Rev. William J. Barber II, D. Min.

The Institute for Vincentian Impact

The Institute for Vincentian Impact provides an organizational focus for a variety of programs where faculty and students can explore issues of poverty and social injustice.

The Institute for Vincentian Impact was created to more visibly embed St. John’s mission into the educational experience of its students.  The Institute houses the Ozanam Scholars, Academic Service- Learning (AS-L) and Vincentian Service and Social Justice.  Students are afforded the opportunity to connect course concepts, theoretical frameworks and current research in understanding the critical nature of the world around them. Faculty members are supported to pursue research at local agencies and guide students as research mentors.

To find out more about The Institute for Vincentian Impact, please contact us at 718-990-8331.

About The Institute for Vincentian Impact

Faculty Member Posing for Picture with Award

Faculty Research Consortium

The Vincentian Institute for Social Action was created to provide faculty and students with an academic platform to address issues of social injustice. Responsible for the academic integrity of the Institute is the Faculty Research Consortium (FRC).

Professor teaching in front of classroom

Academic Service - Learning

Academic service-learning at St. John’s University is a classroom/ experiential site- based program that involves students in community service that benefits the common (public) good. Service is used as a means of understanding course concepts and student reflections examine issues pertaining to social justice and civic responsibility.

Student working with children

Ozanam Scholars Program

Ozanam Scholars investigate and address real-world social justice issues, inspiring change throughout their college careers and beyond.