHE). Sleep (41) Supplemental 1, A221. (IPR)
  • Chery K, Robbines R, Allegrante J, Rapoport DM, Rogers A, Williams N, Cohall A, Iqbal R, Pamer G, Seixas A, Butler M, Ogedegbe G, Jean-Louis. (2018). Preliminary Results for Exposure to Tailored Sleep Health Education and Readiness to Change Among Blacks at Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep (41) Supplemental 1, A216. (IPR)
  • Madhavaram S, Seixas A, Williams N, Kalinowskisi J, Rogers A , Williams S, Grandner M, Lean-Louis. (2018). Associations Between Self- Reported Sleep Durations and the New AHA/ACC High Blood Pressure Guidelines: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sleep (41) Supplemental 1, A327. (IPR)
  • Nwade C, Robbines R, Seixas A, Francis K, Cheru K, Champagne K, Roseus J, Madhavaram S, Rogers A, Miller M, Zizi F, Jean-Louis. (2018). Examining Daytime Sleepiness, Sleep Apnea, and Cognitive Decline in a 2-year Longitudinal Sample of Cognitively Normal Elderly. Sleep (41) Supplemental 1, A375. (IPR)
  • Rogers, A. J., Xia, K., Soe, K., Sexias, A., Sogade, F., Hutchinson, B., & Jean-Louis, G. (2017). Obstructive Sleep Apnea among Players in the National Football League: A Scoping Review. Journal of sleep disorders & therapy, 6(5). (IPR)
  • Jagannathan, R., Seixas, A., St-Jules, D., Jagannathan, L., Rogers, A., Hu, L., Sevick, M. A. (2017). Systems Biology Genetic Approach Identifies Serotonin Pathway as a Possible Target for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Results from a Literature Search Review. Sleep disorders, 2017. (IPR)
  • Nwakile Ojike, Joe Ravenell, Seixas Azizi, Alina Masters-Israilov, April Rogers, Girardin Jean-Louis, Gbenga Ogedegbe, Samy I. McFarlane. Racial disparity in Stroke Awareness in The US: an analysis of the 2014 National Health Interview Survey. Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology, 2016 April, 7(2), 365. PMCID: 4966617. (IPR)
  • Rogers A, Necola O, Sexias A, Luka A, Newsome V, Williams S, McFarlane S, Jean-Louis, G. Resistant Hypertension and Sleep Duration among Blacks with Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and Care, 2016 August 5:4. (IPR)
  • April Rogers, Joe Ravenell, Margret Donat, Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal,MSc, Samy I. McFarlane,  Girardin Jean-Louis. Predictive risk factor of OSA among blacks with metabolic syndrome. Journal of Obesity and Overweight 2015; 1(1-8). PMID: 26634227. (IPR)

Romano, Robert (Sport Management)

Schmeelk, Suzanna (Computer Science, Mathematics and Science) 

  • Dr. TrojaDr. Joan E. DeBello, Ph.D., Chairperson of the Division of Computer Science, Mathematics and Science, Dr. Suzanna SchmeelkProf. Denise Dragos, and Ms. Truong, had their paper, “Teaching effective Cybersecurity through Escape the Classroom Paradigm,” accepted in the 2021 IEEE flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society. Their research focused on the effectiveness and suitability of utilizing the Escape The Classroom (ETC) paradigm in order to gamify the cybersecurity and computer science lab assignments and to provide students with a fun, interesting, and rewarding experience while learning Cybersecurity through the appropriate Bloom taxonomy levels. The paper discussed their approach and highlighted challenges that faculty encounter while applying ETC towards the Cybersecurity curriculum.
  • gives a talk at Cornell-Q in Doha examining identity theft through the lens of medical record data breaches. Read more here.

Sorochinski, Dr. Marina (Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, and Homeland Security)

  • named the winner of the C. Edward Shaffer Award for Best Research Presentation for “The Weakest Link? Investigative Issues in Serial Sexual Assault that Lead to Wrongful Conviction for Single Crimes within a Series” at the 2021 Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Conference (2021). Click here to learn more about Dr. Sorochinski’s research in investigative psychology and social justice.

