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Registrar Resources

Registrar Resources

  • Sign in at
  • Click on the New UIS tile.
  • Under the Registration tile click on Law - View Anonymous Number.
  • You can then view your anonymous number for the semester.

How to find Time Ticket (registration date and time)

  1. Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  2. Select Academic Profile on the Registration Experience Card
  3. Change the Term to the Term you are registering for (top left)
  4. Select Registration Notices (top right) to view time ticket
  • Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  • Click on View my grades 
  • Click the arrow on the drop-down box and select the appropriate term
  • Click on the arrow on the drop-down box and select the course level
  • If grades have been submitted by your professor they will be shown

Alternatively, you can review your final grades for all completed semesters in your Student Records:

  • Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  • Click on Academic Transcript (Unofficial) under the Student Records experience tile  
  • Click on the arrow on the transcript level drop-down box and select Graduate 
  • Click on the arrow on the transcript type drop-down box and select Law School Transcript


Please note:

  • Grades are updated once each day before 7 a.m. All grades entered each day will be available the following day.
  • Grades will begin to be posted to academic history and calculated into cumulative GPA after the last day of the exam period for the semester, including presession grades and courses that conclude earlier in the semester.  
  • Pre-session courses and courses that conclude earlier in the semester may have final grades viewable under Midterm Grades if available.  (They are placed here so that students may obtain them without having to wait until the end of the semester.) 
  • Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  • Under the My Information experience tile click My Academic Profile
  • Click Prior Education and Testing on the left-hand side of the screen 
  • Your rank will show on the right-hand side of the screen under Testing 

Once ranks have been run and are posted, students will see a screen like this one



How to obtain Graduating Class Rank

  • Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  • Click on Academic Transcript (Unofficial) under the Student Records experience tile  
  • Click on the arrow on the transcript level drop-down box and select Graduate 
  • Click on the arrow on the transcript type drop-down box and select Law School Transcript


AUDIT APPLICATION for Current Students

Only JD students in the final year of study may audit a course. LLM students are permitted to audit a course at any point. Faculty approval is required for registration. Attendance is required and the audited course will appear on a student’s transcript. Students may not audit a course they have already taken for credit and may not subsequently take the same course for credit.

If you plan on auditing a course while you attend St. John’s University School of Law, you should


  1. Copy the following template, add the required information, and paste it into an email.

  2. Send email from SJU email account to professor and copy [email protected].

  3. Email subject should be Audit Application.

  4. Request that the professor “Reply All” to the email so that the Registrar’s Office is notified of the approval.


Email to request to audit a course must contain the following information (Copy, complete and paste into email)

I am requesting to audit the following course and understand attendance is required:

CRN & Course Title: ____________________________

Semester: __________________

I acknowledge that students may not audit a course they have already taken and may not subsequently take the same course for credit.

Ordering Diplomas for Graduation

Students can order (“apply for”) their diploma in their last semester through St. John’s UIS in just a few steps: 

  1. Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  2. Click Application for Diploma under the Graduation experience tile 
  3. Click the arrow on the drop-down box and select the appropriate term

Students who wish to have a preferred name instead of a legal first name displayed on their diploma, should email the Registrar’s Office at [email protected]. 

Certain holds on a student account prevent the ordering of a diploma. Students who have a hold can view their online account for details or contact (718) 990-2000 to review.

If your name has legally changed, please submit a Change of Name Form through the Office of the Registrar.   Proof can be provided by court papers, marriage license, divorce papers, and similar documents. Students only need to submit documentation that attest to their name change. 

Replacement Diplomas

If your original diploma is lost, stolen or destroyed, a replacement diploma can be ordered. To order a replacement diploma, you need to file a standard application for diploma and a notarized affidavit. You also will need to provide copies of two forms of identification, one containing a photo. Examples of identification include a passport, driver's license, social security card, and work ID. There is a $50 fee for a replacement diploma. Please call (718) 990-2000 for applications and affidavits.

Loss, destruction, change of name, and theft are the only reasons for which a diploma will be replaced. We do not issue duplicate diplomas.

Applications for replacement diplomas may be mailed to the following address:

St. John's University School of Law

Attn: Registrar's Office
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439


* Registration into Directed Research or Directed Research Law Review

Students must have professor approval before submitting form. Approval and form submission is due by Semester Add/Drop Deadline (See Academic Calendar for date)

Directed Research - Formstack


Directed Research

• Students must keep a detailed log of time that demonstrates at least 90 hours for 2 credits (or 45 hours for 1 credit) of work on the project.

• Class Rank and Dean’s List are calculated in late January for the Fall semester and in mid-June for the Spring semester.

