Identity-Based Career Resources
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- Identity-Based Career Resources
St. John’s University’s student body is among the most diverse in the nation, with near forty-five percent identifying as Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian, Alaska Native, or Two or More Races. Our students come from 46 states, each of the U.S. territories and 119 countries. We are rooted in the Catholic tradition, specifically the teachings of St. Vincent de Paul; however, our students identify as more than 15 different religions with only 45% of our students identifying as Catholic.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Career Resources
University Career Services is dedicated to ensuring equitable access for all our students. We stand firmly against all types of racism, inequality, and discrimination. Our team stands together as one that believes inclusivity and belonging are especially critical in the work we do with the diverse student population that we serve.
The curated list of resources below is intended to support our students’ ability to bring their whole self to work through an appreciation that embracing what makes us diverse promotes innovation, understanding, and overall success in the workplace. This list includes several categories aimed at students interested in issues of equity and inclusive excellence within the workplace. This list, while extensive, is not complete. We invite our students and alumni to contact us to provide any resources you believe are missing or would like to see featured.
Career Resources for Students in the BIPOC Community
Our collection of career resources for students who identify as one or more of the following racial or ethnic groups: African, Alaskan Native, Asian, Black, Xicanx, Desi, Hispanic, Indigenous, Latinx, Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander.
- Ascend: https://www.ascendleadership.org/default.aspx
- Asian American Career Resources: https://www.velvetjobs.com/articles/insights/asian-american-career-resources
- Asian American Professional Association (AAPA): https://aapamentoring.com/
- Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP): https://aapip.org/who-we-are
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting: https://www.alpfa.org/
- Black EOE Journal (A-Z Employer Directory): https://blackeoejournal.com/top-companies/
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation: https://www.cbcfinc.org/
- Equal Opportunity Publications: https://www.eop.com/mags-AACW.php
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities: https://www.hacu.net/
- Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility: https://www.hacr.org/
- Hispanic National Bar Association: https://hnba.com/
- https://www.teachforamerica.org/life-in-the-corps/your-tfa-network/latinx-alliances
- INROADS:https://inroads.org/internships/apply/
- National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP): https://www.naaap.org/
- National Association of Black Accountants, Inc., (NABA): https://www.nabainc.org/
- National Association of Black Journalists: https://www.nabj.org/
- National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters: http://nabob.org/
- National Association of Latino Elected Officials: https://naleo.org/
- National Black Nurses Association: https://www.nbna.org/
- National Congress of American Indians: http://www.ncai.org/about-ncai/mission-history
- National Hispanic Institute: https://www.nationalhispanicinstitute.org/
- National Hispanic Medical Association: https://www.nhmamd.org/
- National Society of Black Engineers: https://www.nsbe.org/home.aspx
- Royal Bank of Canada Resources for Indigenous Peoples: https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/IndigenousPeoples
- Teach for America Latinx Alliances: https://www.teachforamerica.org/experience/our-program/latinx-alliances
- The Association of Black Psychologists: http://www.abpsi.org/
- The Black Perspective | African-American Diversity & Inclusion Recruitment for Jobs: https://blackperspective.com/
- The Committee for Hispanic Children & Families: https://www.chcfinc.org/
- The National Black Law Students Association: https://www.nblsa.org/
- The National Black MBA Association: https://nbmbaa.org/
- Top Native American Organizations to Know: https://seramount.com/articles/top-native-american-organizations-to-know/
- U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: https://ushcc.com/
- Unidos/United formerly known as NCLR: https://www.unidosus.org/
- Asia Media - Provides job opportunities with Asian-friendly employers and career resources for Asian Americans: http://www.asiamedia.com/
- Asian Career Network: https://www.acareers.net/search
- Black Career Women’s Network: https://bcwnetwork.com/
- DIVERSITY in Ed: https://www.diversityined.com/blog/home/
- Diversity Jobs: https://www.diversityjobs.com/
- IHispano: https://www.ihispano.com/
- IM Diversity Asian American Resources: https://imdiversity.com/category/villages/asian/
- InRoads: https://inroads.org/internships/apply
- LatPro: https://www.latpro.com
- National Congress of American Indians:http://www.ncai.org/resources/job-listings
- NativeAmericanJobs: https://employment.nativeamericanjobs.com/jobseekers/
- NativeHire: https://www.nativehire.org/
- SACNAS (Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science): https://careercenter.sacnas.org/
Career Resources for Students in the LGBTQIA+ Community
We address key questions about disclosing sexual orientation and gender identity and provide resources to help you understand your legal rights and evaluate employers.
- Out Professionals: www.outprofessionals.org
- National LGBT Chamber of Commerce: www.nglcc.org
- Lambda Legal: www.lambdalegal.org
- Out for Undergrad: www.outforundergrad.org
- Open Finance: www.openfinancenyc.org
- Stonewall: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/
- Out & Equal: www.outandequal.org
- OutBüro: https://www.outburo.com/
- Swarthmore College – Guide to Sexual Orientation & Career Development: "Guide to Sexual Orientation & Career Development"
- LGBT Connect: www.lgbtconnect.com
- Idealist:www.idealist.org (Search by interest and includes “LGBT” as an area of focus._
- Transgender Workplace Diversity Network: https://workforcediversitynetwork.com/
- Out Professionals Network: https://www.outpronet.com/search
Career Resources for Student Veterans
This page highlights career resources that may be useful to you if you have served or are currently serving in the military, plus some additional resources for military family members and spouses.
