Minors and Double Majors


The following guidelines for minors have been approved by the Collins College of Professional Studies (St. Vincent’s College) Faculty Council:

a.     Minors are available only to students enrolled in baccalaureate programs.
b.     Students may choose from any of the undergraduate units of the University any available minor program which is clearly differentiated from their major area of concentration.
c.     Students may elect a minor after the completion of one semester of college, or 12-15 credits.
d.     Students must have the written permission of the Dean.
e.     Only one three-credit course may be used for both a major and minor provided that the minor sequence has at least eighteen credits. For minors with fewer than eighteen credits, no overlap is possible.
f.      The Pass/ Fail option is not available in the fulfillment of minor requirements.
g.     The successful completion of a minor (with a minimum index of 2.00) will be noted on the student’s transcript.
h.     Transfer credit cannot make up more than 50% of the minor.




15ADV 2100, ADV 2301, ADV 3400, ADV 3401 or ADV 3403, ADV 4500 (Note MKT 1001 is a pre-req for ADV 2100)
(ADSC) APPLIED DATA SCIENCE18MTH 1013, 1014, CUS 1119, CUS 1165, CUS 1179 plus 3 credits from MTH 1009 or MTH 1022
(AMH) AMERICAN MILITARY HISTORY21HIS 1000C, HIS 1018, HIS 1026, HIS 1041,1042  HIS 1043, and 3 credits chosen from HIS 1003, 1004, 1017, 1044
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE15CUS 1115, CUS 1116, CUS 1126, CUS 1174 and 3 credits from CUS 1177 or CUS 1179
*(BUS) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION18ACC 1007, 1008; BLW 1001 or 1005; MGT 1001, 1003 (ACC 1007 and ECO 1001, 1002 are pre-requisites); MKT 1001
(BUSL) BUSINESS LAW15BLW 1001, 1005 and 9 credits in electives from BLW 1015, 1020, 1025, 1030, 1040, 1050 or 6 credits from above and 3 credits from:   CRJ 3112, COM 2404, FAS 1055, JOU 1402, HLS 1002, HMT 1007, HSA 1011, HSA 1038, NET 1051, SPM 2001. NO OVERLAP BETWEEN MAJOR AND MINORS
(BTEC) BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY18CUS 1110, CUS 1115 and IT 1011 plus 3 credits from MGT 1000 or MGT 1001, ACC 1007 or ACC 2000 and 6 credits chosen from CSS 1001, HCI 1001, HCI 1002, NET 1011
(CAS) COMMUNICATION ARTS18COM 1001 plus 15 credits chosen from the offerings in advertising, communication arts, journalism, public relations, and television and film
*(CUS) COMPUTER SCIENCE18CUS 1115, 1116, 1126, 1156 and 6 additional credits from CUS 1162, 1163, 1165, 1166. (Students must also complete 6 credits in mathematics - usually required as part of the respective degree program.)
(COR) CORRECTIONAL COUNSELING1818 credits chosen from CRJ 2000, 2001, 2004, 3105, 3120, 3121, 5003, 5201; PSY 1003, 1005, 1007, 1008.
(CRT) COURT ADMINISTRATION18CRJ 2003 plus 15 credits chosen from CRJ 2000, 3112, 3114, 3116, 3120, 5002, 5200; CUS 1101; LES 1004; MGT 1001.
(CRM) CRIMINALISTICS18CRJ 2000, 3103, 5203, CRJ 3101, 3106, 4102
(CRJ) CRIMINAL JUSTICE18CRJ 2000 and 2001 and 12 credits selected from CRJ 2002, 2004, 3003, 3100, 3101, 3102, 3105, 3106, 3107, 3113, 3114, 3116, CSS 1021
(CYB) CYBER SECURITY SYSTEMS18CUS 1115, 1116, NET 1011, CSS 1005, 1011, DFR 1001
(DFR) DIGITAL FORENSICS18CSS 1005, DFR 1001, 1011 and 9 additional credits in DFR or CSS 1008.

DMD 1001, 2100, 3100, PHO 2100 and 3 credits from each list:

  • DMD 3100 or DMD 4100
  • ADV 3200 or COM 3282 or COM 3283 or any DMD elective



DRM 1200, 2200, 3200, 3300 4600 and 3 credits chosen from 2236, 2237

An audition is required before students may declare this minor*


6  credits ENT 1000, ENT 1001,

6 credits in ENT 1002,  ENT 1003 (MGT 1026), ACC 1007, BLW 1001, MKT 1001, ECO 1001

