John Q. Barrett

Benjamin N. Cardozo Professor of Law

John Q. Barrett is the Benjamin N. Cardozo Professor of Law at St. John's University in New York City, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, and Legal History courses. This semester, he is teaching Criminal Procedure: Investigation and a seminar on the Nuremberg trials. He also is the Elizabeth S. Lenna Fellow at the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown, New York. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, a former U.S. government lawyer and investigator, and a regular media commentator on law, government, and history topics.

Work on Justice Robert H. Jackson: Professor Barrett is writing a biography of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Nuremberg prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (1892-1954). This work will include the first inside account of Justice Jackson's service, by appointment of President Truman, as the chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Germany, of the principal surviving Nazi leaders following World War II.

The Jackson List: Professor Barrett sends occasional emails regarding Justice Jackson and related topics to over 100,000 readers around the world. To read archived Jackson List posts, click here. To join the Jackson List, a one-way list that does not display recipient identities or email addresses, subscribe on through the archive site or send a "subscribe" email to [email protected].

Robert Jackson's book That Man: Fifty years after Jackson's death, Professor Barrett discovered and then edited his previously unknown manuscript, now an acclaimed book, That Man: An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt (Oxford University Press). That Man, a memoir of FDR from Jackson first meeting him in 1911 through their close working relationship and friendship during the New Deal years and World War II, is FDR biography, Jackson autobiography, and Jackson's renowned writing skill.

Some recent activities: On April 10, Professor Barrett participated in an International Nuremberg Principles Academy workshop, "The Contributions of Ben Ferencz to Contemporary International Criminal Law," at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany. On January 30, Barrett gave a lecture, "Nuremberg Laws & Nuremberg Trials: Abuses and Uses of, and Hopes Regarding, the Rule of Law" at an International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration at Touro Law School (here on YouTube). On December 11, he moderated a Historical Society of the New York Court's program, "Justice Felix Frankfurter & the Idea of Judicial Self-Restraint: Then & Now in Federal & State Courts" (YouTube). On October 3, Barrett gave a lecture, "The Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War Criminals," in a webinar program hosted by Yad Vashem, the USC Shoah Foundation, and the Anti-Defamation League. In July, he introduced Professor Justin Driver's Robert H. Jackson Lecture on the Supreme Court, delivered at Chautauqua Institution (YouTube). Last May, Professor Barrett lectured on "Notorious R.E.C.? (Robert E. Cushman): The Famed Cornell Professor's Connections to Robert H. Jackson & Ruth Bader Ginsburg," at the Robert H. Jackson Center (YouTube). Professor Barrett recently published an essay, "Justice Lazansky on 'Repose' at Chief Judge Cardozo's New York Court of Appeals," in Judicial Notice, published by the Historical Society of the New York Courts, and a festschrift essay, "William R. Casto's Worthy Work on Robert H. Jackson," in the Texas Tech Law Review. (For more, see the c.v. link to the right, and the many links therein.)

Before joining the St. John's faculty, John Q. Barrett was Counselor to Inspector General Michael R. Bromwich, U.S. Department of Justice, from 1994-1995. From 1988-1993, Barrett was Associate Counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh (Iran-Contra). From 1986-1988, Barrett was a law clerk to Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

In addition to teaching Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, and Legal History courses, including on the Nuremberg trials, at St. John's, Professor Barrett has taught Constitutional Law modules in St. John's Summer Prep Program for College Students and Nuremberg-related courses in summer programs at the University of Potsdam Law School in Germany, at ISDE/University of Barcelona in Spain, and in Creighton University's program in Nuremberg.

Professor Barrett speaks regularly about the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg, FDR, and other legal and historical topics in public venues and to community, campus, religious, corporate, legal profession, and other audiences and groups throughout the United States and abroad.

Professor Barrett is a trustee of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum and a trustee emeritus of the Historical Society of the New York Courts. He previously chaired the New York City Bar Association's Legal History Committee, served on the International Expert Advisory Council of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, and served on the Robert H. Jackson Center board.