• Class Rank will not be re-calculated for late grades.

• Students with missing or incomplete grades are not eligible for Dean’s List for that semester.

• Students should discuss completion date of this paper with professor to ensure that the grade is included in Class Rank and Dean’s List.


If a student is completing Directed Research for Scholarly Writing:

• First draft must be submitted and receive comments.

• Grade of C+ or better on paper.

• Paper must be a minimum of 6,700 words.

• Certificate of completion for online Canvas course submitted 
*Only students completing SWR through a paper course with the permission of a professor or through Directed Research (other than for a Law Review Note).
This course, entitled Scholarly Writing Supplement, is available on the Canvas LMS platform. Students will be automatically enrolled following their first year. The course consists of five (5) lessons and takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete. Students must receive a 100% score for the quizzes of all five lessons to complete the course. Once completed, students will receive a certificate that must be given to their supervising faculty member so that the professor can certify course completion as a prerequisite to satisfaction of the Scholarly Writing Requirement. 
(Note: Students taking Scholarly Research and Writing (LRWR 1060), Advanced Bankruptcy Research (BUSI 6030), International Scholarly Research and Writing (INTL 5040), Perspectives on Justice (INDR 2060), or Directed Research- Law Review (DRRS 1040) do not need to complete this requirement.)

St. John's University, student enrollment statuses are routinely transmitted to the National Student Clearinghouse throughout each academic period. Subsequently, the National Student Clearinghouse disseminates this data to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). This information serves as the basis for determining eligibility for Title IV grants and loans, as well as establishing repayment schedules for loans. It is imperative for students to remain informed about their enrollment status for a given term and its implications for their eligibility. Data provided to the National Student Clearinghouse is accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and institutions who are determined to be authorized users of the data system.

The initial submission of enrollment data for a specific term occurs upon the conclusion of the add/drop period. Subsequent reports are transmitted on a monthly basis throughout the term to accommodate students who may enroll late or withdraw from courses.

Be advised, international students are not included in the reports to the National Student Clearinghouse.

If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse via phone (703-742-4200) or fax (703-742-4239).

Third Party Agencies

The National Student Clearinghouse is an authorized agent for St. John’s University and is approved to provide degree and enrollment verifications. If you are a third party agency requesting this information, please visit the National Student Clearinghouse's Verification Services website at

Please note that students have the right to opt out of this service. All requests to opt out can be directed to the Office of the Registrar, please email [email protected], visit the office in person or call 718-990-2192.

Students and Alumni

Need Proof of Enrollment? We can help!

An enrollment verification, sometimes referred to as proof of enrollment, is a document that shows your current enrollment status or enrollment history at St. John's University.

How to Obtain Your Enrollment Verification Letter?

You can obtain an enrollment verification letter for any semester or term you have been registered for. Thanks to our partnership with the National Student Clearing House, you can access this service for free!

Current students follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Login to or or use the connect app on your smart phone
  2. Choose New UIS Experience
  3. Under Student Records click on Enrollment Verification
  4. You will be directed to authenticate yourself via the Clearinghouse's Myhub portal.
  5. Once in Myhub, click on Self Service and select school. You can download your enrollment verification letter.

The certificate you download is your official St. John's University enrollment verification. The electronic watermark authenticates the document.

If you cannot get a verification through Myhub please use this form to request an enrollment verification. 

Enrollment verifications are available:

  • Fall Semester: Current enrollment certificate become available mid-September. 
    *Incoming students may be able to obtain advanced registration certificates beginning mid-July only after they have been registered for classes. If one is not available to you, contact the Admissions Office for a letter of intent to matriculate. 
  • Summer Session: Current enrollment certificates become available in July.
  • Spring Semester: Current enrollment certificates become available in mid-February.

Degree Verification requests

For a degree verification letter, please use this form

Please note we only verify your dates of attendance and degree(s) awarded. If you need verification of the courses you took, the grades you received, or your GPA, you must request a transcript.

Current students can view their entire academic record and student advisement report by signing into and clicking on the New UIS Experience icon. 

Social Security Number

A Public Notice about Social Security Numbers

New York State Education Law prohibits the use of the Social Security number for identification purposes. Additionally, the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits the release of the Social Security number without a student's prior written consent. Neither the State of New York nor the Federal government requires the release of Social Security numbers except in a few carefully defined situations, chiefly related to verification of entitlement to financial aid.

Because of the above and because the Social Security number is not a part of a student's educational history, the Office of the Registrar at St. John's University does not confirm or in any other way make reference to or reveal a student's Social Security number.

When we confirm or verify a student's enrollment or the award of a degree, we certify academic information that our records contain, information that originates with us and that we have authority over. If, for example, we confirm that St. John's University awarded a Juris Doctor degree to Jane Doe on May 15, 2002, we assert that our records indicate that a person with this name received the degree indicated on the noted date. We do not, nor should we, authenticate anyone's identity.


If you are looking for a Letter of Good Standing, Enrollment Verification, Certificate of Graduation, Letter of Class Rank or any other letter please fill out the form below. 

General Request Form - Formstack

All students are urged to check their account for holds before their scheduled registration dates. You may check your hold status online (see below). Please note that, if you have an Office of Student Financial Services hold, the hold is not automatically removed when you make a payment online. Holds are removed via a batch process that takes place at 7 a.m., 12 noon and 7 p.m. each day. Holds may also be removed manually by the Office of Student Financial Services; however, please be aware that the Office of Student Financial Services is not open when registration begins at 7 a.m. Therefore, even if you make payment online the morning your registration begins, you will not be able to register. Check Your Account Before Your Registration Day.

  1. Log into or - select New UIS Experience
  2. Select Academic Profile on the Registration Experience Card
  3. Change the Term to the Term you are registering for (top left).
  4. Select Holds (top right).

Students with “holds” on their accounts for any reason, (e.g., failure to satisfy financial obligations in prior semesters, failure to comply with the Measles, Mumps and Rubella immunization or Meningitis documentation requirements, etc.) MUST take care of those problems before being permitted to register. FAILURE TO REGISTER DURING YOUR SCHEDULED TIME BECAUSE OF “HOLDS” WILL LIMIT THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVED COURSES. In addition, there will be a late payment fee of $200 and other penalties described in these materials if failure to resolve the holds causes you to miss the tuition deadline.

Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunization – New York Public Health Law 2165 requires that students born on or after January 1, 1957 be immunized against measles, mumps, and rubella. Registration will not be permitted for any student who has not complied with the provisions of this law.

  1. When registering for a section, if a section is full and the waitlist option is available, the registration status will be listed as “Closed-Waitlisted.”
  2. Select the “Waitlist” option and click “Submit Changes.”
  3. If you receive an e-mail notifying you that a seat has become available, follow the instructions on the e–mail within 24 hours to register officially for the class. If you don’t take any action, you’ll lose your spot on the waitlist and the seat will go, instead, to the next person in line.

As with all courses, be sure that you have met the course’s prerequisites before you register. 

You’ll be able to check your position on the waitlist by selecting View My Schedule on the Registration Experience Card and then selecting Schedule Details (bottom box).

If you have questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 718-990-6600.

Law School Application: Application for Joint Degree - Formstack

Graduate Admissions Application:

The Law School offers three joint degree programs: the J.D./M.B.A. in Accounting and Business Administration and the J.D./MS in Accounting, both with the Tobin College of Business; and the J.D./M.A. in Government and Politics, offered with St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Applicants for admission to the joint degree programs must gain admission both to the School of Law and to the relevant graduate program and must also apply for the joint degree at the Law School. The Dean for Academic Affairs reviews and approves applications for any joint degree program. Students must secure admission to the second-degree program before entering the final year of the JD program. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA in the Law School to pursue the joint degree.

Students should be advised that they will not likely be able to complete the requirements for both programs in the three-year period designed to complete the J.D. degree.

The Law School will accept up to 9 credits from the second-degree program. "Crossover" credits transfer to the J.D. on a pass-fail basis and do not count towards the Law School cumulative GPA. 

Approved crossover courses are listed on the Online Student Center Registrar's page. Students interested in a joint degree should speak with a representative from the other program to determine how many Law School credits will be counted towards the degree. 

Current students who have legally changed their names and would like to have their new name reflected on their student record (transcripts and diplomas) must send an email request directly to the Law Registrar’s Office and corresponding documentation. Current students must provide two forms of ID (preferably one with the new name and one with the old name).

The following are acceptable forms of proof of name:

  • U.S. passport
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card (with accompanying photo ID)
  • U.S. Driver’s License
  • Court Order


For Paper Completed in Academic Course

*Paper topic does not have to be selected to submit Scholarly Writing application

**Do not submit this form to request approval for Directed Research or Law Review Note. Complete and submit DIRECTED RESEARCH APPLICATION**

Students must have professor approval before submitting form. Approval form due in Office of the Registrar by date on the Academic Calendar

Scholarly Writing Application - Formstack


Criteria for Scholarly Writing (SWR)

To qualify for the SWR: 

(a) A student must write a paper that: 

(1) contains original thinking; 
(2) is well written, researched, analyzed, and supported by authority (primary authority where available); 
(3) contains at least 6,700 words (inclusive of footnotes); and
(4) receives a grade of at least a C+, although the final grade in a course in which an SWR paper is written can be lower; 

(b) If the student seeks to satisfy the SWR through a paper course with the permission of a professor or through Directed Research (other than for a Law Review Note), the student must also complete an online, asynchronous course on the scholarly writing process during the SWR semester*; and 

(c) a supervising faculty member must comment on a first draft prior to submission of the final product and certify that the student satisfied all of the requirements of the SWR in paragraphs (a) and (b).


