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- Academic Service-Learning
Since fall 2011 the Tobin College of Business requires all sophomore and senior students to engage in business consulting projects as part of their coursework. These consulting projects take the form of advisement across a variety of business related issues to not-for-profit organizations which have included New Ground, Mama’s House, the Girl Scouts of Nassau County, The INN, Immigrant Advancement Matters, and New Life Fellowship.
Offered as part of required management courses sophomore year, students develop solutions to immediate short-term problems which organizations encounter while senior students focus on developing long-term strategies.
Students from each course are selected to formally present the recommendations of their class to the executives from these not-for-profit organizations. Benefits to students include exposure to in-depth organizational analysis resulting in real time actionable recommendations, such as the Jumpstart program which the organization New Ground developed from student recommendations, as well as development of formal business presentation techniques. The outcome of this project is a body of students who are well informed about current issues affecting organizations, the ability to think creatively and critically in solving problems, and the development of a business presence during a business presentation.