The Johnnies Blog

Welcome to Johnnie's Blog, your one-stop shop for navigating the college experience and beyond. Whether you're a future undergraduate or graduate student, we're here to help you make the most informed decision about your future and prepare for success.
Overhead shot of Tobin Lobby with students walking and studying

Top 9 Digital Marketing Careers For College Graduates in 2024

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field with a wide range of career paths to explore. Whether you’re a creative thinker, a data enthusiast, or a strategic planner, there’s a niche in digital marketing just for you. Let’s explore 9 exciting career paths within digital marketing to help you determine which one aligns best with your strengths and aspirations.

Aishwarya Gupta
Robot and Human Interacting with a bright globe

AI Evolution: What is a Large Language Model?

Many people use Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini. They give you the answers you want without doing an extensive deep dive through a Google search. But have you ever wondered what a large language model is and how it can generate such excellent responses?

St. Johns second-year graduate student at St. John’s completing a Master of Science degree in Data Science
Amritpal Singh
St. john's first-year latinx student smiling next to faculty

My Journey into a Hospitality Career as a First-Generation Latinx Student

As a first-generation Latinx student navigating the dynamic environment of St. John’s University, I am driven by the challenges and opportunities that will prepare me for a successful career in hospitality management.

In this blog, I share some valuable experiences that have ignited my passion and equipped me with the skills needed to make a significant impact in the hospitality industry.

St. john's student, Emely Almendariz
Emely Almendariz
Homeland Security Lab

Homeland Security & Criminal Justice Leadership: Master Dual Program

In today’s dynamic landscape, a career in homeland security and criminal justice leadership is a responsibility—a dedication to safeguarding communities and upholding equity. A cornerstone of meeting this responsibility lies in an understanding of both homeland security and criminal justice leadership, the discipline in which encompasses unique insights and challenges that demand specialized knowledge and skills. Homeland security demands a keen understanding of cybersecurity, counterterrorism, and emergency preparedness, while criminal justice leadership focuses on enforcing laws and ensuring equitable justice for all.

Career Exploration in New York City St. John's University Group Photo

Fast-Track Your Future: Actionable Career Exploration for College Students

If you’re a current or soon-to-be college student, feeling anxious about your career plans is expected. You might encounter questions from others like, “Have you thought about internships yet?” or “Why haven’t you started networking?” which can add to the pressure. But don’t worry—that is what University Career Services is here for!

Career Exploration in New York City St. John's University Group Photo

Fast-Track Your Future: Actionable Career Exploration for College Students

If you’re a current or soon-to-be college student, feeling anxious about your career plans is expected. You might encounter questions from others like, “Have you thought about internships yet?” or “Why haven’t you started networking?” which can add to the pressure. But don’t worry—that is what University Career Services is here for!

Overhead of the Empire State Building in New York City

Navigating the Future of Homeland Security and Criminal Justice: From 9/11 to Tomorrow

In the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the United States found itself confronting a new reality—one marked by unprecedented threats to national security. In response to these challenges, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) emerged as a pivotal force in safeguarding the nation against terrorism and other hazards. The DHS represented the largest restructuring of the federal government since World War II, consolidating the efforts of 22 disparate agencies into a unified entity tasked with protecting the homeland. In this article, we examine the creation of the DHS and how it has evolved throughout the years—as well as what the future may hold for homeland security and criminal justice leadership.

Three students working on computers in SJU Cyber Security Lab

Information Security vs Cyber Security: Are They the Same?

In the digital world we live in today, the terms “information security” and “cybersecurity” are often used interchangeably. However, despite their similarities, the two concepts have a few key differences that are important to understand.

This blog post explores these concepts in detail, breaking down the key distinctions and similarities between information security and cybersecurity. Additionally, we delve into the exciting world of cyber and information security careers, uncovering overlapping skills and discussing what you can do with a master’s degree in this dynamic field.

Katarina Kobetitsch
Katarina Kobetitsch
United National Leader of Accelerator Labs Gina Lucarelli Speaking on Social Entrepreneurship

Making an Impact through Social Entrepreneurship: UN Leader Insights

Are you ready to create a positive impact through social entrepreneurship? In this video, Gina Lucarelli, leader of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Labs, the world’s largest learning network, explains how social innovation, sustainable development, and global collaboration can tackle pressing challenges and ignite positive change. Whether you look to launch a startup or scale your impact, this conversation equips you with the tools and motivation to make a real-world difference.