Name, Image, and Likeness in Sport Minor
The minor in Name, Image, and Likeness in Sport introduces the emerging opportunity for individuals—especially athletes—to leverage their name, image, and likeness through marketing, promotional, and branding activities.
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- Name, Image, and Likeness in Sport Minor
This included areas such as social media activities, endorsements of goods and services, autograph sessions and promotional appearances, business-building and entrepreneurial activities, and more. Important areas for coursework such as sport management, finance, law, and marketing are all included in the minor.
Coursework for the Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) in Sport minor includes sport-, business-, financial-, legal-, and marketing-related coursework offered in both The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies and The Peter J. Tobin College of Business. NIL encompasses a large and growing number of opportunities, both for those offering and managing NIL activities (e.g., for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations, and legal firms and representation), and those receiving and undertaking NIL opportunities (e.g., students, student-athletes, and athletes).
- Degree Type
- Minor
- Area of Interest
- Sport, Hospitality & Fashion
- Associated Colleges or Schools
- Program Location
- Queens Campus
- Required Credit Hours
- 15
SPM 2554 Name, Image, and Likeness in Sport
FIN 2300 Personal Finance
SPM 2001 Legal Aspects of Sport Management
3 credits chosen from
SPM 3001 Sport Marketing or MKT 3314 Sport Marketing and Media
3 credits chosen from
SPM 3551 Social Media in Sport or MKT 3331 Social Media Content Creation
No Overlap between Sport Management Major and Minor
Interested in Sport, Hospitality & Fashion, but not sure if Name, Image, and Likeness in Sport Minor is right for you?
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