At St. John's, Professor Barrett serves on the Faculty Appointments Committee and is adviser to the student chapter of the American Constitution Society.

Last updated September 6, 2024

John Q. Barrett, Professor of Law at St. John's University in New York City and Elizabeth S. Lenna Fellow at the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown, New York, appears in the following:

4/13/2018 video:  Lecture, "Justice Jackson & the Holocaust," at an International March of the Living, Rutgers University, and the New Jersey State Bar Association conference in Krakow, Poland (starts at 2:47:10). 

11/13/2017 video:  Panel remarks, "The Mueller Investigation: A Primer on the Special Counsel and Russian Meddling in the U.S. Election," at St. John's.

11/1/2017 video:  Leon Silverman Lecture, "Attorney General Robert H. Jackson & President Franklin D. Roosevelt," delivered at the Supreme Court of the United States (introduction by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.). 

10/19/2017 video:  Lecture, "From Nuremberg to Eichmann," at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, New York.

8/16/2017 video:  Introduction of Judge Jon O. Newman delivering Chautauqua Institution's 13th annual Robert H. Jackson Lecture on the Supreme Court of the United States.

7/28/2017 video:  Lecture, "Justice Robert H. Jackson & His Brethren," delivered at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York.

6/23/2017 video:  Lecture, "Justice Jackson, Immigrants, Citizens, Power, & Liberty," delivered at the Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, New York. 

10/29/2016 video, Lecture, "The Nuremberg Trial: Seventy Years and Forward," delivered at the Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, New York.

10/28/2016 audio, Lecture, "The Nuremberg Trials & Justice Jackson's Role," delivered at the Eric Institute of Law program on Legal Ethics and the Holocaust, held in Buffalo, NY.

10/24/2016 video, Lecture, "The Nuremberg Trial, and the Role of Robert G. Storey," delivered at The Center for American & International Law, Dallas, TX (Barrett lecture starts at 22:15). 

9/30/2016 video:  Lecture, "Finding Nuremberg and Its Legacies," delivered at the 10th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, held at the Documentation Centre, Nuremberg, Germany.

7/11/2016 video:  Introduction of Professor Tracey L. Meares, delivering Chautauqua Institution's 12th annual Robert H. Jackson Lecture.

5/4/2016 video:  Lecture, "The History of the Nuremberg Trials," in the symposium, The Double Entendre of Nuremberg, convened by March of the Living International, the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, and Jagiellonian University, in Krakow Poland (Barrett lecture starts at 38:45).

11/20/2015 video:  Nuremberg Memorium commemoration, in Palace of Justice Courtroom 600, of the 70th anniversary of the start of the Nuremberg trial (Barrett lecture starts at 16:35; moderation of roundtable discussion with three men who worked at the trial starts at 30:30).

7/8/2015 video:  Introduction of Professor Laurence H. Tribe, delivering Chautauqua Institution's 11th annual Robert H. Jackson Lecture.

7/21/2014 video:  Introduction of Professor Akhil Reed Amar, delivering Chautauqua Institution's 10th annual Jackson Lecture.

4/30/2014 video:  Lecture, "Robert H. Jackson, Illustrious Alumnus," at Albany Law School, Albany, NY (starts at 1:12:25). 

9/30/2013 video:  Remarks at the Dedication of the Robert H. Jackson United States Courthouse, Buffalo, NY.  

7/9/2013 video:  Introduction of Professor Charles Fried, delivering Chautauqua Institution's 9th annual Jackson Lecture.

5/17/2013 video:  Introduction of Chief Justice Roberts, at the Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, NY, part 1 and part 2.

7/9/2012 video:   Lecture, "Affected by Nuremberg?:  Some Notable Cases in Justice Robert H. Jackson's Supreme Court Judging, 1946-1954," in a Special Studies court at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY.