6 credits from any ENT elective

(EQI) EQUITY AND INCLUSION18I8 credits including 6 credits in HSC 1102, PSY 1019 and 12 credits chosen from COM 3101,COM, 3102, COM 3103, CRJ 3002, CRJ 3003, CRJ 3005, ENG 1077, ENG, 1079, ENG 1080, ENG, 1081, FAS 1096, HHS 3100, HIS 1018, HIS 1024 HMT 1040, HSC 1074, LAC 1000, LES 1112, MGT 1077, MGT 2002, MGT 2003, SPM 1003, SPM 1552,  SPM 4551, TVF 1511, THE 1050, THE 1056, THE 1060
(EVT) EVENT MANAGEMENT18 HMT 1000 or 1005; HMT 1030 or MGT 1001; HMT 1061 and 9 credits chosen from:  HMT 1000, 1003, 1005, 1025, 1030, 1050, 1065, 1070, 1071, 1073. (Any HMT course can be taken once student has completed MGT 1001.)
(FAS) FASHION STUDIES1515 credits including  from  any FAS elective except FAS 1090, 1091, and 1092 or [MGT 1000 or MGT 1001] NO OVERLAP BETWEEN MAJOR OR MINORS
(FIS) FASHION INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY18FAS 1083, 1084, ESP 2410 and 9 credits from FAS 1006, 1055, 1056, 1070, 1065, 1075, 1080, 1081, ESP 1010,  ESP/ANT 1120,  GDS 100, GDS 2000, GEO 2001, ITA 1390
(FST) FILM STUDIES1515 credits in TVF1200 & TVF1400 plus 9 credits from COM 2500, TVF1504-1512, TVF 3404, TVF 3405, (TVF 2201 or TVF 2202 or TVF2203 or TVF2204 or TVF2207), (TVF2302 TVF2303 or TVF 3303), (TVF 3200-3299 or TVF 4205)
(FAI) FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATION18CRJ 2000, 3101, 3103, 3109, 3110, 3111
(FSM) FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT18HMT 1003, 1020, 1030 or MGT 1001 and 9 credits from HMT 1000, 1004, 1022 1025, 1030 1035, 1040
(FOR) FORENSICS18Choose 6 credits from CRJ 2000, 2001, 2002 and 12 credits from 2007, 3102, 3103, 3109, 3110, 3116, 3117, 3118, 4102, 5006, 5203, CSS 1001
(CRJ7) FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY18Choose 6 credits from CRJ 2000, 2001, 2002 and 12 credits from 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3105, 3106, 3108. 3116, 3117, 4102, 5000,  CSS 1001
(FEC) FRAUD EXAMINATION AND ECONOMIC CRIME 2118 credits from ACC 1007, ACC 1008, ACC 1030, CRJ 2012 3101, CRJ 3107, and 3 credits chosen from ACC 1035, ACC 1040
(HCI) HEALTH CARE INFORMATICS24For Computer Science, CyberSecurity Systems, and Networking Systems majors: 18 credit hours including HSA 1100, 1101, HCI 1001, 1002, 1011, 1021.
For Health and Human Services (Healthcare concentration only) majors: 18 credit hours including CUS 1115, 1116, HCI 1001, 1002, 1011, 1021.
For All Other Majors: 24 credit hours including CUS 1115, 1116, HSA 1100,1101, HCI 1001, 1002, 1011, 1021
(HSA) HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION18HSA 1002, 1004, 1100 plus 9 credits chosen from the following:  HSA 1003, 1011, 1012, 1015, 1020,
(HLS) HOMELAND SECURITY18HLS 1001, 1003, 1004, 1007 plus 6 credits chosen from HLS 1002, 1006, 1009, 1010, 1012, 1015, 1017, CRJ 3101, 3107, 3108, 3112 3116, CSS 1001
(HMT) HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT1515 credits including HMT 1000, 1003, 1005, 1061 and 3 credits from any HMT elective except 1009, 1094, 1095. 
(HSC) HUMAN SERVICE ADMINISTRATION18HSC 1020, 1060, 1071, 1074, (1072 or 1100), (1073 or 1102)
(IT) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY18IT 1011, CUS 1115, CUS 1116, NET 1011, plus 6 credits chosen from CUS 1110, 1126,  CUS 1172, IT 1175,

Non-Study Abroad Option:  COM 1001, COM 3101, COM 3102,

6 credits in foreign language and 3 credits from each list:

LIST I:   GOV: 2650, 2660, 2690, 3630, 3710/ASC 2710, GOV 3720/ASC 2710, 3820
LIST II:   ASC 1230 or ASC 1250
LIST III:  GEO 1001, ENG 1069, TVF 1508

Study Abroad Option:  COM 1001, COM 3101, GOV 1610, 3 credits chosen from COM 3102*, 7001, 7002, 6 credits in a foreign language, 6 credits taken with the Study Abroad Program. An Internship abroad is available to those with excellent foreign language skills.

*Students opting to do a semester in Rome are advised to complete COM 1001, COM 3102 and 6 credits in language before departure and COM 3101A and GOV 1610A as part of their Rome semester.

(ICJ) INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE18 CRJ 2000, 3108, 4106, 5005; plus 6 credits chosen from: CRJ 2001, 3106, 3107, 5202, CHN 1010, JPN 1010, KOR 1010 or selected Modern Foreign Language with Director’s approval.


*Students completing this minor using global studies courses should contact the CPS Dean’s office for details.


18 credit hours to be satisfied through completion of any combination of the following:

Courses offered by St. John’s that are based outside the U.S. such as Global Study courses.

Courses that have an international and/or comparative focus as their primary area of study.  (HIS 1000C and ENG 1100C CANNOT be used for the minor)

A maximum of two courses at St. John’s in a foreign language.