Spearman, Dr. Lequez (Sport Management)

  • Spearman, L. (2021). Keeping it real: Using interviews with professionals as realistic previews of the sports industry. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 1, 1-6.
  • Spearman, L. (2021, June). Fashion in Sneaker Reselling: How Sneaker Resellers Add Symbolic Value. Presentation at the Popular Culture Association Conference hosted online.
  • Spearman, L. (2021, September). Sneaky Links: How Sneaker Influencers Influence Production and Consumption. Presentation at the Popular Culture Association in the South Conference hosted online.
  • Spearman, L. (2022, April). Bar hopping: Barstool Sports’ Entry into Hip Hop. Presented at the Popular Culture Association Conference hosted online.
  • Spearman, L. (2022, April). Humanizing Sport Business: How Interviews with Sport Management Professionals Can Be Used in A Sport Sociology Classroom. Presentation at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference in Montreal, Quebec.
  • was awarded a St. John’s University Seed Grant/Venture Capital Grant Program of $4146 to support his proposal, “Bringing professionals to the Online Classroom.”
  • Spearman, L. (2019, November). Environmental Sustainability at NCAA Division III colleges and universities. Presentation at the North American Society for The Sociology of Sport Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • Spearman, L. (2020). Low hanging fruit: How sports talk radio hosts discuss racism. Communication & Sport. DOI:  10.1177/2167479520916800.
  • Spearman, L. (2020). Making pastel pop on dark skin: How fashion stylists dress Black NBA players. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55(7), 1-19.

Troja, Dr. Erald (Cyber Security Systems)

  • Dr. Erald Troja, coordinator of the Cybersecurity program and the Cybersecurity Center of Academic Excellence, along with Computer Science Associate Professor Dr. Nikhil Yadav and fourth year Cyber Security Systems student Laura M. Truong ’22CCPS, had their joint paper, “Personalized Outsourced Privacy-Preserving Database Updates for Crowd-Sensed Dynamic Spectrum Access” accepted for publication in the highly rated IEEE MELECON22 interdisciplinary international flagship conference.  The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from different fields of Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and Electrical Engineering.  Their paper contributes to the field of Cybersecurity by proposing and investigating novel cryptographic constructions to secure and protect the privacy of mobile user's locations which operate over Dynamic Spectrum Access networks
  • Dr. TrojaDr. Joan E. DeBello, Ph.D., Chairperson of the Division of Computer Science, Mathematics and Science, Dr. Suzanna SchmeelkProf. Denise Dragos, and Ms. Truong, had their paper, “Teaching effective Cybersecurity through Escape the Classroom Paradigm,” accepted in the 2021 IEEE flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society. Their research focused on the effectiveness and suitability of utilizing the Escape The Classroom (ETC) paradigm in order to gamify the cybersecurity and computer science lab assignments and to provide students with a fun, interesting, and rewarding experience while learning Cybersecurity through the appropriate Bloom taxonomy levels. The paper discussed their approach and highlighted challenges that faculty encounter while applying ETC towards the Cybersecurity curriculum.
  • along with several other CCPS faculty and students have been recognized for their research on Cyber Security. Click here to learn more about their important studies. 

Xu, Dr. Jie (Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies)

  • published in Published in Criminology & Public Policy 
  • received St. John’s University Seed Grant/Venture Capital Grant Program of $4500 to support her proposal,“Artificial intelligence for Urban Crime detection.”

Yadav, Dr. Nikhil (Computer Science, Mathematics, and Science)

  • Dr. Erald Troja, coordinator of the Cybersecurity program and the Cybersecurity Center of Academic Excellence, along with Computer Science Associate Professor Dr. Nikhil Yadav and fourth year Cyber Security Systems student Laura M. Truong ’22CCPS, had their joint paper, “Personalized Outsourced Privacy-Preserving Database Updates for Crowd-Sensed Dynamic Spectrum Access” accepted for publication in the highly rated IEEE MELECON22 interdisciplinary international flagship conference.  The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from different fields of Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and Electrical Engineering.  Their paper contributes to the field of Cybersecurity by proposing and investigating novel cryptographic constructions to secure and protect the privacy of mobile user's locations which operate over Dynamic Spectrum Access networks 
  • Along with Computer Science graduate student Christopher Singh, published and presented their research paper titled “An End-to-End Machine Learning Solution for Anxiety and Depressive Disorder Symptom Occurrence During COVID-19: A New York Case Study” at HICSS (The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences) 2022. This is a premier conference in Information Systems, the Sciences, and IT management. Their paper proposed a machine learning framework to study mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, and presented results linking negative social media sentiment to aggravated symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Dr. Yadav, Dr. Troja, and Ms. Truong had a second joint paper titled, "Machine Learning Architecture for Signature-Based IoT Intrusion Detection in Smart Energy Grids" also accepted in MELECON22.  The paper contributes to the field of AI in Cybersecurity by proposing an automated machine learning architecture for IoT enabled smart energy systems capable of deciding whether to generate rules for signature-based intrusion detection.
  • received NJ/NY Teaching Award for Computer Science Education. Peers nominate faculty in the New Jersey/New York area for outstanding teaching in Computer Science. The award was presented at the 6th Annual NY/NJ Conference of Computer Science Chairs at in Jersey City, NJ, in July 2018