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SOE Policies

The School of Education provides a broad range of services to help undergraduate and graduate students reach their academic goals and enhance their personal, intellectual, and social development.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for questions, concerns and guidance. If you call or email, please be sure to identify yourself as an undergraduate or graduate student so we can direct you appropriately.

We are proud to offer comprehensive and innovative lessons designed to support and promote a culture of excellence and innovation in the field of education. The School of Education supports the University’s Strategic Priorities to ensure student success; recruit, recognize, and retain the best faculty, staff, and administrators; enhance our teaching and learning environment; and expand global and community partnerships.

This website provides practical resources for all faculty and students within The School of Education.


Faculty success may be viewed in terms of the individual successes of faculty members, as well as the successes of academic units and teams, partnerships within the university, and partnerships with the community.

  • Celebrating faculty success acknowledges, recognizes, and shows appreciation for The School of Education faculty members, encouraging them to pursue excellence, develop professionally, and enjoy working in an environment that understands and values their work.  
  • Celebrating faculty success contributes to the mission of The School of Education, encouraging faculty members to focus on endeavors that are valued by the university mission,  
  • Celebrating faculty success promotes the institution locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, which boosts public awareness and expands opportunities for partnerships and financial support in its teaching, research, and community engagement.  

Faculty Success can be reported through Digital Measures. Digital Measures is a tool for academic faculty to track in- and out-of-classroom instructional; research; creative; clinical and service activities. By adding our scholarly achievements to this comprehensive repository, Digital Measures will enable you to enter information once for various individual, department, college, and university uses — such as annual faculty activity reports; vitae and bio-sketches for grant applications; accreditation self-studies; and your web profile. For a guide to using Digital Measures click here.

Please follow the official AFAR application provided by the provost office. This is the rubric on how they are reviewed.

Click Here to Download Rubric



The School of Education prepares professionals and scholars who advocate for equitable, ethical education. We embrace culturally responsive, evidence-based practices that challenge students to be vanguards of powerful and positive changes in the world. 


We envision excellence and innovation in socially responsible education that fosters intellectual curiosity, advocacy, and leadership in the local and global communities we serve. 

1.01 Governance 

Consistent with 5.01 of the St. John’s University Statutes (2018), “Each school shall have a Faculty Council which shall exercise legislative authority and responsibility for formulating and maintaining the educational policies of that school.” 

1.02 Membership 

     A. The School of Education Faculty Council shall consist of the Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, as well as all “Eligible Faculty.” According to 3.03 of the St. John’s University Statutes (2018), “All faculty holding the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor since the beginning of the then current academic year shall be eligible to vote in a faculty election and shall be eligible to hold a position on a faculty governing body ("Eligible Faculty") unless disqualified under paragraphs (i), (ii) herein. 

       i. Faculty on an unpaid leave of absence shall not be Eligible Faculty. 

       ii. Faculty who receive a notice of non-renewal of contract or who resign shall not be Eligible Faculty.” 

     B. The Faculty Council also shall include one undergraduate or graduate student from each department. Student members shall serve one-year terms and shall not have voting rights. 

1.03 Meetings 

     A. Faculty Council meetings shall be held four times an academic year or more often as necessary for discussing or resolving problems or issues. Written notification of the meetings, including the agenda items, shall be given at least five business days in advance of the meeting, excluding weekends and holidays. Faculty also shall be notified (via meeting agenda) in advance of any items to put forward for a vote. Relevant documents should be shared with faculty at least five business days prior to the meeting. 

     B. The agenda of the Faculty Council shall be established by the Dean’s Office and the Secretary of the Council. Proposed agenda items should be sent to the Secretary of the Council at least 10 business days prior to the meeting. 

     C. Members of the Faculty Council may submit items for the agenda under “New Business.” As a rule, proposals submitted for “New Business” shall be forwarded by the Dean to the appropriate standing committee for review and recommendations. However, any items under “New Business” may be acted upon directly by the Faculty Council without being submitted to a standing committee if the Faculty Council votes to suspend its bylaws and act on the matter. 

     D. A recorder for each Faculty Council meeting shall be designated by the Dean. The recorder should be responsible for writing and distributing meeting minutes to the Secretary of the Council for review prior to distribution. 

     E. For meetings at which a vote will be called, 50 percent of the eligible voting faculty must be present, and a vote will carry based upon the majority vote of those present. If 50 percent of eligible faculty are not present, voting will occur electronically. 

1.01 Meeting Presider 

The Dean of the School, or in their absence, the senior person present holding the highest professional rank, shall preside at the meetings of the Faculty Council. The Secretary of the Council shall be elected for a term of two years during the spring semester, to serve during the following academic year. 

1.02 Secretary of the Council 

The Secretary of the Council will be responsible for (1) preparing the agenda, (2) sending Faculty Council members notice of all meetings and meeting agendas, (3) reviewing minutes prior to dissemination, (4) working with administration to secure agendas and meeting minutes in the University server, (5) maintaining all official records of the Faculty Council, (6) assigning potential agenda items to proper committees or agencies, and (7) notifying delegates of their election and appointment to committees. In the event of absence of the Secretary of the Council, the Dean or their designee may appoint a Secretary. 

1.01 School of Education Standing Committees 

There shall be four standing committees: Budget, Assessment, Curriculum, and Policy. 

1.02 General Function of Standing Committees 

The general function of the standing committees of Faculty Council shall be: (1) to formulate policy relating curriculum matters and regulations to the admission, retention and graduation of undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Education, (2) to receive and report to the Council on the annual budget, (3) to serve as a liaison between the Council and the Dean of the School of Education, and (4) to conduct a continuing examination and study of the by-laws. 

1.03 Standing Committee Composition 

     A. The Budget Committee shall consist of at least one, but no more than two, “Eligible Faculty” (see 3.03 of the University Statutes) from each department. The committee members will be elected by department vote and serve in three-year staggered terms. There will be no student members on the Budget Committee. The Dean may select at least one ex-officio member to serve on the committee. 

     B. The Assessment Committee shall consist of at least one program coordinator or department chair’s designee, from each department, three full-time faculty appointed by the dean, and at least one ex-officio members selected from the Dean’s office. Elected faculty will serve in three-year staggered terms. 

     C. The Curriculum Committee shall consist of at least one, but no more than two, “Eligible Faculty” (see 3.03 of the University Statutes) from each department. Each department should select student members who will serve one-year terms, and student members will not have voting rights. Each department should determine the eligibility requirements for student members. 

     D. The Policy Committee shall consist of at least one, but no more than two, “Eligible Faculty” (see 3.03 of the University Statutes) from each department. The committee members will be elected by department vote and serve in three-year staggered terms. Each department should select student members who will serve one-year terms, and student members will not have voting rights. Each department should determine the eligibility requirements for student members.  

1.04  Responsibilities of the Standing Committees of the Faculty Council 

     A. The Budget Committee shall: 

          i. This committee is responsible for generating ideas and recommendations related to revenue generation and fiscal responsibility and helping the Dean to promote transparency in the SOE’s budget. The committee shall report to the Council on the annual budget of the SOE. The formal annual report will be submitted in advance of the last Faculty Council meeting of the academic year. 

     B. The Assessment Committee shall: 

          i. Identify the assessment needs of the School of Education and provide advice on policies and procedures to create effective assessment programs. Assessment involves the use of data on student learning to refine programs and improve student learning. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using information to increase students’ learning and development. Standard V in the link below provides an understanding of assessment related to Middle States ( 

         ii. Make recommendations regarding assessment of student learning consistent with best practices in higher education, program accreditation requirements, and compliance with standards established by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 

        iii. Periodically evaluate the School of Education’s assessment system to ensure it is aligned to specific program requirements and/or external accrediting agencies. 

        iv. Review assessment reports and make recommendations. 

        v. Ensure the fidelity of our assessment system. 

        vi. Support program assessment with a variety of best practice models found through research including evaluation and recommendations regarding assessment tools. 

       vii. Make recommendations based on data gathering and analysis. 

       viii. Ensure that assessment results are disseminated to all relevant stakeholders. 

       ix. Present a year-end report to the Faculty Council. The formal annual report will be submitted in advance of the last Faculty Council meeting of the academic year. 

C. The Curriculum Committee shall: 

       i. Review new and existing programs and courses. 

       ii. Receive regular updates on program changes in each department. 

       iii. Have the committee chairperson report relevant items to the Faculty Council at each meeting. 

       iv. Present a year-end report to the Faculty Council. The formal annual report will be submitted in advance of the last Faculty Council meeting of the academic year. 

       v. Each committee will be required to report at each Faculty Council and submit an end- of-year report that outlines activities that were completed within that year. Ensure minutes are taken and submitted to the University server after each meeting. 

D. The Policy Committee shall: 

       i. Monitor, revise, and update SOE policies including issues affecting the SOE or its faculty members. 

       ii. Advise the Dean of faculty opinion on policy matters concerning the SOE. 

      iii. Review matters which establish or interpret basic policy. The committee will address policies that can be handled better by department administration. 

     iv. The committee will represent the entire SOE faculty and its members. It should make every effort to represent the faculty’s views. 

     v. Recommend policies to the Faculty Council and Dean concerning matters impacted by the SOE. 

     vi. There will be two subcommittees to work with the Policy Committee: the Academic Fairness Committee and the Bylaws Committee. Unlike the standing committees, these committees will only meet when necessary and focus on specific issues. 

