Advertising Major Grateful for Opportunities at St. John’s
Matthew de Prado lists many reasons for coming to St. John’s University, but one stands out above the rest.

“My decision was made after a tour in which I fell in love with the nature and community atmosphere of the Queens, NY, campus,” he said. “I saw it as this utopia within the middle of a bustling city.”
An Advertising Communications major and native of Elmont, NY, Matthew was eager to immerse himself in campus life and meet new people, but wanted to live at home. “St. John’s was simply the perfect fit,” he observed.
Currently in his senior year, Matthew participated in P.A.R.E. (Philippine-Americans Reaching Everybody) as the organization’s service chair. “I helped coordinate Midnight Runs with Campus Ministry, where we distributed food and toiletry bags to the homeless in Manhattan,” he explained. “I see it as important to both understand the many privileges we have here and learn to give back to the community.”
Matthew is also part of the R.I.S.E. Network (Reach, Inspire, Network, Empower) a program which is designed to provide students with individualized mentorship and guidance. “It has been an honor to be involved. Bouncing ideas off one another, providing insight and sharing good times, all while acting as a mentor to incoming freshmen is a blessing/” One of Matthew’s roles within R.I.S.E. is creating social media content which he believes will be a great advantage when he sets out on his career journey.
Matthew also won the three-point contest at Tip-Off two years running. “I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and delivered,” he laughed.
He added, “I believe, above all else, the community is what sets our University apart. I love how lively and active our campus is, and the sheer volume of opportunities. We have a large commuter base, but it rarely feels like we are distant.”
On the academic side, Matthew is grateful for the opportunities and guidance offered to him through The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies. “The entire Advertising faculty at St. John’s has inspired me to pursue this field. Getting to work with the likes of Associate Professors John A. Swan, Jr., and Neil Feinstein has been incredibly impactful.”
Matthew noted that Prof. Feinstein was instrumental in recently helping him procure an online public relations internship. “It was a great introduction to both the workforce, as well as the world of advertising.”
A scholarship recipient himself, Matthew reflected on the importance of scholarships in the life of students, Matthew observed, “Scholarships alleviate burdens on students so we can concentrate on academics and extracurricular involvement. It is no secret that college is expensive. We must often juggle multiple jobs on top of our studies, extracurriculars, and life in general. Therefore, it makes our lives as students so much easier.”
Matthew believes his time at St. John’s has firmly positioned him for a successful career. “I hope to one day own my own clothing line, and advertise it with the raft of knowledge I have gleaned from my time at St. John’s.”
Advertising Major Grateful for Opportunities at St. John’s
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Communications, Marketing & Media

Elmont, Long Island, New York