7/9/2012 video:  Interview, "The Just-Completed U.S. Supreme Court Term, Including the Health Care Law (Obamacare) Decision," WGTE Public Media Knowledgestream.

2/2/2012 video:  Lecture at Albany Law School event celebrating the centennial of alumnus Robert H. Jackson.

10/34/2011 video:  James McCormick Mitchell Lecture, "Bringing Nuremberg Home:  Justice Jackson's Path Back to Buffalo, October 4, 1946," at SUNY Buffalo Law School (and here, as published).

7/26/2011 video:  Introduction of Slate reporter Dahlia Lithwick, delivering Chautauqua Institution's 7th annual Jackson Lecture.

2/4/2011 video:  Lecture, "Justice Jackson in the Katyn Forest," at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH.

11/2/2010 video:  Stephen R. Kaye Memorial Lecture, "Robert H. Jackson:  Lawyer, Justice, Nuremberger ... New Yorker," at the New York City Bar Association, New York, NY (starts 10;00).

10/7/2010 video:  Remarks at the Robert H. Jackson Center's 10th anniversary dinner.

5/11/2010 video:  Panel discussion, "Law, Justice & the Holocaust:  Lessons for Today," at the New York City Bar Association.

4/22/2010 audio:  National Public Radio report on the death of Whitney R. Harris (1912-2010), Nuremberg prosecutor.

9/9/2009 video:  Remarks Honoring Professor Henry T. King, Jr. (1919-2009), Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH (approx. one quarter into the program).

8/5/2009 video:  Remarks on Robert H. Jackson, at the annual Jackson Society dinner, Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, NY.

7/7/2008 video:  Lecture, "Reading The Nine," an introduction of author Jeffrey Toobin, who then delivered Chautauqua Institution's 4th annual Jackson Lecture.

11/12/2007 video:  Panelist, "The Supreme Court & Presidential Power," at the Presidential Libraries/National Archives conference on "The Presidency & the Supreme Court," held at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum, Hyde Park, New York (with fellow panelists John W. Dean, Amb. C. Boyden Gray, Anthony Lewis, Beth Nolan and Sen. Paul Sarbanes and moderator Nina Totenberg).

9/3/2007 audio:  Interviewed for "Gonzales Case Echoes FDR's AG Problems," a report on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition."

8/29/2007 video:  Opening Lecture, " From the Hague (1907) to Nuremberg and Today:  100+ Years of Looking Forward to International Humanitarian Law," at The International Humanitarian Law Dialogs:  The Laws of War: Past, Present, and Future, a conference hosted by The American Society of International Law, the Robert H. Jackson Center, Washington University's Whitney R. Harris Institute for Global Legal Studies, Syracuse University College of Law and the Chautauqua Institution, at the Athenaeum Hotel, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY.

7/9/2007 video: Lecture, "Solicitors General, Past & Future," an introduction of Seth P. Waxman, who then delivered Chautauqua Institution's 3rd annual Robert H. Jackson Lecture on the Supreme Court of the United States, at Chautauqua, New York.

9/30/2006 video:  Lecture, "The Crucial Role of Justice Robert H. Jackson," at a 60th anniversary conference, "Judgment at Nuremberg," at Washington University School of Law, St. Louis, MO.

9/28/2006 audio:  Interviewed in a Dutch public television documentary, Het proces van Neurenberg.

4/28/2006 video:  Remarks on Justice Jackson & West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), at the Jackson Center.

4/10/2006 audio:  Interviewed on the U.K.'s Astraea Magazine's web radio regarding his book discovery, Justice Robert H. Jackson's  That Man:  An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

11/3/2005 video:  Speaker on Justice Jackson at Nuremberg, at the Harvard Law School/Facing History and Ourselves conference, "Pursuring Human Dignity:  The Legacies of Nuremberg for International Law, Human Rights & Education," Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

7/2005 video:  Remarks on the August 8, 1945, London Agreement, at the Jackson Center.

