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- Policies, Procedures and Reports
Academic Freedom and the Catholic University
St. John's University is committed to academic freedom of inquiry. Since 1968 we have endorsed the "1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure." This commitment is specifically incorporated into the University Statutes and the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University and the AAUP-FA (CBA, Section 2.02).
St. John’s University believes that there is no compromise whatsoever between Catholic identity and freedom of inquiry. Similarly, these values insist upon academic integrity in all scholarly endeavors. The heritage of all Catholic universities coincides with the historical origin of the European University, which developed from the medieval cathedral schools. This heritage reflects a search for truth which is both a religious quest and a secular aim. These aims are the root of the disciplines of the liberal arts and sciences.
Academic Honor Pledge
St. John's University is a diverse community of teachers and scholars committed to the principles of truth, love, respect, opportunity, excellence and service. Members of the St. John's University community strive to create an atmosphere that embodies the University's Vincentian mission. Students and faculty commit themselves to the pursuit of wisdom and academic excellence while fostering a responsibility of serving others. As members of this community, students are expected to maintain the principles of compassion and the values of honesty and academic integrity.
In accordance with this policy, students acknowledge their commitment to the values and principles of the mission of St. John's University.
- I will not tolerate or participate in any form of academic fraud by cheating, lying or stealing, nor will I accept the actions of those who choose to violate this code.
- I will conduct myself both honorably and responsibly in all my activities as a St. John's University student, both academically and non-academically.
Adopted in 2003 by the University Community and Student Government.
Copyright and Fair Use
The Library offers Information on Copyright and Fair Use Policies as part of the reserve services for faculty
To use* E-Reserves to share a chapter or article with students while respecting Copyright Laws: submit the Reserves Request Form to the Queens or Staten Island campus library.
*Note: The online location of E-Reserves can be found at “Campus Guides.”
Religious Observance
St. John's University makes accommodations for students who are absent because of religious beliefs. Each student who is absent from school because of his or her religious beliefs will be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged for making such accommodations.
Each of the University's undergraduate schools has its own attendance regulations, and students are subject to the regulations of their school. In addition, when students are enrolled in courses in a school other than their own, they are also responsible for that school's attendance regulations as well. Specific attendance regulations for each school are detailed in the Undergraduate Bulletin and Graduate Bulletin.
Research Misconduct
Please see the attached policy that governs Research Misconduct at St. John's University.
Animal Welfare Assurance
St. John's University provides assurance that it will comply with the Public Health Service Policy of Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and maintains Assurance No. D16-00729 on file.
Whistle Blower Policy
St. John's University complies with the attached Whistle Blower Policy.
- Graduate Fellows (Manual and Forms)
- Emergency Procedures
View the Facilities and Construction page for building emergencies.
For all other emergencies, please contact Public Safety.
- Institutional Research Assessment/Surveys
- The Strategic Plan
For additional reports, see Office of Institutional Research.