Recreation Opportunities
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Fitness Center
The Fitness Center offers a wide variety of cardio equipment including treadmills, arc trainers, ellipticals, stationary bikes, rowers, and Stairmasters. Strength training equipment, free weights, cross-fit area and a stretch/abdominal area are also available.
The Fitness Center is located on the east side of Carnesecca Arena. You may enter the Fitness Center from the lower level of Carnesecca Arena. A valid St. John's ID Card is required.
Carnesecca Arena, Lower Level
Fitness Center Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Summer Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
For the most up to date information on Fitness Center hours, classes, and events, please follow @stjohnscrec!
Finals Week Fitness Class Schedule

Body Blast is an energetic, full-body workout that incorporates weights and gets your blood pumping. It is like an espresso shot for your body!
Boot Camp is a challenging cardio and strength training combination focused on fat burn and muscle tone.
Boxing uses the elements and fundamentals of boxing to provide a vigorous workout.
Butt and Gut focuses on abs and lower body. The exercises are targeted for your abs, thighs, and buttocks to burn fat and sculpt.
Contemporary Conditioning begins with a dance-based conditioning routine built to tone, shape, and increase flexibility. Learn and execute a dance routine while using these techniques.
Contemporary Fusion is a dance class that combines traditional contemporary concepts with popular styles such as modern, hip-hop, and conditioning exercises.
Full-Body Calorie Burner is a high-intensity class that combines cardio and sculpting to target all major muscle groups. It burns fat and many calories.
Full-Body Conditioning works out your entire body while burning a lot of calories! This workout is a multilevel full-body workout that targets all of the major muscle groups. The workout features challenging exercises and circuits that increase strength, decrease body fat, and improve overall conditioning.
Hip-Hop includes class teaches a dance routine that integrates various hip-hop and street styles to dancers of all levels and experiences.
Meditation allows you to practice relaxing your mind and body by taking a journey inward. This class includes some gentle stretching and breathing techniques.
Pilates is a mind/body experience designed to condition and stabilize your core muscles. Other benefits include increased flexibility, coordination, balance, stabilization, relaxation, and body alignment.
Sculpt is a full-body workout that challenges every muscle. Strengthen and sculpt your body using dumbbells, body bars, step, and bands.
Spin is an exercise program that utilizes a specially designed stationary bicycle and a series of cycling movements to provide you with both a physical and a mental workout.
Spin and Sculpt combines 15 minutes of spin with total body sculpting for a fun mix of cardio and sculpting. Torch fat and gain lean muscle in this fun class!
Yoga is an active, dynamic class, linking breath with movement. Increase flexibility, strength, and stamina while breathing deeply and quieting the mind.
Zumba is a dance fitness program based on international rhythms with easy to follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness experience.
The Personal Training program offers you to have one-on-one sessions with a qualified personal trainer. The team of personal trainers will design a customized fitness program, and provide the motivation needed to accomplish your fitness goals.
For complete information, please visit Personal Training.
Facility Regulations
- A valid St. Johns University ID card is required for admission to all recreation facilities.
- Guests are not permitted to use St. Johns facilities.
- Alcohol and drug use is not permitted in any recreation facility.
- Smoking is not permitted in Carnesecca Hall or on any recreational fields.
- Proper athletic attire must be worn in all recreation facilities. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the facility. Proper attire includes: sweatpants; jogging suits or gym shorts; t-shirt or sweatshirt; sneakers.
- No one will be permitted to leave their clothes or book bags in the gym or hallways. There are locker rooms and mini lockers to secure your belongings.
- Spectators may not enter the main gym floor wearing shoes, boots, or jeans. Spectators may observe the activity from the bleachers.
- During Campus Recreation contests, only those participating may be on the gym floor. Others may not infringe on this space. This includes during play, time-outs, and between halves.
- Sneakers and rubber-soled cleats (no metal) may be worn on the outdoor fields.
- No food or beverages, other than water, are allowed in any recreation facility or on any recreational field.
- ID cards must be carried at all times. If you do not have an ID card you will not be permitted to access any of the recreation facilities.
* Failure to present an ID card when requested by a university faculty or staff member is a violation of the code of conduct and subjects the holder to disciplinary action (suspension). Please see the Student Handbook.
The development of sportsman-like behavior is one of the goals of Campus Recreation. Individual or team competitors must be able to accept defeat without blaming others. Officials, intramural event supervisors or representatives, teammates and opponents all deserve each other’s respect and courteous behavior.
Participants must realize that these are not varsity sports and there are no professional coaches or officials. The following rules regarding sportsmanship will be enforced:
- A team is responsible for the actions of its individual team members and for spectators directly associated with the team.
- Harassment of the officials, program supervisors, and other players will not be tolerated.
- Abusive language, verbal harassment or threats, physical harassment, striking, or intentionally pushing another participant, official or supervisor will not be tolerated.
- Unsportsmanlike behavior may result in an initial warning, a penalty, technical foul, or ejection from the facility, game or contest. Players or teams may be dropped from the Intramural event, tournament or league, and/or future events.
- Protests concerning the judgment of officials will not be considered. Therefore, their calls are not open to debate. Questions regarding rule interpretations can be made before or after a game or during a time-out.
- Malicious behavior, such as striking another participant will result in immediate dismissal from the facility or event, and from future Campus Recreation events.
- Spectators are also responsible for behaving in a sportsmanlike manner. Anyone exhibiting improper behavior will be asked to leave the facility.
All students, faculty, staff, and administrators currently enrolled or employed at St. John’s University and presenting a validated ID card may use any recreational facility during recreation hours or participate in any of the intramural events or activities. Any individual who is currently a varsity athlete shall be ineligible to take part in the sport or related sport in which he or she is currently competing. Each student participating is responsible for his or her own eligibility. Any player using an assumed name or another individual’s ID card shall be barred from participating in any event offered by Campus Recreation for that school year.
Accidents And Injuries
All injuries must be reported to Campus Recreation immediately. Campus Recreation will contact the Student Health Office and Public Safety.
Lost And Found Articles
Any questions regarding lost or found articles should be brought to the attention of Campus Recreation and/or Public Safety.
All recreational facilities are under the supervision and control of building managers, Public Safety, and Campus Recreation personnel. Any person on the premises without a validated St. John’s ID card will be removed from campus. Any person caught stealing will be prosecuted. If any other building user observes looting or stealing in progress, please alert any Campus Recreation personnel or Public Safety. Let us work together to protect each other. Please report any illegal or criminal behavior. We appreciate your help.