Psy.D. Program
All first year students are required to set up a meeting with their newly assigned faculty advisor in the program sometime during the Fall semester. At that meeting, the faculty advisor will be available to discuss issues regarding coursework, sequence of curriculum, career planning, research opportunities, and so forth. In addition, the faculty advisor will specifically inform the student that competency and progress in academic and training areas is monitored continuously through ongoing and year-end review by faculty.
The procedures for the handling and remediation of any noted difficulties in progress will also be communicated directly to the student as follows: Progress is reviewed annually at a meeting of the entire program faculty. The faculty review student transcripts, grades, and supervisor ratings in making a determination regarding performance and overall progress in the program and document their findings on the Student Progress Report. A copy of this report and a letter explaining its significance is then mailed to the permanent address of each student. Faculty also monitors student progress in an ongoing manner via performance in coursework or supervision in practica during each semester.
Ongoing monitoring provides an opportunity to address concerns that may arise suddenly without having to wait until the annual review. The manner in which any identified concerns or problems are managed is as follows: If an annual or ongoing review indicates particular concerns or unsatisfactory progress in any area, it is required that the faculty advisors arrange a meeting with the student to discuss the issues that have been noted. If, in the opinion of the faculty advisor or faculty as a whole, the concerns warrant formal action or remediation, a recommended improvement plan will be developed jointly by the student and faculty advisor and, as appropriate, in consultation with any faculty members familiar with the areas in which the difficulties are noted. The plan will be given to the student in writing by the faculty advisor and offered as a recommendation for improving performance. In the event that satisfactory progress is not attained by the next scheduled review or end of the semester, the faculty will mee t and develop jointly a new recommended improvement plan. The faculty advisor will again meet with the student and present the plan which may include, but is not limited to, repeating coursework, delays in starting intern/externships, extra-curricular training, or termination from the program.
Exceptions to these procedures are allowed in cases where students have engaged in particularly egregious conduct, for example ethical or legal misconduct, actual or threatened physical or verbal aggression, academic dishonesty, and the like, in which case a student may be referred by any faculty member directly to the appropriate administrative level to face disciplinary actions in accordance with university policies
The School Psychology Program's grievance procedures are as follows:
- If a student has a grievance with faculty, staff, or another student associated with the program, the student should meet first with the person who is believed to be responsible for the grievance in an attempt to resolve the problem informally. The department believes that many student concerns can be resolved through direct and open communication between the parties concerned.
- If the student is not satisfied with the results of the informal meeting, or is not comfortable directly communication with the person with whom s/he has a grievance, then the student should arrange a meeting with and speak to his/her faculty advisor or the immediate supervisor above the level of the individual.
- If the student grievant is dissatisfied with the results of Step 2 (meeting with their faculty advisor or the program director), s/he should request a meeting with the Chair of the Psychology Department. The Department Chair will schedule a joint meeting with the grievant and the individual at whom the grievance is directed within ten working days.
- If the student is not satisfied with the results of the meeting with the department chair, s/he may submit a written complaint to the GEPC, along with a request for a meeting with the GEPC. All students are informed as to who the faculty members are of the GEPC at the beginning of each academic year. The written grievance should be presented promptly to the GEPC and prior to the scheduled meeting. After the student meets with the GEPC, the Department Chair will return a written response to the student grievant within ten working days. If the grievance is resolved, a copy of the written resolution will be included in the student's file.
- If either party is dissatisfied with the results of Step 4, s/he may appeal in writing to the Dean of St. John’s College within ten working days from the date of the Step 4 response. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Dean will schedule a meeting with the grievant and the individual at whom the grievance is directed within ten working days. A written response will be issued to both parties within fifteen working days. The Step 5 decision shall be deemed final and binding. A copy of the final grievance and results will be maintained in the student's file.
The Psychology Department adheres to the Statement on Plagiarism from the St. John’s University Liberal Arts Faculty Council.
Read the St. John's University Academic Honor Pledge.
Any questions or confusion about what constitutes plagiarism should be discussed with the instructor.
Any plagiarism discovered in term papers will result in a grade of zero on the paper, or F in the course, at the discretion of the instructor.
For further information regarding what constitutes plagiarism please visit
Full-time study means enrollment for at least nine (9) credits per semester, or the equivalent. Students are required to attend three (3) years of full-time enrollment or the equivalent thereof. At least two (2) of these years must be at St. John’s University if the student has transferred from another graduate degree offering institution. Equivalent full-time enrollment requires that the student enrolls for a minimum of six (6) credits and is completing the third or fourth year externship, which involves three (3) days per week at a field placement. Students may complete their internship either full-time for one (1) year or half-time for two (2) years.