Professor Cavanagh is a member of the Order of the Coif and also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Prior to entering the teaching field, he practiced law with two major New York City law firms. Professor Cavanagh is currently a member of the Council of the ABA Antitrust Section. He has served as co-chair of the ABA Antitrust Section Public Service Committee and co-chair of its Committee on Ethics and Professionalism. He has also served as co-chair of the Antitrust Section’s Civil Practice and Procedure Committee from 2001-04 and as vice-chair from 1997-2001. In addition, he served on the Section’s Civil Litigation Task Force in 2000-01 and the Section’s Antitrust Remedies Task Force in 2004.
Professor Cavanagh is a past chair of the New York State Bar Association Antitrust Section and currently a member of its Executive Committee. He is Reporter to the EDNY Committee on Civil Litigation and served as a member of, and reporter to, the Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group from 1991-97. He is also a member of the SDNY/EDNY Committee on Joint Local Rules. Professor Cavanagh is a member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and has served on its Antitrust and Trade Regulation Committee and its Federal Courts Committee.
Professor Cavanagh has lectured and published widely in the areas of antitrust, federal procedure and practice and complex litigation. He teaches Antitrust Law, Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws, Federal Practice and Law & Economics.
Articles and Book Chapters
Countering The Big Lie: The Role of the Courts In The Post-Truth World, 107 Cornell L. Rev. Online 101 (2022)
Discovery in the Federal Courts in Support of Foreign Litigation: Lending a Helping Hand or Legal Imperialism, 13 Federal Courts L. Rev. 81 (2021)
A 2020 Agenda For Re-Invigorated Antitrust Enforcement: Four Big Ideas, 105 Cornell L. Rev. Online 31 (2020)
Offensive Non-Mutual Issue Preclusion Revisited, 38 Rev. Litig. 281 (2019) (Forthcoming)
Whatever Happened to Quick Look? 26 U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 239 (2018)
Matsushita At Thirty: Has the Pendulum Swung Too Far In Favor Of Summary Judgment?, 80 Antitrust L.J. 81 (2018)
Mandatory Rule 11 Sanctions? Here We Go Again?, 74 Washington & Lee L. Rev. Online 31 (2017),
The Jury Trial in Antitrust Cases: An Anachronism?, 40 Am. Jour. Trial Adv. 1 (2016)
General Jurisdiction: The Updating and Uprooting of the Corporate Presence Doctrine, 68 Maine L. Rev. 288 (2016)
Federal Civil Litigation at the Crossroads: Reshaping the Role of the Federal Courts in Twenty-First Century Dispute Resolution, 93 Or. L. Rev. 631 (2015).
Antitrust and Economic Theory: Finding a Balance, 45 Loy. Chi. L.J. 123 (2013).
The Impact of Twombly on Antitrust Actions Brought in State Court, AntitrustSource, 1 Feb. 2013, available at
The Rule of Reason Re-Examined, 67 Business Lawyer 435 (February 2012).
The FTAIA and Foreign Claims under State Antitrust Law, 26 Antitrust 43 (Fall 2011).
Twombly’s Seismic Disturbances, 38 Litigation 6 (Winter 2012).
Making Sense of Twombly, 63 S.C. L. Rev. 97 (2011).
Rulemaking, Litigation Culture and Reform in the Federal Courts, 35 Am. Jour. Trial Adv. 49 (2011).
The Private Antitrust Remedy: Lessons From The American Experience, 41 Loy. L.J. 629 (2010).
Issue Preclusion in Complex Litigation, 29 Rev. Litig. 859 (2010).
Detrebling in Monopolization Cases, 76 Antitrust L.J. 97 (2009).
Twombly: The Demise of Notice Pleading, the Triumph of Milton Handler and the Uncertain Future of Private Antitrust Enforcement, 27 Rev. Litig. 1 (2008).
Vertical Price Restraints After Leegin, 21 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 1 (2008).
Twombly, The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Courts, 82 St. John’s L. Rev. 877 (2008).
Trinko: A Kinder, Gentler Approach To Dominant Firms Under the Antitrust Laws, 59 Maine L. Rev. 112 (2007).
The FTAIA andEmpagran: What Next? 58 S.M.U. L. Rev. 1419 (Fall 2005).
Antitrust Remedies Revisited, 84 Ore. L. Rev. 147 (Fall 2005).
Illinois Brick: A Look Back And A Look Ahead, 17 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 1 (2004).
The FTAIA and Subject Matter Jurisdiction Over Foreign Transactions Under the Antitrust Laws: The New Frontier in Antitrust Litigation, 56 S.M.U. L. Rev. 2151 (Fall 2003).
De–Regulation of the Air Waves: Is Antitrust Enough?, 17. St. John’s Jour. Leg. Comm. 67 (2003).
Pleading Rules in Antitrust Cases: A Return to Fact Pleading?, 21 Rev. Litig. 1(2002).
Reciprocal Dealing: A Rebirth?, 76 St. John’s Law Review 633 (2001).
Procedural Convergence Is the Missing Link, Global Competition Review (April/May 2000).
New York Antitrust Bureau Pursues Mandate To Represent State Interests In Fostering Competitive Environment, 72 New York State Bar Journal 38 (January 2000).
Kumho Tire: Decision Extends Daubert Approach to All Expert Testimony, 71 New York State Bar Journal 9 (July/August 1999).
The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990: Requiescat in Pace, 173 F.R.D. 565 (1997).
A Model for Using Magistrate Judges to Help Mitigate Delay in Federal District Courts, 37 Judges’ Journal (Vol. 2) 68 (Spring 1998).
Obstacles in the Search for Truth, Legal Times, July 27, 1998 at 21.
Antitrust Liability Premised on Enforcement of Invalid Intellectual Property Rights, 6 Univ. Miami Bus. L.J. 119 (1996).
