Vincentian in Tradition
We seek to instill in the University community a deep concern for the dignity of every person, especially the poor.
Vincentian service at St. John’s provides students with opportunities to engage in social and theological reflections allowing the participants to grow personally as well as spiritually.
Each day during the week, students, faculty, and staff are afforded the opportunity to engage in a variety of Vincentian service opportunities. We hope you join us in service of the elderly, the youth, or with those who are homeless or hungry.
We look forward to serving with you!
- Academic Service-Learning
- Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
- Hour Children
- Midnight Run
- Mobile Soup Kitchen
- Plunge Program
- Ronald McDonald House
- Rose Soup Kitchen
- St. Baldrick
- St. John's Bread and Life
- South Jamaica Infinity Garden
- University Service Day
- Zion Tabernacle Food Pantry
St. Vincent de Paul Society

In keeping with its Vincentian tradition, St. John’s University offers students opportunities that expand upon classroom learning and promote social justice. St. John’s seeks to instill in its students a deep concern for the rights and dignity of the human person, especially the poor. The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP), an international organization of lay persons, provides this opportunity. At the collegiate level, SVDP focuses on both direct and indirect service to help St. John's students and those they serve grow in faith. We highlight the need to apply Vincentian virtues to serve well and to respond to the question, "What must be done?" Additionally, service reflection keeps our members focused on the University’s Catholic and Vincentian mission.
Did you know: The St. John's chapter of the SVDP Society is the first collegiate chapter in the United States?
Contact Us
Sister Patricia Evanick DC
Campus Ministry Marillac Hall, Room 239
[email protected]