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Get Involved, Get Connected, in CPHS Student Organizations
The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has more than 27 active student organizations. All organizations promote professional development in a broad range of disciplines within health-care majors. Students from all programs are encouraged to actively participate within one or more student organizations to promote both personal and professional development and enhance their social and academic life on campus.

“Serving on executive boards has granted me the opportunity to grow professionally and enhance key leadership skills. In addition, it has been a pleasure collaborating with my peers and developing friendships within the organizations.”
—Vassilia Plakas, Pharm.D. Candidate, Class of 2024, and President, CPHS Student Congress
Questions and Answers
Visit St. John’s University’s Activities Fair each semester to learn more about the groups that pique your interest, and then attend their meetings. Follow the College’s social media platforms for the latest event information.
The following are a few of the annual events and programs planned by CPHS student organizations: SSHP Residency and Fellowship Showcase, APhA-ASP Pharmacy Career Day, ToxCarnival, APhA-ASP Red Dress Gala, Rho Chi academic tutoring sessions, Rho Chi Coffeehouse Chats (Faculty and Alumni Edition), and the IPhO New Fellows Panel.
We encourage students to join student organizations during their first semester on campus. Student organizations are an essential part of campus life as they assist in creating connections, building relationships, and expanding skills outside of the classroom. Students who join student organizations experience a higher level of satisfaction with their overall college experience.
Pharmacy Student Organizations
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)
Faculty Adviser: Hyunah Cho, Ph.D.
The AMCP focuses on improving patient health by ensuring access to high-quality, cost effective medication and other therapies. Our student chapter is here to help students and health professionals acquire greater insight about the opportunities that exist in managed care pharmacy and how we can improve health care overall.
Ansha Hamid, President
Winnie Wu, President-Elect
American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists (AAPP)
Faculty Adviser: Gerard Quinn, Pharm.D
The American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists is a nonprofit organization that strives to provide the best quality care for individuals with mental health disorders through educating and supporting psychiatric pharmacists with access to research, scholarship, and practitioner development. The St. John’s chapter aims to introduce students to the world of psychiatric and neurological pharmacy and contribute to the vast society of leaders in this profession.
Rosa Kang, President
Elaine Xu, Vice President
American Pharmacist Association–Academy Student Pharmacist (APhA-ASP)
Faculty Adviser: Jennifer Bhuiyan, Pharm.D., Kathleen Horan, Pharm.D., and Lauren Anderson, Pharm.D.
As the biggest pharmacy student organization on campus, the American Pharmacist Association–Academy of Student Pharmacists strives to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, provide opportunities for professional growth, improve patient care, and envision advancement in the future of pharmacy.
Eric Nguyen, President
Sarah El-Rowmeim, Vice President
American Society of Consultant Pharmacy (ASCP)
Faculty Adviser: Judith L. Beizer, Pharm.D.
The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists is a nonprofit, international organization that focuses on pharmacists and students who work on the management of various medications for elders in our community. The society encapsulates community service and learning opportunities to promote awareness and knowledge about this field.
Hajra Kamal, President
Rufiat Alamgir, Vice President
Drug Information Association (DIA)
Faculty Adviser: Laura Gianni, Pharm.D.
The Drug Information Association is focused on creating an interconnected world in health care. It promotes innovation and collaboration globally by having leaders and professionals of varying careers unite together to improve health-care policies. Through collaboration, research, development, and advancement in science, the DIA’s ambition for better patient outcomes around the globe will be realized.
Manuel Martis, President
Ria Singh, Vice President
Industrial Pharmacy Organization (IPhO)
Faculty Adviser: Somnath Pal, Ph.D.
The IPhO recognizes the role of pharmacists beyond their traditional scope who work in pharmaceutical and biotech companies. While the IPhO offers an array of career-building and networking opportunities, students can become involved by joining the mentor-mentee program, newsletter committee, or the nationwide VIP Case Competition.
Ahsanullah Shirzad, President
Basmalla Hussein, Vice President
Kappa Psi
Faculty Adviser: William M. Maidhof, Pharm.D.
The Kappa Psi pharmaceutical fraternity is one of the largest professional pharmaceutical fraternities in the world that promotes four pillars: Fellowship, Industry, Sobriety, and High Ideals. Our brothers benefit from professional development opportunities, connections around the world, and friendships that last a lifetime.
Oniva Husain, President
Demetra Koutmanis, Vice President
Phi Delta Chi (PDC)
Faculty Adviser: Joseph V. Etzel, Pharm.D.