12/1/2004 video:  Speaker Justice Jackson at Nuremberg, in the series "International Justice?  The Roots and Legacies of the Nuremberg Trials,"  The Harvard Law School/Facing History & Ourselves Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA.

11/15/2004:  Excerpts on Robert H. Jackson coming to the law, and on the place of Albany in his life, from a keynote lecture at Albany Law School's Jackson tribute program.

4/29/2004 video:  Introduction of Linda Brown Thompson and Cheryl Brown Henderson, daughters of  Brown v. Board of Education lead plaintiff Oliver Brown, at a Robert H. Jackson Center forum in the Chautauqua Institution Amphitheater, Chautauqua, NY.

11/8/2003 video:  Miami Book Festival lecture regarding That Man.

8/26/2003 audio:  "All Things Considered," National Public Radio interview by Robert Siegel regarding That Man.

8/11/2003 audio:  "The Leonard Lopate Show," WNYC New York Public Radio interview by Jeffrey Toobin regarding That Man.

7/23/2003:   Chautauqua Institution lecture, "Justice Robert H. Jackson on Security, Liberty and Law."

5/16/2003 video:  Introduction of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist at the dedication of the Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, NY.

7/18/2001:  Chautauqua Institution lecture on Justice Robert H. Jackson

Last updated May 3, 2018.

July 31, 2023: Chautauqua Institution, introducing Justin Driver giving the 19th annual Robert H. Jackson Lecture on the Supreme Court of the U.S.

October 2024: Lecture, Thomas R. Kline Center for Judicial Education, Duquesne University.

Last updated May 22, 2023.

Felix Frankfurter, Collector of People, __ Touro Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2023)

William R. Casto’s Worthy Work on Robert H. Jackson__ Texas Tech Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2023)

Principled Legal Practice by Justice Robert H. Jackson at Nuremberg230 Military Law Review 241-55 (2022) (online)

Law Clerk John Costelloe’s Photographs of the Stone Court Justices, October 194346 Journal of Supreme Court History 162-80 (2021) (abstract on SSRN)

Attribution Time: Cal Tinney’s 1937 Quip, "A Switch in Time’ll Save Nine", 73 Oklahoma Law Review 229-43 (Winter 2021) (download from SSRN)

Charles Reich, New Dealer, 36 Touro Law Review 797-805 (2020) (SSRN)

The St. John’s Path to New York Judicial Service, 93 St. John's Law Review 555-61 (2019) (SSRN)

Robert H. Jackson, The Faith of My Fathers,168 Univ. of Pennsylvania Law Review 1-16 (2019) (Intro. & Afterword) (SSRN)

Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 44 Journal of Supreme Court History 90-108 (2019)

Justice Jackson in the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Cases, 13 Florida International University Law Review 827-52 (2019)

Jackson, Vinson, Reed, and “Reds”: The Second Circuit Justices’ Denials of Bail to the Bail Fund Trustees, 7 Journal of Law (2 Journal of In-Chambers Practice) 19-32 (2017) (SSRN)

A New Chief Justice in the Sight of His Predecessor: Stone and Hughes, Summer 1941, 42 Journal of Supreme Court History 202-08 (2017) (SSRN)

The Nuremberg Trials: A Summary Introduction, 39 Loyola International & Comparative Law Review 336-50 (2017)

Bringing Nuremberg Home:  Justice Jackson’s Path Back to Buffalo, October 4, 1946, 60 Buffalo Law Review 295-321 (2012) (SSRN)

Rehnquist’s Missing Letter:  A Former Law Clerk’s 1955 Thoughts on Justice Jackson & Brown, 53 Boston College Law Rev. 631-60 (2012) (with Brad Snyder) (SSRN)

Henry T. King, Jr., at Case, and on the Nuremberg Case, 60 Case Western Reserve Law Review 583-92 (Spring 2010), reprinted in Henry T. King, Jr., A Life Dedicated to International Justice (Carolina Academic Press, Michael P. Scharf, ed., 2011)

Supreme Court Law Clerks' Reflections of October Term 1951, Including the Steel Seizure Cases, 82 St. John's Law Review 1239-90 (Fall 2008) (with Charles C. Hileman, Abner J. Mikva, James C.N. Paul, Neal P. Rutledge, Marshall L. Small, William H. Rehnquist, Gregory L. Peterson & Ken Gormley) (co-moderator) (SSRN abstract).

