A Johnny's Journey
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Start fresh. Start now.
University Career Services serves as a bridge between students' college experience and life after St. John’s. Starting the first year and continuing beyond graduation, we are here to help students explore who they are and their career options, connect their experience — whether it is academic, campus involvement and engagement, internships or work experience, to careers or graduate school – and achieve their post-graduation goals.
To us, it’s a journey - A Johnny’s Journey to Success. And each of our students creates their own unique one.
Employers are looking for new St. John’s University graduates to be Career Ready — meaning they know how to use their talents, strengths, and interests. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified key competencies for career readiness.
Throughout your journey seek out experiences that will give you opportunities to practice these competencies, keep track of the outcomes you achieve while doing so, and turn these into great action statements for your future resumes!
Below is a toolkit of resources to help you navigate your journey.
What is career readiness?
Career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. Career Readiness Defined (PDF)
Am I career ready?
Questions to Think About (PDF)
A Johnny’s Journey to Success
Deciding on a career is a process and something that will not happen two weeks before graduation. Start exploring early.
Johnny’s Journey was developed to help you stay on track toward success. Using the journey we are confident that you will be prepared to find a career that suits your passions, values, interests, and goals.
A Johnny's Journey to Success (PDF)
Get Started Today
Download the St. John's University app, schedule an Appointment with a Career Advisor under the Resources section of Career Services.