Student Research Support

As part of its mission, the Law Library seeks to meet the educational and legal research needs of St. John's law students. Our reference librarians are available to assist you via email, WebEx appointment, or in person as appropriate. Please contact us at [email protected] or by calling 718-990-6651. We look forward to assisting you in the coming years.

E-mail Reference Services for Students

You may email a reference request to [email protected]. We will generally respond within 48 hours excluding weekends or holidays.  We will do our best to provide assistance in answering your question.  Reference assistance via email is available to St. John's University Law School students and employees.

While we are happy to assist in planning research and identifying useful resources, we are unable to assist with extensive research questions without a follow-up meeting. Some reference questions cannot be answered adequately via email.  In that case, the responding librarian will indicate this and make other suggestions for assisting you.

Reference librarians will not give legal advice or offer interpretations of the law.

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