A Rehnquist Ode on the Vinson Court (circa Summer 1953), Green Bag 2d 289-306 (Spring 2008) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file)

Closing Reflections on Jackson and Barnette, in Recollections of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 81 St. John's Law Review 755, 793-96 (Fall 2007) (with Gregory L. Peterson, E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr., Shawn Francis Peters, Bennett Boskey, Gathie Barnett Edmonds & Marie Barnett Snodgrass) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

The Nuremberg Roles of Justice Robert H. Jackson, 6 Washington University Global Studies Law Review 511-25 (2007) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

The "Federalism Five" As Supreme Court Nominees, 1971-1991, 21 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 485-96 (Spring 2007) (SSRN abstract)

Supreme Court Law Clerks' Recollections of Brown v. Board of Education II, 79 St. John's Law Review 823-85 (2005) (introduction & moderator) (with Gordon B. Davidson, Daniel J. Meador, Earl E. Pollock & E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr.) (SSRN abstract).

A Commander's Power, A Civilian's Reason: Justice Jackson's Korematsu Dissent, 68 Law & Contemporary Problems 57-79 (Spring 2005) (SSRN abstract).

Albany in the Life Trajectory of Robert H. Jackson, 68 Albany Law Review 513-37 (2005) (SSRN abstract).

Supreme Court Law Clerks' Recollections of Brown v. Board of Education, 78 St. John's Law Review 515-67 (Summer 2004) introduction and moderator) (with John David Fassett, Earl E. Pollock, E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr., & Frank E.A. Sander) (SSRN abstract).

UT Alumnus, Supreme Court Amicus:  A Texas Lawyer's Letter About Law School Segregation, April 1950," 7 The Green Bag 2d 9-14 (Autumn 2003) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

Justice Jackson on "What the Law's Going to Be"--At Least Until Its "Gelding," 6 The Green Bag 2d 125-30 (Winter 2003) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

A Jackson Portrait for Jamestown, "A Magnet in the Room," 59 Buffalo Law Review 809-817 (Fall 2002) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

Teacher, Student, Ticket: John Frank, Leon Higginbotham, and One Afternoon at the Supreme Court—Not a Trifling Thing, 20 Yale Law & Policy Review 311-23 (2002) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

Special Division Agonistes, 5 Widener Law Symposium Journal 17-48 (Winter 2000) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

The Leak and the Craft:  A Hard Line Proposal to Stop Unaccountable Disclosures of Law Enforcement Information, 67 Fordham Law Review 613-37 (1999) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

Independent Counsel Law Improvements for the Next Five Years, 51 Administrative Law Review 631-56 (Spring 1999) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file).

Deciding the Stop and Frisk Cases:  A Look Inside the Supreme Court’s Conference, 72 St. John’s Law Review 749-844 (Fall 1998) (PDF file).

All or Nothing, or Maybe Cooperation:  Attorney General Power, Conduct, and Judgment in Relation to the Work of an Independent Counsel, 49 Mercer Law Review 519-51 (1998) (PDF file).

The Voices and Groups That Will Preserve (What We Can Preserve Of) Judicial Independence, 12 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 1-21 (1996) (PDF file).

Last updated May 2, 2023.

