Brooke Barrett headshot

Brooke Barrett

Brooke Barrett is from Long Island, NY, and graduates in May 2021 with a Bachelor’s degree from the Collins College of Professional Studies. She is a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Forensic Psychology. She is currently in the process of applying to graduate programs for Forensic Psychology and eventually would like to work as a Forensic Psychologist for the FBI.

She chose St. John’s University because she loves being close to the city and St. John’s gave her the best financial package in order to make her studies possible and very affordable!

She works as a supervisor of the campus call center and as a SOAR (Sexual Violence, Outreach, Awareness, and Response) guide on campus. She also works at Nike in addition to schooling and her on campus positions. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hanging out with friends and traveling.

[email protected]