(JOU) JOURNALISM18JOU 1000 (or COM 1001), JOU 2300, (or COM2301), JOU 1402 or JOU 1500 plus 9 credits of JOU courses.

American Bar Association-approved. Legal assistants and paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.


18LES 1100, LES 1101, 1102, 1004, 1015 plus 3 credits of Legal Specialty Electives
(LOD) LODGING MANAGEMENT18HMT 1000; 1001; 1030 or MGT 1001: and 9 credits from HMT 1002, 1045, 1055, 1065, 1072, 1074. (Any HMT course can be taken once student has completed MGT 1001)


April 2023



18 credits, including 3 credits from MGT 1001 or MGT 2008 and 12 credits chosen  from BLW 1015, MGT 1005, 1014, 1021, 1025  1027, 1077, 2002 or 2003


Designed for students in the CUS (non-option) major.

30A minor in Mathematics is a 30- credit minor that requires 12 credits to be chosen from Mathematics courses numbered MTH 1009 or above, (except MTH 1021) in addition to the core Mathematics requirement. MTH 1011 is required.
(MGR) MEDIA GRAPHICS18DMD 1001 (or FNA Electronic Media) plus 15 credits chosen from the following (at least 12 credits must be taken from College of Professional Studies courses): COM 3292, 3294, 3295, ART 1105, 1110, 1130, 1290, 2125
(MIL) MILITARY LEADERSHIP18MGT 1001, MSC 31, MSC 32, MSC 41, MSC 42 and 3 credits from PSY 1025, HSC 1065, SOC 1003 or SOC 1004.  Note:  All MSC courses listed have a co-req of leadership labs.

Students may choose a program of courses to either support a broadly based minor in the comparative study of multiculturalism and ethnicity or in one particular area of multicultural and ethnic studies. Areas of possible specialization include Asian-American Studies, Eastern and Western European Studies, East Asian Studies, Latin American, Caribbean Area Studies, Near Eastern Studies, and other specializations. The minor utilizes interdepartmental support to provide a great degree of flexibility and choice to interested students. Accordingly, interested students should arrange to meet with the Director or the Assistant Director of Multicultural and Ethnic Studies, College of Professional Studies. Completion of the minor requires 18 credit hours to be satisfied through a combination of the following:

  1. A minimum of 6 credits in the area of literature of multicultural and ethnic groups.
  2. A minimum of 6 credits in the area of history of multicultural and ethnic groups.
  3. A minimum of 6 credits in the areas of government and politics and sociology of multicultural and ethnic groups.
(NET) NETWORKING SYSTEMS18CUS 1115, 1116, CSS 1005, NET 1011,1015 and 3 credits from NET 1021 or higher.
(PHOJ) PHOTOJOURNALISM18PHO 1500, 2100, 2200, (2201 or JOU 1200), 4200, 4600
(POPC ) POP CULTURE18PCU 1001 and 15 credits from  ADV 3500, COM 2401, 2500, 2570, DMD 1001, ENG 1015, 1054, 1058, 1068, 1072, 1074, 1078, 1079, 1081, FAS 1065, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1082, HIS 1017, PHO 1500, SPM 1003, SPM 2551, SPM 4554, THE 1058, TVF 2202, TVF 1500 series electives, NOTE: Students may not apply more than 9 credit from the same subject area.
(PUBR) PUBLIC RELATIONS18PRL 2100, PRL 2301, PRL 3400, PRL 4600, ADV 2100, plus 3 credits from COM 2209, JOU 2301 or DMD 1001
(SPM) SPORT MANAGEMENT15SPM 1001, 1003,  plus 9 credits in any SPM elective
(TST) TELEVISION STUDIES15TVF 1200 & TVF 2200 plus 9 credits selected from: COM 2401, COM 2500, TVF 1501-1503, TVF 2202, TVF 2207, TVF 2402, TVF 2403, 3200, 3404, 4707, (TVF 2201, 2203 or 2204), (TVF 2301 or 2302 or 2303) (TVF 3200, 3203, 3204, 4200)
(TOUR) TOURISM MANAGEMENT 18HMT 1005; (HMT 1030 or MGT 1001); (HMT 1070 or 1071); and 9 credits from HMT 1000, 1003, 1005, 1025, 1030, 1050, 1065, 1070, 1071, 1073. (Any HMT course can be taken once student has completed MGT 1001.)
(VGD ) VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT18VGD 1001, 1002, 2600 plus 9 credits chosen from DMD 1001, CUS 1100, VGD 2300, 2401,3202, 3203, 3301, SPM 4554

Some of the minors may require completion of additional credits, beyond the minimum necessary for the degree. For additional information, please check the respective degree listing for total and elective total credit numbers and the credit totals above. Students must complete minor area courses with a minimum cumulative index of 2.00.

Minors are available through other units of the university. Information is available at your Dean’s office, or in the appropriate college office.

* Requirements for criminalistics and international criminal justice minors are being reviewed by the CRJ dept.


Students interested in completing a second major program of study must apply to the Academic Dean for permission to complete the second major. Please begin by speaking with an advisor in the Collins College of Professional Studies Office.

Revised October 2023