Some Alexander Hamilton, But Not So Much Hamilton, in the New Supreme Court, in Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today’s Most Contentious Legal Issues Through the Hit Musical (Cornell University Press, Lisa A. Tucker, editor, 2020) (abstract on SSRN)

Robert H. Jackson’s Cowslip Sandwich, in Table for Nine: Supreme Court Food Traditions & Recipes (Supreme Court Historical Society, Clare Cushman, ed., 2017)

Lecture, Legacies of Nuremberg, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Humanitarian Law Dialogs 63-77 (American Society of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 49, 2017).

Chapter author, Herbert Hoover and the Constitution, in The Presidents and the Constitution: A Living History (Ken Gormley, ed., New York University Press, 2016).

Chapter author, No College, No Prior Clerkship...:  How Jim Marsh Became Justice Jackson's Law Clerk, in Of Kings and Courtiers:  More Stories of Supreme Court Law Clerks and Their Justices (Todd C. Peppers & Clare Cushman, eds., University of Virginia Press, 2015).

Contributing editor, Judges of the District of New York and the Southern District of New York, 1789 to 2014 (Federal Bar Council, 2014).  

Tribute, Henry T. King, Jr., at Case, and on the Nuremberg Case, in Henry T. King, Jr.:  A Life Dedicated to International Justice 29-38 (Carolina Academic Press, Michael P. Scharf, ed., 2011)

Lecture, Remembering Departed "Nurembergers", in Proceedings of the Fourth International Humanitarian Law Dialogs 17-29 (American Society of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 43, Elizabeth Andersen & David M. Crane, eds., 2011) (SSRN abstract) (PDF file)

Lecture, Katherine B. Fite:  The Leading Female Lawyer at London & Nuremberg, 1945, in Proceedings of the Third International Humanitarian Law Dialogs 9-30 (American Society of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 42, Elizabeth Andersen & David M. Crane, eds., 2010) (PDF file)

Chapter author, Raphael Lemkin and 'Genocide' at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, in The Genocide Convention Sixty Years After Its Adoption (Christoph Safferling & Eckart Conze, eds., T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, 2010) (PDF file)

Introducer & moderator, Nuremberg and Genocide:  Historical Perspectives (with former Nuremberg prosecutors Whitney R. Harris, Henry T. King, Jr., and Benjamin B. Ferencz), in Proceedings of the Second International Humanitarian Law Dialogs 9-54 (American Society of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 40, Elizabeth Andersen & David M. Crane, eds., 2009) (PDF file)

Lecture, The Path from the 1907 Hague Conference to Nuremberg and Forward, in Proceedings of the First International Humanitarian Law Dialogs (American Society of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No. 39, Elizabeth Andersen & David M. Crane, eds., 2008) (PDF file of draft)

Chapter author, "One Good Man":  The Jacksonian Shape of Nuremberg, in The Nuremberg Trials:  International Criminal Law Since 1945 (Die Nürnberger Prozesse:  Völkerstrafrecht seit 1945) (Herbert R. Reginbogin & Christoph J.M. Safferling, eds., K.G. Saur, München, 2006) (click here for the book's Amazon.De page)

Chapter author, Terry v. Ohio:  The Fourth Amendment Reasonableness of Police Stops and Frisks Based on Less Than Probable Cause, in Criminal Procedure Stories:  An In-Depth Look at Leading Criminal Procedure Cases (Carol Steiker, ed., Foundation Press, 2006)

Editor, Robert H. Jackson, That Man:  An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt (Oxford University Press, 2003; paperback 2004)

Co-Editor, Litigation Ethics: Course Materials for Continuing Legal Education (ABA Section of Litigation, 2000) (with Professor Bruce A. Green, Fordham Law School) 

Encyclopedia entries:

*     Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr.; Jackson, Robert H.; and Walsh, Lawrence E., in The Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law (Roger K. Newman, ed., 2009)

*     Jackson, Robert Houghwout, in 11 The World Book Encyclopedia 16 (2009)

*     Jackson, Robert H., in 3 Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States 3-6 (David S. Tanenhaus, ed., MacMillian Reference USA/Gale, Cengage Learning, 5 vols., 2008). 

Last updated May 2, 2023.