Foundation Day Liturgy at St. John’s Celebrates Origin of Vincentian Charism

January 29, 2025

Inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, whose transformative work with the needy energized the 17th-century Church, members of the Congregation of the Mission—the Vincentians—called on the St. John’s University community to follow the message of Christ and work toward a wholly inclusive Church. 

The University celebrated Foundation Day on January 24 with Mass in St. Thomas More Church on the Queens, NY, campus and a luncheon in the adjacent Father Daly conference room. Homilist Rev. Aidan R. Rooney, C.M., M.Div., M.Th. ’78NDC, Executive Vice President for Mission, spoke of the responsibilities the Vincentian family share in cultivating a society rooted in the values of St. Vincent de Paul.   

“We have a responsibility to those living in situations that are outlying, that are disconnected,” Fr. Rooney said. “It is our fundamental mission to see that everyone finds their way back from whatever oppression has held them out.”       

The Foundation Day celebration is traditionally held on January 25 to coincide with the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, whose first-century transformation from Christian persecutor to evangelist helped to expand the early Church. Centuries later, on January 25, 1617, St. Vincent de Paul experienced a spiritual awakening that prompted him to address the physical and spiritual needs of the people of his native France.

The Congregation of the Mission, which St. Vincent established in 1625, is celebrating its 400th anniversary in 2025. With the traditional feast of Paul’s conversion falling on a Saturday this year, the Foundation Day celebration at St. John’s was moved up by a day.

Scripture readings reflected St. Paul’s journey of conversion and spoke of the signs believers will see as Jesus’ ministry grows. In his homily, Fr. Rooney asked the congregation “to be effective signs in a world that still needs the gift that Christ sent his disciples.”

The hour-long Mass included closing words from the Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P., University President, who thanked the Vincentians for their continued dedication to the mission of St. John’s.

“I speak for all of us today when I say we want to thank you for your ministry here,” Fr. Shanley said. “We deeply admire the witness of your lives and the fidelity of the Congregation of the Mission. Today, we all here at St. John’s celebrate the gift that is the Vincentian charism.”

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