The Legacy of the Civil Justice Reform Act, Legal Times, November 25, 1996, at 28.
Rule 11 Of The Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure: The Case Against Turning Back The Clock, 162 F.R.D. 383 (1995).
Journalists As Professionals: Rethinking The Professional Exemption Under The Fair Labor Standards Act, 16 Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Journal 277 (1996).
Turning Back the Clock on Rule 11, Legal Times, April 10, 1995 at 24.
Mandatory Disclosure’s Voluntary Reach, in Litigation: Pointers and Problems, Legal Times, November 21, 1994 at 15.
The Civil Justice Reform Act Of 1990 And The 1993 Amendments To The Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure: Conflict Without Resolution in Civil Practice And Litigation In Federal And State Courts, ALI/ABA 1994.
Mandatory Disclosure And Complex Antitrust Litigation: Some Frank Discussion About A Confused Issue, 8 Antitrust 8 (Summer 1994).
Bumps On The Road To Speedier Civil Justice, Legal Times, January 4, 1994 at 22.
The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 And The 1993 Amendments To The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Can Systemic Ills Afflicting the Federal Courts Be Remedied By Local Rules?, 67 St. John’s L.Rev. 721 (1993).
The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 And The 1993 Amendments To The Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure: Peaceful Co-Existence?, ALI/ABA, October 14, 1993.
The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 And The 1993 Amendments To The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: On A Collision Course?, ALI/ABA, May 20, 1993.
Preparing A Witness To Testify In A Commercial Case, 19 Litigation 36 (Summer 1992) (with Briscoe R. Smith).
Antitrust In The Second Circuit, 65 St. John’s L.Rev. 795 (1991).
Public Records, Market Reports Commercial Publications and Treatises in Antitrust Evidence Handbook, (ABA Antitrust Section 1991).
Attorney’s Fees In Antitrust Litigation: Making the System Fairer, 52 Fordham L.Rev. 51 (1988).
Pretrial Discovery In The Law School Curriculum: An Analysis And A Suggested Approach, 38 J. Legal Educ. 401 (1988).
The Relevance Of Administrative Considerations In The Judicial Decision Making Process: A Kantian Perspective, 11 Harv. J. Law & Pub. Pol. 407 (1988).
Contribution, Claim Reduction And Individual Treble Damage Responsibility: Which Path To Reform Of Antitrust Remedies?, 40 Vand. L.Rev. 1277 (1987).
Detrebling Antitrust Damages: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?, 61 Tulane L.Rev. 777 (1987).
The Illinois Brick Controversy: It’s A Debate That Just Won’t Die, Nat. L.J. July 14, 1986, p.20.
Developing Standards Under Amended Rule 11: Stemming Baseless Suits Without Chilling Bona Fide Claims, 14 Hofstra L.Rev. 449 (1986).
The August 1, 1983 Amendments To The Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure: A Critical Evaluation And A Proposal For More Effective Discovery Through Local Rules, 30 Villanova L.Rev. 767 (1985).
The Illinois Brick Dilemma: Is There A Legislative Solution?, 48 Albany L.Rev. 273 (1984).
IllinoisBrick Revisited: An Analysis Of A Developing Antitrust Jurisprudence, 17 Val. U.L. Rev. 63 (1983).
Book Chapters
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States and the Federal Antitrust Laws in the United States (2d ed. 2004) in Manual for Foreign Investment, (West) (with John H. Shenefield).
Antitrustin Haig, Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, (2d. Ed. 2005) (West) (with John H. Shenefield).
Antitrust Jurisdiction, Standing and Remedies, published in Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts (West 1998).
Private Antitrust Suits, Practice and Procedure, 2004 Annual Review of Antitrust Developments (2004) (ABA).
Private Antitrust Suit, Practice and Procedure, 2003 Annual Review of Antitrust Developments (2003) (ABA).
Real Estate Brokers and the Antitrust Laws in Rohan et. al., Real Estate Brokerage Law & Practice (1985) (Bender).
Contract Damages, (Chapter 6) in New YorkForm Jury Instructions (Bender 1992).
Trade Libel, (Chapter 22) in New YorkForm Jury Instructions (Bender 1992).
Unfair Competition, (Chapter 20) in New York Form Jury Instructions (Bender 1992).
Antitrust Evidence Manual, (2d ed. 2002) (ABA).
St. John’s Law School Faculty Issue, 72 New York State Bar Journal (2002).
Professional Accomplishments
Reporter, Eastern District of New York Committee on Civil Litigation (1997-present).
Reporter, Eastern District of New York Committee on Revision of Local Rules (1995 - 1998).
Reporter, Eastern District of New York Advisory Group (1991 - 97); Co-drafter, Final Report to Honorable Thomas C. Platt, Chief Judge, December 9, 1991, 142 F.R.D. 185 (1992).
Member, Civil Litigation Caseflow Committee for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (1985- present); Reporter (1985 -present); Drafter, Report on Rule 11 (1990); Drafter, Report of the Civil Caseflow Committee, July 1986.
Member, Discovery Oversight Committee for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (1984-present); Report (1984-85).
Member, Eastern District of New York Committee on Ethics (1993-97).
Member, Special Committee on Discovery Practices in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (1982-84). Co-drafter, Revised Report Of The Special Committee On Discovery In Civil Cases For The Eastern District Of New York To The Honorable Jack B. Weinstein, Chief Judge, 102 F.R.D. 339 (1984).
Testified before the Antitrust Modernization Commission on July 28, 2005 regarding Antitrust Remedies.
Testified before the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate on June 3, 1986 regarding S. 2481, the “Antitrust Improvements Act of 1986,” 99th Cong.2d Sess. (1986).