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The library team strives to support faculty scholarship as robustly as possible. We provide standard reference services in person, via email, and by phone during our regular reference hours. In addition to our reference services, we also offer a number of individual services relating to the creation and dissemination of faculty scholarship.
Scholarly Impact
Scholarly impact refers to the reach of your scholarship. This reach has been traditionally measured by citations to your scholarship. More recently, measures of impact have begun to include downloads from institutional repositories and working paper sites, mentions on social media, and links from news sources. The goal of the library is to help faculty use specific resources to increase their scholarly impact. These resources fall into three categories:
Scholarly Identity – The goal of these resources is to establish your identity as an author and to make sure all your scholarship is associated with the correct author.
Scholarly Support – The library provides resources, as well as reference and research support.
Scholarly Visibility – Once published it is important that your scholarship be visible to as broad an audience as possible; the law school has several places to publish your scholarship for visibility.
Scholarly Identity
HeinOnline Author Profiles
HeinOnline creates author profiles for faculty at many law schools. In fact, you can find a list of all published St. John’s Law Faculty on HeinOnline’s website. All current and retired faculty are included in the list. The HeinOnline Author Profile automatically includes all your publications available through HeinOnline and provides statistics on those publications. Additional information can be added to the author profile to make it more robust.
You can find more information about the Author Profiles on HeinOnline’s Help Page.
The library can correct and update information in the HeinOnline Author Profile. If you see an error on your author profile, you can contact Saadia Iqbal for assistance in getting it corrected.
ORCID provides a unique persistent identifier assigned to an author. A unique identifier is essential to making sure your work is correctly attributed to you. Despite changes in jobs or names, you can be connected to all your scholarship via an ORCID iD. You have complete control of your ORCID profile and can provide details about education, employment, affiliations, and grants.
More information about ORCID and its mission can be found on their website.
ORCID 101 – This video by the ORCID US Community provides a brief overview of ORCID and how to use it.
The library does not directly handle ORCID but we can assist in setting up a profile. Please contact Saadia Iqbal for assistance.
ORCID and HeinOnline integration
The HeinOnline author profile and the ORCID iD can be connected so that a full profile of your work can be found in HeinOnline. The integration allows work beyond law review articles to be visible on HeinOnline. An example of a successful integration can be found on Bonnie Shucha’s Author Profile.
Google Author Profiles
Google Author Profiles are another method by which authors can secure their scholarly identity. Generally, these profiles may take a little work to set up but having a Google Author Profile ensures that a search of your name will bring up your profile. Professor John Q. Barrett’s profile provides an example of a completed Google Author profile from St. Johns Law.
Information on setting up a Google Author Profile is available on their website.
The library can assist you in setting up a Google Author Profile. Please contact Saadia Iqbal for assistance.
Scholarly Support
One issue with citations is link rot, or the disappearance of internet-only resources. Perma.cc provides a method by which researchers can archive links to freely available resources that may not be available years later. Perma links, as they are called, can be included in citations so subsequent researchers can access the materials.
The library can save links in Perma.cc as requested. If you plan to use Perma.cc regularly, the library can also set up access for you and your Research Assistant so that you or your RAs can save links as necessary. Please contact Saadia Iqbal for assistance.
More information about Perma.cc can be found on their website.
Research Assistants
The library is always available to answer research questions or help train your faculty Research Assistants. To hire a personal RA, reach out to Jeanne Ardan, our Associate Dean for Career Development and Externships.
In addition, the library has Library RAs available for support on small projects. Library RAs have assisted faculty members with assignment creation, initial research on newer projects, and updating of completed research, among many other smaller projects. Contact Saadia Iqbal for more information about Library RA support.
Scholarly Visibility
Institutional Repository (IR)
St. John’s Law Library curates an institutional repository for the purpose of making the intellectual output of St. John’s Law available to a broad audience in an open access format. This means that material included in the repository can be easily discovered via a Google search. Scholarship included in the repository can also be accessed without a subscription. You can explore the repository at https://scholarship.law.stjohns.edu/.
The repository contains many things, including faculty members’ published scholarship (subject to copyright permission). The library tracks faculty publications for upload throughout the year. We will make every effort to work with you to secure permission to post your published works, but rights to your work are typically determined by the author agreement you sign prior to publication. If you have questions about your author agreements or gaining permission to make your work available in an open access format, please contact Courtney Selby.
For assistance related to the Institutional Repository, please contact Christopher Anderson.
SSRN is a place for academics to publish their research both in working-paper form and sometimes in final published form as well. Within SSRN there is a network specific to legal academia, the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN). SSRN shows up in search results when a topic is searched in Google Scholar. Like the IR, SSRN provides another point of access for your publications.
St. John’s University School of Law has its own SSRN Research Paper Series that distributes faculty members’ work. You can subscribe from the series home page.
For assistance with SSRN, you should contact Kate Smith or Ada Song from our Faculty Support team. They can provide help uploading your work to SSRN and making sure papers are properly coded to be included and distributed in the St. John’s Research Paper Series.
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