The Johnnies Blog

Welcome to Johnnie's Blog, your one-stop shop for navigating the college experience and beyond. Whether you're a future undergraduate or graduate student, we're here to help you make the most informed decision about your future and prepare for success.
St. john's first-year latinx student smiling next to faculty

My Journey into a Hospitality Career as a First-Generation Latinx Student

As a first-generation Latinx student navigating the dynamic environment of St. John’s University, I am driven by the challenges and opportunities that will prepare me for a successful career in hospitality management.

In this blog, I share some valuable experiences that have ignited my passion and equipped me with the skills needed to make a significant impact in the hospitality industry.

St. john's student, Emely Almendariz
Emely Almendariz
St. John's Alum Headshot, Duane Shippey

Building a Finance Career: Lessons from a VP at BNY Mellon

Are you interested in a finance career where you can help people achieve financial empowerment? In this Q&A session, you get to know Duane Shippey '97A, a St. John’s University alumnus. As the current Vice President (VP) of Client Services at BNY Mellon, Mr. Shippey shares his journey of building a career in finance, the skills he has developed, and the challenges he has faced and overcome.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
St. John's University Career Services Adviser Headshot

Unlocking Career Success: Insights from St. John’s Career Services Adviser

Discover how St. John’s University Career Services can assist you in achieving career success from Kenneth Emeghebo, Associate Director of Career and Internship Advising at St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. With over a decade of experience in training, development, and leadership consulting, Mr. Emeghebo brings a wealth of expertise to the St. John’s Career Services team.

St. John's Career Services Adviser Speaking to a College Student

Career Success Starts Here: Maximizing Your College Career Services

Are you a current or future college student wondering what your future holds? Do you need more certainty about your career goals and how to achieve them? Look no further than your college career center. Despite common misconceptions, these centers offer a wealth of resources and support to help students succeed in their personal and academic pursuits.

Two students in professional attire for a career fair event

Future-Proof Your Career: The Top 10 Skills Employers are Looking for in 2024

In today's rapid job market, staying ahead is non-negotiable. Developing future-ready skills is crucial, particularly as the evolution and integration of artificial intelligence and other technological innovations is redefining the business world (and how we engage in it). Upskilling is no longer a “nice-to-have,” but instead a necessity, to enhance your employability and open doors to higher-paying or leadership-oriented roles.

Students in red gowns throwing their black caps in the air after graduating

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Career Postgrad   

Graduating from college is an exciting and bittersweet moment. As you celebrate all the great friendships made and the hard work you put into earning a degree, it’s also time to start an entirely new life chapter. The transition from college to career can feel overwhelming; however, there are many great ways to prepare, even during the last few weeks leading up to graduation. In today’s blog post, we cover five tips to help you be successful as you prepare for your postgrad life.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli