St. John's Law Review

St. John's Law Review is a student-run organization that publishes scholarly articles of legal significance across all topics. The Law Review publishes four issues each year. In addition, the Law Review staff publishes the annual issue of the Journal of Catholic Legal Studies.

About the Law Review

First published in 1926, and part of the St. Thomas More Institute for Legal Research since 1954, the Law Review is the organization’s flagship journal. The Law Review provides legal practitioners and scholars with commentary and analysis of recent developments in diverse areas of local, national, and international law. The Law Review publishes four issues annually, with content primarily consisting of articles from outside authors and notes and comments from Law Review student members. Periodically, the Law Review features conferences, symposia, and book reviews. All content in the Law Review is proudly selected, researched, and edited by the journals's student Editors and Staff Members. 

Please visit the St. John's Law Scholarship Repository to access the Law Review's:

  • Current Issue
  • Law Review Articles Archive

Faculty Advisor
Professor Rachel H. Smith

St. John's Law Review

St. John’s Law Review

Julia Shea

Billy Michaca
Managing Editor

Maria Jelda Doria
Joseph Mottola
Michael Russo
Jagjot Singh
Brendan Spagnuolo
Ashlyn Stone
Amanda Zoda
Associate Managing Editors

Sara Cardamone
Gabriella Carnazza
Astrid Roe
Erica Romeo
Erin Stahley
Anthony Vecchio
Senior Articles Editors

Kiersten Daly
Thomas Goddard
Peter Klensch
Notes and Comments Editors

Katherine Chung
Ashley Flores
Zita Petrahai
Nicholas Vota
Articles Editors

Christina Kort
Research Editor

Kassandra Pugliese
Symposium Editor

Joshua Ashkenazy
Natalie Borukhov
Liam Bradley
Sophie Brill
Giuseppe Chiara
Ryan Fenn
Samantha Giuglianotti
William Gross
Robert Ibraham
Adele Irwin
Chloe Lucatuorto
Brendan McNerney
Matthew Pate
Ezra Rash
Michael Rawlings
Jessica Serviss
Gina Varvaro
Chaninah Zweihorn
Senior Staff Members

Sidney Balaban
Jack Bilbrough
Benjamin Bouwer
Maria Budis
Kate Carney
Frederick Chu
James Clark
Michael Davis
Sandra Deng
Ryan DeSimone
Kiaya Rose Dilsner-Lopez
Kelly Donovan
Rebecca Goldberg
Seth Goldstein
Allison Guerra
Sarah Heintz
Suzanne Hom
Jordan Kavanaugh
Julian Klein
Julia Liebman
Ryan Manning
Hannah Marose
Nichola Mattone
Margaret McAvoy
Patrick McKelvey
Kylie Mulholland
Matthew Oster
Camille Perbost
Ryan Pugh
Joseph Raimondi
Emily Ruchalski
Nicholas Scambia
Gabrielle Sferra
Marianna Sheedy
Ekok Koubir
Carson Sugg
Christopher Tasso
James Toohey
Sarah Umstadt
Eric Wagner
Laurel Wagner
Emma Watson
Humza Yousuf
Vivian Zetterstrom
Timothy Zurcher
Staff Members

Rachel H. Smith 
St. John's Law Review
Faculty Advisor

Marc O. DeGirolami
Journal of Catholic Legal Studies
Faculty Advisor

The St. Johns’s Law Review selects its members with the goal of obtaining a staff of hardworking, diverse law students with strong analytic and writing skills committed to advancing the publication legacy and goals of the Law Review, the Journal of Catholic Legal Studies, and the Commentary. Invitations to become a Staff Member on the Law Review are made only to students of St. John’s University School of Law who have completed the full first-year curriculum, expect to attend St. John’s for at least two more academic years, and have not applied to the Law Review in the past.

Membership Criteria

Membership on the Law Review is based on a combination of cumulative grade point average and successful completion of the St. John’s annual writing competition, conducted in the spring of the 1L year. The writing competition involves writing and submitting a case comment on an assigned topic within a seven-day time period. The Law Review also accepts applications from students transferring into St. John’s, provided that they meet the eligibility requirements. Information regarding meetings, the writing competition, and applications becomes available in April each year. Those students who are selected to join the Law Review are expected to begin work as Staff Members in the July before 2L year begins. Furthermore, the Law Review is a year-round organization, which operates during school breaks and holidays.

Staff Member Responsibilities

Staff Member duties include involvement in the editorial process, in which articles selected for publication are researched and edited to ensure their technical and substantive integrity, as well as the completion of a scholarly student note, case comment, or recent development. A Notes and Comments Editor guides each Staff Member through the note writing process to ensure that the student-written materials published by the Law Review are of the highest quality. All Law Review members are also active in other aspects of the Law School community, including working with the Office of Admissions and the Visiting Jurist Program.

Editorial Board

After one year of Law Review membership, Staff Members are eligible for election to the Editorial Board.  The members of the Editorial Board are responsible for different aspects of the publication process and management of the Law Review staff.  Additionally, students serving on the Editorial Board have the opportunity to earn academic credit.

The St. John’sLaw Review is published four times a year. Subscriptions are $30.00 per year, and special issues are $12.00 each. Unless notice to the contrary is received at the Editorial Office, each subscription will be renewed automatically.

If you are interested in subscribing to the Law Review or for copies of the New York Rules of Citation (6th ed.), please contact:

Associate Managing Editor, St. John’s Law Review
St. John's University School of Law
[email protected]

Back Issues

For back issues of the Law Review, please contact the William S. Hein and Company, Inc., 2350 North Forest Rd., Getzville, New York 14068, (800) 828-7571.

Back issues of the Law Review are also available online at the St. John's Law Scholarship Repository and at  HeinOnline.

The St. John’s Law Review accepts articles, essays, and reviews from all areas of the law. We accept articles on an ongoing basis. Thank you for your interest in publishing with us.

Submissions to the St. John’s Law Review should meet the following guidelines:

  1. Please submit a double-spaced copy of your article in Microsoft Word format.
  2. Articles should conform to the current edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
  3. Articles should be accompanied by a cover letter with your preferred method of contact and a CV.

Electronic Submissions

We strongly encourage you to submit electronically. Electronic submissions may be made via Scholastica. Alternatively, submissions may be emailed to [email protected].

Submit by Mail

Submissions may also be made in hard copy. Please do not submit your article by mail if you have also submitted the article electronically.

Send all Articles and correspondence to:
Senior Articles Editor
St. John’s Law Review
St. John’s University School of Law, Room 3-40
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439

Expedited Review

Requests for expedited review should be sent directly to [email protected]. In the body of your e-mail, please include the following information:
Your name
The title of your article
The name of the journal that has extended an offer to you
The date the offer expires