More than an organization, Phi Delta Chi is a brotherhood that creates a friendly and helpful environment for those who share a mutual passion and ambition for the health-care profession. They are brothers in pharmacy who focus on improving themselves as individuals and those around them in all aspects of pharmacy to pave the way for the current and next generation.
Robert Diaz, President
Shahzaib Huda, Vice President
Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS)
Faculty Adviser: Joseph M. Brocavich, Pharm.D.
Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is dedicated to promoting the development of leadership qualities among pharmacy students and pharmacists. It is their priority to empower lifelong leaders to positively influence the profession of pharmacy.
Juliana Hroncic, President
Isabel Gendin, Vice President
Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP)
Faculty Adviser: Maha Saad, Pharm.D.
The Student College of Clinical Pharmacy’s mission is to inform members of opportunities in a clinical pharmacy setting, the various specialties that lie within clinical pharmacy, and how to become a stronger residency candidate.
Raya Keir, President
Reian Daniels, Vice President
Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)
Faculty Adviser: Manouchkathe Cassagnol, Pharm.D., BCPS, AACC
SNPhA is an educational service association of pharmacy students focused on the profession of pharmacy, health-care issues, and minority representation in these areas. Members have a mission to plan, organize, coordinate, and execute programs geared toward the improvement of the health, educational, and social environment of minority communities.
Jeanette Ho, President
Arya Singh, Vice President
Student Pharmacist Society of the State of New York (SPSSNY)
Faculty Adviser: Emily M. Ambizas, Pharm.D.
Their goal is to unite and empower the profession of pharmacy through advocacy, education, networking, and interprofessional collaboration.
Steffan Chugh, President
Vishal Macwan, Vice President
Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy (SSHP)
Faculty Advisers: Kimberly E. Ng, Pharm.D.
The Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy provides students with the resources and necessary tools to broaden their personal and professional development, as well as their commitment to the profession. Members hope to increase awareness and interest in the clinical health-system setting by educating others about career options in hospitals or health systems while also improving communication between pharmacy students and the health-care community.
Armina Sarin, President
Hillary Cheung, President-Elect
Student Society of Pediatric Pharmacy (SSPP)
Faculty Adviser: Sarah Smith, Pharm.D.
The Student Society of Pediatric Pharmacy seeks to advocate safe and effective use of medication in children and promote pediatric education and awareness of pediatric-related health matters among future health-care professionals. They are devoted to improving health outcomes of children in their community through service, while providing an opportunity for health-care professional students to learn and grow in the pediatric specialty.
Laila Asif, President
Gianna DiPrima, Vice President
Health Sciences Student Organizations
Biomedical Sciences Student Organization
Faculty Adviser: Aaron Muth, Ph.D.
The Biomedical Sciences Student Organization provides a community for students to increase retention in the program. They also aim to educate students on the multifaceted use of the Biomedical Sciences degree as it relates to professional opportunities. Their main goal is to ensure that each student graduates with confidence and clarity as to what the next stage of their professional journey will look like. Whether it be higher education or a career in the lab, they aim to provide the necessary resources to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
Kimberly Zhao, President
Ariana Ocon, Vice President
Clinical Laboratory Sciences Association (CLSA)
Faculty Adviser: Yon Choi-Gomes ’97MLS(ASCP)
This association aims to raise awareness of the community and the profession for all clinical laboratory sciences majors at St. John’s University. Students who may not be in this major but are interested in learning are also welcome. Awareness is accomplished through informative and interactive meetings held at least every other month.
The CLSA serves as a forum for students seeking affiliation with classmates in various stages of the major to stay updated on the curriculum and opportunities available at St. John’s and elsewhere in the field of clinical laboratory science.
Javier Camacho, President
Kayla Gibson, Vice President
Healthcare Advocacy & Resource Management Network For You (H.A.R.M.O.N.Y)
Coordinator: Diana J. Patino, Ed.D.
Healthcare Advocacy and Resource Management Network for You” or “H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. aims to encourage and support students, particularly minorities, in their pursuit of healthcare leadership roles across a variety of sectors such as public health, health law, healthcare administration, and/or clinical settings. Additionally, the organization advocates for important global health issues and provides members with resources to excel in the field. This organization aims to provide students with exposure to community service, networking, research, and professional development/certification opportunities, while also having a focus on advocacy and awareness in the field to address disparities as well as inequities in the healthcare system.
Tanya Ansari, President
Megan O'Connor, Vice President
Nursing Student Organization (NSO)
Faculty Adviser: Francine Laterza, Ed.D., R.N., PNP, CNE
The Nursing Student Organization is comprised of nursing students who strive for academic excellence and participate in service-led campus and community activities. In collaboration with the University’s nursing faculty, the organization fosters leadership development and networking opportunities essential for personal and professional success in the nursing profession.