- U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs: www.va.gov
- U.S. Department of Labor: www.dol.gov/agencies/vets
- VetsThrive NYC: https://mentalhealth.cityofnewyork.us/mission-vetcheck
- Onet: www.mynextmove.org/vets/
- U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Veteran Business Development: www.sba.gov
- DOD Tap Transition Assistance Program: www.dodtap.mil/
- Veterans Opportunity to Work: www.benefits.va.gov/vow/
- American Corporate Partners – Veteran Mentoring: www.acp-usa.org/
- Veteran Employment Programs & Career Counseling: www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/warriors-to-work
- Franchising education for Veterans: www.vetfran.org/
- List of Military Friendly Employers: www.militaryfriendly.com/employers/
- Federal Jobs with Veteran Preference: www.usajobs.gov/Help/working-in-government/unique-hiring-paths/veterans/
- Federal veteran’s preference eligibility: https://www.fedshirevets.gov/
- NYS Jobs, Civil Service: www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker
- Security Clearance Job: www.clearancejobs.com/
- Recruit Military Search Engine: https://recruitmilitary.com/
- Construction Trades Apprenticeship Training Program for Veterans: https://helmetstohardhats.org/
Career Resources for Students with Disabilities
Get help answering questions about disclosure, accommodations and your legal rights. We also provide some places to search for jobs or internships.
- Creative Spirits: www.creativespirit-us.org
- Equal Opportunities Publications, Inc.: www.eop.com
- Bender Consulting: www.benderconsult.com
- Integrate Autism Employment Advisors: www.integrateadvisors.org
- NYC Mayors Office for People with Disabilities: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/mopd/index.page
- Access VR: www.acces.nysed.gov/vr
- Lime Connect: www.limeconnect.com
- Viscardi Center: www.viscardicenter.org
- Diversity InC: www.diversityinc.com
- Disability Equality Index: https://disabilityin.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019-DEI-Report_508.pdf
- Job Accommodation Network: http://askjan.org/
- American Association of People with Disabilities: www.aapd.com/
- NYC At Work: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/mopd/employment/nyc-at-work.page
- Ability Links: www.abilitylinks.org/
- Lime Connect: www.limeconnect.com/
- Federal Government Disability Employment: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/disability-employment/
- Getting Hired: https://www.gettinghired.com/
- Ability Jobs: https://abilityjobs.com/
- Hire Potential: http://hirepotential.com/
Career Resources for Students who were Formerly Incarcerated
Get help answering questions about disclosure, and your legal rights. We also provide some places to search for jobs or internships.
- America Works: https://americaworks.com/
- Exodus: https://www.etcny.org/
- The National Reentry Resource Center: https://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/
- New Jersey Reentry Corps: https://www.njreentry.org/
- The Fortune Society: https://fortunesociety.org/
- Center for Employment Opportunities: https://ceoworks.org/
- The Osborne Association: http://www.osborneny.org/
- Second Chance Reentry: https://secondchancereentry.org/
- Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Foundation: https://www.gettingtalentbacktowork.org/pledge/?_ga=2.32635262.1917063371.1597937590-1712662080.1597937590
- ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/060917-trone-reportweb_0.pdf
- Jails to Jobs: https://jailstojobs.org/
- 12 Big Companies that Hire Felons: https://www.careeraddict.com/companies-hire-felons
- Financial Education and Reentry Resources: https://www.moneygeek.com/financial-planning/resources/assistance-for-formerly-incarcerated/
- Reentry Works: http://www.reentryworks.com/employment/FelonFriendlyEmployerList.aspx
- Career One Stop: https://www.careeronestop.org/ExOffender/Toolkit/find-state-resources.aspx?location=NY
- Jobs for Felons: https://www.jobsforfelonshub.com/jobs-for-felons/
- Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network: http://www.ficgn.org/job-leads
Career Resources for Undocumented Students
We value the dignity of all the members of the community, regardless of immigration status. We've gathered information here to help you understand what your rights are, and how to find support you need throughout your career development process.
- My Undocumented Life: https://mydocumentedlife.org/
- National Immigration Law Center: https://www.nilc.org/
- Venturize: https://venturize.org/
- Immigrants Rising: https://immigrantsrising.org/
Career Resources for Women
There are issues in U.S. workplaces that disproportionately affect women. We’ve gathered information to help you understand what your rights are, and how to find the support you need throughout your career development process.
- Women for Hire: http://womenforhire.com/
- American Medical Women’s Association: https://www.amwa-doc.org/
- The Association for Women in Computing: http://www.awc-hq.org/home.html
- Financial Women’s Association: https://www.fwa.org/
- National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.: https://ncbw.org/
- The Alliance for Women in Media: https://allwomeninmedia.org/
- American Business Women’s Association (ABWA): https://www.abwa.org/
- Bloomberg Gender Equality Index: https://data.bloomberglp.com/company/sites/46/2020/01/2020-MemberList.pdf
- Advancing Women: https://advancingwomen.com/
- Diversity Jobs: https://www.diversityjobs.com/
- Women’s Job List: https://www.womensjoblist.com/
General Resources for Diversity in the Workplace
- Fortune – The 100 Best Workplaces for Diversity: https://fortune.com/best-workplaces-for-diversity/
- Diversity Jobs: https://www.diversityjobs.com/
- Forbes – America’s Best Employers for Diversity: https://www.forbes.com/best-employers-diversity/#79615e7a9b9e
- Best Workplaces for Diversity: https://www.greatplacetowork.com/best-workplaces/diversity/2019
- Diversity Best Practices Inclusion Index: https://seramount.com/best-companies/2021-inclusion-index-organizations/
- Human Rights Watch Corporate Equality Index: https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/CEI-2019-FullReport.pdf?_ga=2.92928157.1017233825.1593710948-1048493935.1593449763
- Diversity InC: https://www.diversityinc.com/the-2020-top-50-diversityinc/