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St. John's University is a diverse community of teachers and scholars committed to the principles of truth, love, respect, opportunity, excellence and service. Members of the St. John's University community strive to create an atmosphere that embodies the University's Vincentian mission. Students and faculty commit themselves to the pursuit of wisdom and academic excellence while fostering a responsibility of serving others. As members of this community, students are expected to maintain the principles of compassion and the values of honesty and academic integrity.
In accordance with this policy, students acknowledge their commitment to the values and principles of the mission of St. John's University with the Academic Honor Pledge, adopted in 2003 by the University Community and Student Government.
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Philosophical Statement
The members of the St. John’s University community believe the fundamental objective of the institution is to provide our students with a high quality education while developing in them a sense of ethical, moral, spiritual, and social responsibility. We believe that trust is an integral part of the learning process and that self-discipline is necessary in this pursuit. We also believe that any instance of dishonesty hurts the entire community. It is with this in mind that we have set forth an Academic Honor Code at St. John’s University.
A student enrolled in St. John's University assumes the obligation to conduct themself in a manner compatible with the University's function as a Catholic institution of higher education. Each student is personally responsible for behavior appropriate to a member of the University community as well as compliance with the policies and procedures established by the University.
Personal conduct on the part of students which is contrary to the attainment of University objectives is subject to sanction. All forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating and plagiarism, and any obstruction or disruption of teaching, research or other University-sponsored activities of an academic nature are subject to penalty under the following procedures.
I. Disciplinary Process
Section A - Hearing Committee
1. A report of academic misconduct may be initiated by any member of the St. John’s University community.
2. When academic misconduct is alleged, the complainant may choose to present the charges, in writing, to either the Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled or to the Office of Judicial Affairs. If the complainant comes to the Office of Judicial Affairs, it will be reported to the Dean immediately. The Dean will inform the student that he or she may have a hearing before the Dean or before a Committee annually elected for that purpose.
a. The Dean may request the assistance of the Office of Judicial Affairs in conducting an investigation of the alleged matter. At the conclusion of the investigation, the Director of Judicial Affairs will submit a report to the Dean regarding the inquiry; or
b. The Dean may choose to investigate in the usual manner of the Academic Disciplinary procedure.
c. If the Dean chooses to conduct the investigation as per §(b), the Office of Judicial Affairs stands ready to assist in any portion of the investigation.
3. In cases involving undergraduate students, the Committee will consist of two faculty members, two undergraduate student members, and the Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled, acting as a voting chairperson. The two faculty members and two undergraduate students, where possible, will be drawn from the existing Faculty Council and elected at the organizational meeting of such Council; the students shall be elected by the student members and the faculty shall be elected by the faculty members.
4. In cases involving graduate students, the Committee shall consist of two faculty members, two graduate student members, and the Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled acting as a voting chairperson. Its membership shall be drawn from members of the graduate faculty and graduate student body of the college. They shall be elected annually at the organizational meeting of the Faculty Council.
5. In the event that any member of either Committee is unable, unwilling or ineligible to serve or continue to serve, the Dean shall nominate a replacement for the approval of the remaining Committee members.
Section B - Charges
The Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled shall provide written copies of the charges with notice of the institution of proceedings and a copy of the applicable procedures to the student accused of misconduct. These charges will either be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested or hand-delivered to the student. The charges will be served within 15 calendar days after the charges are brought.
Section C - Decision
The Dean or the Committee shall render the decision within 10 calendar days of the receipt of the charges by the student if no answer has been received, or within 10 calendar days of the concluded hearing.
Section D - Appeal
If the charges against the student are sustained by the Dean or Committee and the student wishes to appeal this judgment, the student shall direct such an appeal in writing to the appropriate Appeals Committee of the Faculty Council. Appeals must be based on either procedural error which prejudiced the decision or evidence discovered after the hearing. In no case shall there be an appeal against the penalty that has been determined. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final.
II. Jurisdiction
Section A - Initial Hearing
The Dean or the Committee will conduct the initial hearing according to the choice of the accused student.
Section B - Appeal
The Appeals Committee of the Faculty Council of the individual school or college will conduct the appeals hearing.
Section C - School of Law
Jurisdiction for students in the School of Law resides in the Dean of that school and its Faculty Council.
III. Sanctions
The Dean or the Committee shall impose the following penalties:
1. Loss of credit, in whole or in part, for the work involved
2. Loss of credit for the course
3. Written reprimand in the student's record
4. Academic probation
5. Suspension
6. Expulsion, imposed by recommendation to the Provost.
Approved: University Senate, September, 2006
Approved: Board of Trustees, September, 2006