The Johnnies Blog

Welcome to Johnnie's Blog, your one-stop shop for navigating the college experience and beyond. Whether you're a future undergraduate or graduate student, we're here to help you make the most informed decision about your future and prepare for success.
Students practicing wellneses by excercising at the gym on campus

7 Daily Habits That Fuel College Success

College success is not only about getting good grades; your focus should also be on finding a balance and creating a fulfilling life. Whether you’re an incoming student or a rising senior, incorporating these seven daily habits into your routine can help you succeed in college and beyond.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
St. John's Alumna Nathalie N. Chara

St. John’s Alumna Reflects on Journey of Self-Discovery in College

Your first year in college can be both exciting and daunting, especially if you are far from home. It is also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Picture yourself discovering a new you in a lively city like New York while forming new connections and exploring different possibilities.

This was the experience of Nathalie N. Chara ’13C, ’14G, a St. John’s University double alumna. In this Q&A, Ms. Chara shares how her journey at St. John’s went beyond the classroom, allowing her to find her interests and make lasting connections.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
St. john's first-year latinx student smiling next to faculty

My Journey into a Hospitality Career as a First-Generation Latinx Student

As a first-generation Latinx student navigating the dynamic environment of St. John’s University, I am driven by the challenges and opportunities that will prepare me for a successful career in hospitality management.

In this blog, I share some valuable experiences that have ignited my passion and equipped me with the skills needed to make a significant impact in the hospitality industry.

St. john's student, Emely Almendariz
Emely Almendariz
St. John's Study Abroad Student Acayla Wray

Self-Discovery Abroad: Insights from a St. John’s Student’s Journey

Have you ever longed for a life-changing experience that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and reveals a deeper understanding of yourself? Studying abroad has the power to be that pivotal moment of self-discovery.

In this Q&A, we hear from Acayla Wray, a St. John’s University education major and aspiring teacher who spent a life-changing semester in Rome, Italy. Now a senior, she reflects on her study abroad journey, the challenges she faced that forced her to grow, and the unexpected passions she discovered.

St. John's University Junior Students

A Junior’s Advice to a College Freshman

Dear future college student, congratulations on making it this far! My name is Madison, and I am a junior majoring in public relations at St. John’s University.
It’s normal to feel nervous about starting college, but don’t worry—resources are available to help you succeed. In this blog post, I share valuable pieces of advice that I wish I had received when I was a college freshman.

St. John's University Student
Madison Coombs
St. John's University RISE network mentorship program

The Power of Mentorship: For Career Development

Do you ever feel lost when it comes to planning your career? Imagine having someone who has already been through the same experience and is happy to share their knowledge with you. They can guide you, answer your questions, and support you—that’s the power of mentorship.

In this blog post, we dive into the benefits of having a mentor for career development and equip you with the knowledge and tools to embark on your mentorship journey.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
St. John's University Career Services Adviser Headshot

Unlocking Career Success: Insights from St. John’s Career Services Adviser

Discover how St. John’s University Career Services can assist you in achieving career success from Kenneth Emeghebo, Associate Director of Career and Internship Advising at St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. With over a decade of experience in training, development, and leadership consulting, Mr. Emeghebo brings a wealth of expertise to the St. John’s Career Services team.

Group of St. John's University Students Celebrating Friendship

How to Make Friends in College: 5 Practical Tips

Are you feeling anxious about making new friends as you prepare to start your first year of college? Don't worry—we have you covered! Our guide on college socializing can help you master the art of making friends during your first year. These new friends will be an essential part of your college experience, so putting effort into meeting new people is important. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to connect with others on campus; it doesn't have to be daunting.

St. John's University Student
Madison Coombs
Alumni-Sponsored Study Abroad Program Focuses on Greece

Seven Ways to Elevate Your College Experience

If you’re a current or future college student, you might be eager to make the most of your college experience. Fortunately, there are several ways to ensure your college time is enriching and fulfilling.

In this blog post, you’ll discover seven practical ideas to take your college experience to the next level. Whether joining on-campus organizations that align with your interests or studying abroad to broaden your horizons, these tips are designed to help you make the most of your college years.

St. John's University Student
Madison Coombs