*This course, entitled Scholarly Writing Supplement, is available on the Canvas LMS platform. Students will be automatically enrolled following their first year. The course consists of five (5) lessons and takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete. Students must receive a 100% score for the quizzes of all five lessons to complete the course. Once completed, students will receive a certificate that must be given to their supervising faculty member so that the professor can certify course completion as a prerequisite to satisfaction of the Scholarly Writing Requirement.


There are three ways you can order a transcript of your academic record at St. John’s University.

Electronic Transcripts (PDF)

Electronic Transcripts (PDF) are now available. Delivery is within hours of the request being processed. PDF transcripts are not available for students or alumni who attended prior to 1990.

If you need a form or document included with your transcript, please use the electronic transcript request method of delivery.  You will be able to upload your fully completed documents to be sent along with your transcript.

Requestors will receive an email confirmation when the transcript is available for the recipient to download and another email when the transcript has been downloaded by the recipient.

PDF document delivery is becoming increasingly common across institutions, organizations, and agencies. However, before requesting PDF transcript delivery, please verify that the recipient will accept an electronic transcript. Additionally, it is important that you verify the correct email address for transmission of the transcript.

Official PDF transcripts are transmitted electronically to the recipient and is intended solely for use by the recipient. The official transcript has been digitally signed and therefore contains special characteristics.

Electronic Transcripts are $6.50 per copy, payable by credit card only. St. John’s University has partnered with Parchment for electronic transcript delivery.

Order an eTranscript

Any questions with electronic transcripts please call: 847-716-3005. 

Further information on electronic transcripts is located on our website.

Email Requests

(Please note the following information does not apply to undergraduate or graduate students.)

Law school alumni may order transcripts by emailing a request.  Anyone who attended St. John’s prior to 1990 should submit a written request for a transcript. To do so fill out the Transcript Request Form

Via the Web in UIS

Students can also order a free, printed copy of their transcript via the web by logging into or and selecting New UIS Experience. Under the Student Records tile click the Printed Transcript link. Follow the prompts and please take special care entering the name and address of the recipient of your transcript. These will print on the transcript exactly as you enter them. These transcripts will be mailed in 3-5 business days. 

Recent alumni who continue to have access to New UIS Experience may also order transcripts online.

Current students can also view their entire academic record and run advisement reports on-line.

Certain HOLDS on a student account prevent the issuance of a transcript. Students whose accounts are in arrears will not be issued a transcript. For payment information, please contact Student Financial Services (718-990-2000).

New York State’s “Enough is Enough” Legislation

Effective October 5, 2015, New York State Legislation Article 129-B requires that, based on selected student conduct findings, all colleges and universities add notations to student transcripts. Through St. John’s University’s student conduct process, students found responsible for crimes of violence, including but not limited to, sexual violence will have the following transcript notations added:

  • Suspension Notation: Suspended after the finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.
  • Expulsion Notation: Expelled after the finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.
  • Notation if student withdraws from St John’s University while the investigation of the complaint is pending: Withdrew with conduct charges pending.

Those seeking the removal of a transcript notation for a suspension must submit a written appeal to the Office of the Registrar.  All such appeals will be reviewed by the Transcript Appeals Committee comprised of the Dean of Students or designee, the University Registrar or designee, and other University administrators as deemed appropriate. Suspension notations will not be removed prior to one year after the conclusion of the suspension. Expulsion notations are permanent.

If a finding of responsibility is vacated, for any reason, any related transcript notations will be removed.

Transcript Notations:

Significantly, Article 129-B mandates that higher education institutions include notations on the transcripts of students found responsible through the institution’s conduct process for crimes of violence, including, but not limited to, sexual violence, as set forth in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(1)(F)(i)(I)-(VIII) of the Clery Act. Such transcript notations must state “suspended after the finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” or “expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation,” as applicable. Should the student withdraw from the higher education institution while the investigation of the complaint is pending, his or her transcript must note “withdrew with conduct charges pending.” Higher education institutions must have in place written policies regarding such transcript notations, which, at a minimum, provide an appeals process for students seeking removal of such notations in accordance with Article 129-B.