Madison A. King headshot

Madison A. King

Madison A. King is from Woodmoore, MD, and graduates in May of 2024 with a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She is a Biomedical Sciences major. After graduating from St. John’s, Madison plans to attend medical school and eventually become a surgical oncologist. 

She chose St. John’s because she wanted to be a part of their phenomenal science program, as well as to participate in the cutting-edge research taking place here. As a new member of the St. John’s community, she has been delighted to explore the campus, meet other knowledgeable staff and students, and dedicated herself to becoming a remarkable student and person. 

“St. John’s has provided me a sanctuary where I am inspired to grow, now it is up to me to gather the courage and consistency to do the same for others,” she said.

She is a member of St. John’s ROTC. And she is also looking forward to joining and working with many organizations on campus. 

[email protected]