Virtual Orientation Folder
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- Virtual Orientation Folder
At St. John's we are committed to helping all our students succeed – inside and outside of the classroom. We know being an incoming student can be overwhelming, below is a list of resources, departments, and centers available to you.
Resources & Links
A Johnny’s Journey to Success
Johnny’s Journey helps develop the career competencies employers seek from St. John’s University students and graduates, including critical thinking, communication, technology, and leadership skills. Also essential are the ability to collaborate and perform well on a team and maintain a high level of professionalism—with a keen awareness of the need for equity and inclusion in the workplace.
- Gather information on campus clubs and organizations and synthesize those that align with your goals.
- Explore ‘What can I do with this major?’ in the Career Services section of St. John’s Connect, and determine the relationship between your interests and skills and your choice of major and career pathways.
- Make an appointment to visit Career Services, introduce yourself, and share your career goals with your advisor.
- Connect with your academic advisor (either through the Center for Student Success or your academic Dean’s office) to discuss your courses and academic plan.
- Draft your resume and/or cover letter and have it reviewed by Career Services.
- Participate in the Emerging Leaders Program.
- Explore Career Services online resources on St. John’s Connect for tips on sharpening your interview skills, writing cover letters, and networking.
- Participate in career events, especially virtual ones, including career fairs, information sessions, and presentations.
- Login to Handshake to explore internships and on- and off-campus employment and volunteer opportunities. Create your profile so employers can reach out to you directly.
- Participate in the EPIC (Establish Relationships. Promote Possibilities. Impact Direction. Confirm Next Steps) mentor program and meet with an upper-level student who has successfully navigated their first year at St. John’s.
- Devote time to developing your online presence; select a professional profile picture; craft your LinkedIn headline; and update your experience.
- Visit the library, Learning Commons, and Institute for Writing Studies for assistance. Be proactive, not reactive.
- Attend a multicultural affairs event.
- Consider participating in a Campus Ministry retreat, interfaith ministry, or prayer opportunity.
- Checkout the “It’s on Us” webpage (www.stjohns.edu/itsonus) and register for a workshop.
- Talk with professors and advisors about required course work and internship requirements; develop a list of target employers for internships, and choose elective courses that help develop skills (computer, public speaking, languages, etc.)
- Establish a professional presence online: ensure your Handshake profile is complete, review your social media pages (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook), and being developing a LinkedIn profile
- Develop your 30-second pitch and share it at career fairs, academic events, employer event and presentations
- Participate in the Leadership Development Program (LDP)
- Become a leader in one of the organizations you have joined; consider membership in a professional organization off-campus
- Apply for a Peer Leadership Position – SGI, RA, OL, Career Peer, Diversity Peer Educator Wellness Peer Educator, VITAL, DNY Peer Leader, E.P.I.C. Mentor, etc.
- Explore Career Services online resources about interview skills, cover letters and networking on St. John’s Connect
- Consider a virtual internship
- Talk with professors and advisors about your career goals; work together to create a target list of employers for internship and job opportunities
- Participate in a mentoring program; become a mentor to first-year students
- Connect with your network; ask for input on opportunities, companies of interest, and strategies for accomplishing your goals
- Utilize social media and other news outlets to stay abreast of current events; be prepared to discuss news related to your career fields
- Network; prepare your pitch and practice delivering it
- Work with your Career Advisor on your Value-Add Proposition, Competitive Advantage, LinkedIn Summary/Bio
- Checkin with Career Services to re-evaluate your skills, interests, and values: discuss whether they changed since you began in your major/career pathway
- Login regularly to review your Academic Advisement Plan; meet with your Academic Advisor
- Research companies in which you have interest. Ask yourself: how do they communicate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?
- Become a Conversation Partner to a non-native English-speaking student
- Participate in Discover the World or a semester abroad
- Volunteer for a service event (SJU Serves, Vincentian Service or a Plunge)
- Research possible graduate programs, including prerequisite course requirements, admissions tests (e.g., GRE, GMAT, LAST, etc.), and application deadlines
- Practice your interviewing skills using Big Interview
- Develop a relationship/communication with a mentor; learn more about the Aspire Mentor Program
- Obtain an internship, secure part-time work, or volunteer in an area of interest
- Research possible graduate programs in your field of interest, including pre-requisite course requirements, application deadlines and required tests
- Getinvolved with the Aspire Mentor Program and develop a mentoring relationship with a professional; set goals together
- Engage in research with a faculty member
- Participate in a case competition within your college
- Identify Professional Associations in your field and those that compliment your field; join as a student member
- Prepare your wardrobe for career events and interviews; ensure you have a few business casual options and some more professional pieces to wear to career fairs, academic events, employer events, and interviews
- Choose elective courses that will help you develop skills (e.g., computer, public speaking, language, etc.)
