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Course Information
Advanced Trial Advocacy (ALSK 6030)
Advanced Interviewing & Counseling (ALSK 7020)
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ALSK 1020)
Bankruptcy Advocacy Clinic PT II (ALSK 9000)
Child Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 5090)
Consumer Justice for the Elderly: Litigation Clinic (ALSK 2010)
Defense and Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 8070)
Deposition Practice (ALSK 2085)
Domestic Violence Litigation Clinic PT II (ALSK 4030)
Economic Justice Clinic PT II (ALSK 9020)
Externship Placement (ALSK 2015)
International Law Practicum – NATO (INTL 4000)
International Law Practicum – The Hague (INTL 4003)
International Law Practicum – UN Geneva (INTL 4002)
International Law Practicum – UN Vienna (INTL 4001)
Mediation: Representing Clients (ALSK 6060)
Negotiation (Intensive) (ALSK 8020)
PBSP Placement II (PBSP 1020)
Prosecution Clinic PT II (ALSK 2080)
Refugee Immigrant Rights Litigation Clinic PT II (ALSK 5020)
Securities Arbitration Clinic (ALSK 5050)
Tenants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 3075)
Trial Advocacy (ALSK 2065)
Trial Advocacy: PTAI (ALSK 2066)
(Revised 4/11/24)
Courses That Satisfy the Advanced Practice Writing Requirement
Appellate Advocacy (ALSK 1030)
Appellate Advocacy-Moot Court (ALSK 1031)
Bankruptcy Practice- Litigation (BANK 4080)
Business Planning (BUSI 1060)
Drafting: ADR Documents (ALSK 9050)
Drafting: Contracts (ALSK 8000)
Drafting: Environmental Law (ENVR 1050)
Drafting: Federal Civil Practice (SFPR 3020)
Drafting: Federal Criminal Practice (ALSK 8030)
Drafting: International Contracts (ALSK 9060)
Drafting: IP Licenses (INPR 2020)
Drafting: Judicial Opinions (ALSK 9070)
Drafting: Litigation Documents and Contracts (ALSK 2050)
Drafting: New York Civil Practice (SFPR 2050)
Drafting: Public Interest Advocacy and Litigation (ALSK 3080)
Drafting: Real Estate Transactions (PROP 1050)
Drafting: Trademark Prosecution (INPR 2030)
Drafting: Transnational Civil Litigation (ALSK 3035)
Drafting: Wills & Trusts Instruments (ESTA 1000)
Fact-Writing & Persuasion in Legal Documents (ALSK 7080)
Feminist Theories and Feminist Judgements (THEO 2040)
International Law Advanced Practice Writing Tutorial (INTL 4020)
Introduction to Bankruptcy Practice: Case Analysis (BUSI 4090)
Labor and Employment Arbitration (LABR 1050)
Legal Storytelling (LRWR 2000)
Legal Writing- Advanced (ALSK 4090)
Litigation in NY Commercial Division (SFPR 4000)
Matrimonial Law Practice (FAML 1010)
Medical Malpractice (HLTH 1040)
Patent Application Preparation and Prosecution (INPR 2050)
PBSP Practice Writing Tutorial (PBSB 1030)
Pre-trial Advocacy (ALSK 1000)
Research and Writing: Real Property Law (PROP 2060)
Supreme Court Amicus Briefs (BANK 3090 & 4000)
Bankruptcy Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 8090 & 9000)
Child Advocacy (ALSK 5090)
Consumer Justice Elder Litigation Clinic (ALSK 2010)
Defense and Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 8070)
Domestic Violence Litigation (ALSK 4010 & 4030)
Economic Justice (ALSK 9010 & 9020)
Prosecution (ALSK 2070 & 2080)
Refugee & Immigrant Rights (ALSK 5000 & 5020)
Securities Arbitration (ALSK 5050)
Tenants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic (ALSK 3075)
Revised 05/03/24
For the J.D./M.B.A. program and the J.D./M.S. program, the Law School will accept toward the J.D. up to 9 credits taken at Tobin for the following courses:
ACC 620: Global Managerial Accounting I
ACC 622: Global Managerial Accounting II
ACC 630: Financial Reporting: Specialized Topics
ACC 632: Critique of Accounting Theory
ACC 602: Global Financial Managerial Reporting
ACC 638: Business Entities and Combinations
ACC 639: Governments and Not-for-Profits
CIS 650: Seminar in CIS/DS Topics
BUA 602: Business Analytics
BUA 609: Advanced Managerial Statistics
ECO 600: Managerial Economics and Forecasting
ECO 606: Industrial Economics
FIN 607: Financial Management
ECO 631: Monetary and Fiscal Policies
FIN 633: Corporate Financial Management
FIN 634: Investment Analysis
FIN 635: Capital and Money Markets
FIN 655: Financial Risk Management
FIN 664: Advanced Investment Analysis
MGT 502: Organizational Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility
MKT 600: Decisions in Marketing Management
MGT 601: Managing for Global Success
MGT 640: Entrepreneurship
MGT 659: International Business Policy
MGT 700: Seminar in Business Policy Formulation
MGT 680: Organizational Development: Managing for Change
MKT 601: Marketing Research
MKT 628: Comparative Marketing Systems and Research
RMI 600: Risk and Insurance Economics
RMI 601: Risk Management
RMI 614: Risk Funding Tools
For the J.D./M.A. in Government and Politics, the Law School will accept toward the J.D. up to 9 credits from St. John’s College for the following courses:
GOV 215:16 Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis
GOV 218: Public Policy—American
GOV 220: American Political Thought: The Formative Period
GOV 239: Municipal Government and Administration
GOV 269: Global Politics of Gender
GOV 271: Theory and Practice of Diplomacy
GOV 277: International Political Economy I
GOV 278: International Political Economy II
GOV 290: Public Administration of Emerging States
GOV 293: Administration of International Organizations
GOV 325: Economic Analysis of Public Policy
GOV 346: Seminar: Dictatorship
GOV 376: Seminar: Political Theory