Understand Your Financial Aid Package

What is a Financial Aid Package?

All accepted students who file a Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will receive a Financial Aid Package from St. John’s University which indicates the types and amounts of financial aid available to the student at St. John’s.

The Office of Student Financial Services encourages students and their families to carefully review their financial aid offer and consider all available options provided to assist students in financing their education.

Financial aid offers are individualized and reflect student’s eligibility based on the information provided by them, and for dependent students their families, on the FAFSA. The offer also factors in a student’s grade level, program of study, campus, individual program eligibility requirements and funding levels. 

An aid offer may contain a variety of different financial aid programs. We encourage students to learn more about the financial aid programs in their Packages and have provided detailed information below on the various financial aid programs

Gift Aid

Student Financial Services Publications

Self Help

Other State Programs

State Aid programs vary by state.  Students are encouraged to visit the state education department website to learn more about the state aid programs and see if those programs can be used for study outside their state.  The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) maintains a resource on State Financial Aid Programs for students and parents. Please visit https://www.nasfaa.org/state_financial_aid_programs for additional information. 

Federal Direct Loan Tutorials

Federal Direct PLUS Loan Tutorials

Student Responsibilities

Student Right to Know