- Reflect on any successes and missteps you have experienced along your journey
- Checkin with Career Services to re-evaluate your skills, interests, and values: discuss whether they changed since you began in your major/career pathway
- Login regularly to review your Academic Advisement Plan; meet with your Academic Advisor
- Become a Conversation Partner to a non-native English-speaking student
- Participate in Discover the World or a semester abroad
- Conduct an informational interview with an industry professional or alum in your field; think about how world events are impacting your industry
- FineTune your resume often as you develop new experiences and skills
- Ask professors for letters of recommendation
- Participate in the Leadership Development Program (LDP)
- Participate in a mentoring program; become a mentor to first-year students
- Obtain an internship, secure part-time work, or volunteer in an area of interest
- Apply for positions using Handshake and your own network
- Utilize social media (e.g., Twitter and LinkedIn) to stay up to date on current events and news within your possible career fairs
- Network; tell everyone when you are looking for opportunities. Become active on LinkedIn – join groups, follow companies of interest, and share content
- Engage in research with a faculty member
- Participate in a case competition within your college
- Finalize your resume and online profiles and have them reviewed by Career Services
- Talk with professors and supervisors about serving as a reference for you; secure their preferred contact information (email, phone, etc.)
- Network; prepare your pitch and practice delivering it
- Connect with colleagues from your internship and send an update on your progress
- Attend a professional conference or meeting of an industry organization
- Attend career fairs, academic events, employer information sessions and other presentations
- Utilize social media and other news outlets to stay abreast of current events; be prepared to discuss news related to your career fields
Tips for Successful Advisement
Do Not Be Late
Schedule appointments early in the semester and arrive on time. It is important that you have regular contact with your advisor throughout each semester.
Be Prepared
Write down your questions and concerns and bring that list with you to your appointment. Print and bring your advisement report, which will assist you and your advisor in any discussions about degree requirements, progress, and selection of courses.
Expand Your Experiences
Your advisor may also assist you with nonacademic matters (e.g., extracurricular activities, living on campus, etc.). Expect advisors to give you referrals; they are your link to resources across campus designed to facilitate your success.
Shared Responsibility
As an advisee, you have clear responsibilities in the advising partnership. In order to be successful, you must follow through with referrals or plans of action recommended during advising sessions. Understand that you are ultimately responsible for your education and decision-making.
Campus Activities
Campus Activities, an office within St. John’s University’s Division of Student Affairs, provides University-wide programs that promote school spirit and pride. Students who become involved in at least one campus activity report higher overall satisfaction with their collegiate experience and stronger organizational, communication, and leadership skills.
To stay up to date with what's happening on campus, please follow @SJUActivities for updates and announcements.
With more than 120 clubs and organizations on campus, every student can find a place to explore their interests, expand their knowledge, and gain a well-rounded education. Learn more about campus activities and student organization events by following @SJUActivities on Instagram.
Student organizations include honor societies, academic organizations, programming boards, service, religious, cultural, social justice, and special interest groups. Join established organizations (or start your own!) to develop leadership skills and expand your learning experience.
Fraternities and Sororities have been a part of the St. John’s community since 1956. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life advises and supports these organizations and provides potential new members with opportunities to get involved. Our students bond together through common goals; these bonds are strengthened by values such as scholarship, service, leadership, and friendship. Membership in a sorority or fraternity means a deeper connection to St. John’s University and a strong support system that lasts beyond your college years. For more information, visit www.Stjohns.edu/FSL and follow @SJU_OFSL on Instagram.
Student Government,Inc. (SGI) is the official representative of the undergraduate student body and the parent organization of all undergraduate student organizations on campus. To learn more about student organizations, or to start your own, visit the SGI office in room 215 of the D’Angelo Center or follow them on Instagram @SJUSGI.
St. John’s University provides countless opportunities for you to participate in fun virtual and on-campus events. Campus Activities hosts a series of events where you can network, share a talent, enhance a skill, and even win a prize.
REDTalk is a monthly lecture series in collaboration with Career Services that provides the space for you to learn and develop personally and professionally. Transitioning from college to the workforce can be overwhelming; this series features experts on topics such as financial literacy, personal branding, networking, and more.
DAC After Dark is a biweekly program series that gives you the opportunity to get creative from the D’Angelo Center on campus. Meet with new and old friends to build your own flower bouquets, sip and paint, design a tote bag and more, all for free.
Studio C showcases creative people and artists in our community and beyond. We connect the St. John’s community with live music, performances, and more on select Fridays throughout the semester at 5 p.m. Enjoy performances, interviews, and curated content from a venue on campus or from the comfort of your own home!
Live Love Learn is our off-campus excursion series that gives you the opportunity to visit some of the coolest attractions that New York City has to offer. Check out museums, exhibits, and fun activities with your fellow Johnnies!
Campus Concierge provides you with discounted tickets to New York’s biggest stages. Stop by the desk in the DAC 2nd floor for tickets to Broadway, local sport games, and even more.
Red Storm Welcome is a series of programs offered at the beginning of the academic year to help you acclimate to campus life. Events include an outdoor movie, laser tag, fitness classes, activities fair, athletic events, and more.
Winter Carnival celebrates the rich holiday traditions of different cultural backgrounds, faiths, and religious beliefs. The week’s highlights include the annual tree lighting and on-campus fireworks display.
Spring Month is a collection of activities planned by our Student Government Inc. (SGi), Programming boards, and recognized student organizations. Spring month marks the end of the academic year and occurs close to the end of the semester.
Stormin’ Loud is an outdoor festival held at the end of the academic year, brought to you by the Resident Student Association, Student Programming Board, Student Government, Inc., WSJU Radio, and the Stormin’ Loud Committee.