Carolyn Moglia, President
Esther Babalola, Vice President
Physician Assistant Student Organization
Faculty Adviser: Pamela Gregory-Fernandez, MS, PA-C, GEA, DFAAPA
St. John’s Physician Assistant Student Organization works in collaboration with the faculty, students, and College to develop programming aimed at personal and professional development. Through this development, they strive to be Physician Assistant students who are united and informed, ensuring each voice is heard and serving their community.
Gabrielle Tricorico, President
Kelly Farrell, Vice President
Tau Omega Chi
Faculty Adviser: Diane Hardej, Ph.D.
Tau Omega Chi (ΤΩΧ) is the University’s Toxicology Club, tasked with bringing awareness to and educating others on the wonders of toxicology, even for those who don’t major in it. Representing one of the oldest pre-med courses on campus, members hope to pique your curiosity and encourage you to learn more about this field.
Jesus Guaman, President
Braeden Caminiti, Vice President
Radiologic Sciences Student Society
Faculty Adviser: Jennifer Chiu, Ed.D.
The Radiologic Sciences Student Society is an organization that is open to any first-year student and sophomore who is interested in the radiologic sciences and its role in treating and diagnosing in the health-care field. By collaborating with juniors and seniors, this organization provides an open space to gain information about the major and how you can get involved and prepared for a career in medical imaging.
Melody Vengesai, President
Aimee Sit, Vice President
Graduate Student Organizations
American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS)
Faculty Adviser: Nitesh K. Kunda, Ph.D.
The American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences student chapter at St. John’s University provides a local forum for students and other researchers interested in pharmaceutical sciences. The student chapter is affiliated with the national AAPS organization and aims to advance its mission to advance the pharmaceutical sciences field to develop products for improving global health. The student chapter organizes events throughout the year to promote networking, student engagement with industry experts, and exchange of scientific ideas.
Rehema C. Khairnar, Chair
Parasharamulu Kommarajula, Chair-Elect
Honor Societies
Clinical Laboratory Sciences Lambda Tau Honor Society
Faculty Adviser: Robina Colclough-Davy, MLS(ASCP)
The mission of Lambda Tau is to recognize outstanding academic achievement amongst students within NAACLS-accredited clinical laboratory academic programs. In addition, Lambda Tau seeks to develop a spirit of cooperation and unity among the students entering this profession, to encourage research and to help develop the professional character of the profession itself, and to interest other students in this profession.
Radiologic Sciences Lambda Nu
Faculty Adviser: Jennifer Chiu, Ed.D.
Lambda Nu is a national honor society for the radiologic and imaging sciences. It fosters academic scholarship at the highest academic levels, promotes research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences, and recognizes exemplary scholarship and service. Students completing their first semester of the professional year with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher will be invited into this honor society.
Rho Chi
Faculty Adviser: Ketankumar Patel, Ph.D.
The Rho Chi Honor Society promotes and acknowledges excellence in intellectual achievement and supports critical inquiry in all areas of pharmacy, imparting elevated standards of character and conduct and fostering fellowship among members. The St. John’s University Beta Delta Chapter strives to uphold the mission of the Society while supporting fellow pharmacy students as they progress through their professional years and beyond.
Esther Lee, President
Sharupa Azmal, Vice President
More Information
New CPHS Student Organization Application process
Any proposals for new student organization will require that the following questions be completed and sent to College’s Division of Student Affairs for review. Please complete the following questions on a word document.
1. Discuss your purpose and vision behind the establishment of the new student organization.
2. Would this organization be addressing a gap or need within the pharmacy and/or health sciences student population?
3. Would any of the currently SGI recognized, or college recognized organization be able to address this the need or gap that exists? All student organizations are listed on the College’s webpage.
4. If this organization were to be approved, it should aim to provide educational and professional development opportunities. Please provide a potential list of speakers or topics that would be held by the organization.
5. At the national level, would you student organization be under a professional organization? If so, can you please provide the link to the organization and information about the professional organization mission and goals.
6. Have or will you be sending a student survey to the College to determine if there is student interest in this organization?
7. If this organization were to be approved on a probationary status, who would serve as the organization’s faculty advisor? Please note that only full-time CPHS faculty members can serve in this capacity.
Once the information is provided, the Student Organization proposal will be reviewed by Tina J. Kanmaz, Pharm.D., Associate Dean of Student Affairs at [email protected] and Diana J. Patino, Assistant Dean for Administration and Student Success at [email protected] and the Dean of the College.