National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Intake Survey

Please note:

  1. There are no right or wrong answers. The answers you provide in this survey will not influence your status as a candidate for the scholarship.
  2. Please contact Daniel Ness, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, at [email protected]; Nancy P. Morabito, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Science Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, at [email protected]; or Richard J. Rosso, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Chemistry, at [email protected] if you have any questions related to this survey.
  3. Answers to all questions are required unless indicated otherwise.

Part I: General Information

Ethnicity (optional)
If you are a GRADUATE student,
Your STEM major
For which program are you applying?
How did you learn about this opportunity?
Would you have pursued teaching if you did not receive this scholarship?
When did you decide to focus on STEM teaching?
Which of the following influenced your decision to focus on science or mathematics

For the following seven questions, please circle one of the following: SD (strongly disagree), D (disagree), N (neutral), A (agree), or SA (strongly agree).

I am passionate about teaching in general.
I am passionate about teaching science or math.
I am excited to work with adolescents.
I like to explain ideas/concepts to others.
I look forward to working with all types of students.
I expect to teach in a high-need school upon completion of the program to fulfill my commitment.
I expect to teach in a high-need school after my scholarship/stipend commitment is completed.