Last week, over 100 St. John’s Law alumnae came together for the inaugural Women’s Leadership Conference hosted by the Law School Alumni Association Alumnae Leadership Council Chapter (ALC).
With expansive views of the midtown Manhattan skyline, the offices of Skadden Arps provided a fitting venue for this special event that featured panel discussions on a range of topics, from practice, promotion, and networking to leadership, longevity in the profession, and career strategies. Alumnae working in diverse practice areas offered insights as panelists and moderators during the morning and afternoon sessions.
As a highlight of the day’s programming, Hon. Janet DiFiore ‘81, ‘17HON, who served as New York’s Chief Judge from 2016 to 2022, delivered remarks. She encouraged Conference attendees to lead with passion and courage, invoking strength when leadership is difficult. The event concluded with a networking reception where panel attendees, presenters, and moderators connected and conversed.
“When I arrived at the Conference, I was excited to see so many female St. John’s Law attorneys," says attendee Ruth Calaman ‘98. “It was energizing to learn from, and network with, distinguished alumnae across class years. These lawyers’ professional lives have made a profound impact on their own lives and the lives of others. From Judge DiFiore’s address to the enriching panel discussions, I was impressed with this amazing group, and was honored to be included among them.”
Founded in 2021, the ALC provides formal and informal leadership training via mentoring, programs, and other activities and initiatives. Members share insights and tools on how women can succeed in the legal profession, with a particular focus on helping recent graduates navigate their career paths.
“The ALC has cultivated a unique and welcoming space where current students can seek guidance from alumnae and graduates can network, learn, and feel encouraged," member of the ALC Steering Committee and Conference attendee Tina Kassangana ‘19 says. “The Conference was impactful, showing that St. John’s Law alumnae have endless possibilities."
Cindy Chen Delano ‘04, who served as a Conference panelist, agrees. “The physical gathering of generations of St. John’s Law female leaders was striking. We, as women, often travel in our careers as exceptions, wearing our law degree as badges of honor. Using the Conference as a platform to connect with one another harnessed exponential power. The alumnae network at St. John's Law can achieve greatness together. There’s so much talent, dedication, and warmth to drive inclusion and progress.”
Many thanks to the Law School alumnae who served on the Conference planning committee, and to the panelists and moderators who volunteered their time and talents to make the event a success. A full list of panelists, moderators, Honorary Conference Co-chairs, and ALC Steering Committee members can be found on the Conference website. To learn more about the ALC and its offerings, please contact Jeanne Mulry at [email protected].