1.05 Standing Committee Operating Procedures 

Each committee is empowered to devise its own operating procedures. 

1.06 Committee Decisions and Recommendations 

Decisions made by each committee, summarized in the approved minutes of its meeting, shall be forwarded to the Dean. Committee recommendations for the Faculty Council should be included in the Faculty Council Agenda per the timeline outlined in Article 1 Section 3. Any recommended action is subject to referendum by the Faculty Council. 

1.07 Composition of Special Committees 

The composition of special committees shall be at the discretion of the Dean. 

1.01 Bylaws Amendments 

The bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Faculty Council during the academic year by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. 

1.02 Notice of Proposed Revision 

Notice of proposed revision shall be submitted to the members of the Faculty Council ten business days prior to the meeting at which the proposed revision will be voted on. 

1.03 Bylaws Review 

The bylaws shall be formally reviewed every three years. 

Approved: 9/16/2020


If a student believes that he or she has not been graded fairly in a course, it is the student’s right to initiate a grade grievance. A formal process exists for the resolution of such problems. 

An eligible course grade grievance results from an improper academic evaluation. Students may grieve a grade only if: 

   a) there was an error in calculation which has a material impact on the final course grade; or

   b) the instructor failed to comply with the syllabus or posted revisions to the syllabus, other written or established course requirements, or University discrimination policies, which had a material impact on the final grade. 

Academic evaluation that is not eligible includes dissatisfaction with the evaluation criteria noted in the syllabus, dissatisfaction with the level of difficulty of work load associated with the course, objections regarding the style or quality of the instructors teaching. 

I. Informal Procedure 

   a) If a student disputes a course grade, the student must notify the instructor of record within 20 business days from the posting of the course grade. The student should submit a written statement that would include a copy of the syllabus along with copies of all tests, quizzes, or other written work that was completed and graded as part of the course requirements. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to provide the student access to all his/her tests, attendance records, if any, and other material considered in the course of the alleged grievance. Hopefully, consultation with the instructor of record will resolve the problem in question. 

   b) If no resolution can be reached (which includes a situation in which the instructor is unavailable for a discussion), the student may seek review of the department chair within the department in which the course is being offered. If the chair of the department is the faculty of record the student should appeal directly to associate dean (section c of this document). Such review must be sought no later than five (5) business days after attempts to resolve the issues with the instructor have failed. The student’s written grievance must fully describe the nature of the complaint and the informal resolution efforts, and should include any relevant evidence or documentation. Upon receipt of the grievance the chair will attempt to resolve the complaint informally.  

If the student alleges that the final course grade resulted from a violation of the University’s discrimination policies, the Chair will immediately refer the case to the Title IX offer for faculty who will review the case in accordance with the University Policy  

   c) If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student. The student must within seven (7) days after consultation with the department chair bring the complaint and all relevant document to the Associate Dean Graduate Education (for graduate courses) or the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education and Student Engagement (for undergraduate courses)

   d) If consultation with the Associate Deans fails to resolve the issue the student may then request to have the matter referred to the Academic Fairness Committee, but this can only be made when all the previous steps have been employed. If the Associate Dean is the faculty of record those matters should be referred to the Dean of the School of Education. 

II. Formal Procedure (Academic Fairness Committee) 

It is the responsibility of the student to complete the form with all supporting documentation. Please click here to complete the form. Once the form is completed it will be given to the faculty member on record and a member of the Academic Fairness Committee. The forms must be completed and submitted within two weeks of  the initiation of the procedure. Once the form is received the formal process begins. Prior to any deliberations on this case if the faculty member concerned is a member of the Academic Fairness Committee the Dean Shall appoint a replacement from the faculty 

If the committee determines that the grievance is not eligible to be resolved under this course grade grievance policy the committee indicates “ineligible” on the grievance form, completes the rationale section and distribute copies of the form to the student, faculty member, the faculty members immediate administrative supervisor and the dean. A formal letter should be sent to all parties and a record of the information should be kept on file. At this time the decision of the committee is final. 

If the student submitted a grievance that is eligible to be resolved under this course grade grievance procedure policy the committee will follow the process as stated below: 

   a) A hearing shall be conducted. The hearing is not regarded as a court of law and full adversary-type procedures will not be followed. The hearing shall be both confidential and closed to protect the student and instructor. 

   b) The student and respective faculty member will have to present their evidence at the hearing but they are not present as the committee's deliberations and voting. All parties may have an advisor or counsel of choice with them at their presentation. 

The burden of proof shall rest solely upon the student lodging the complaint. In no case shall the committee consider statements against either the student or the instructor unless the individual has been advised of their content and of the names of those who made them, and has been given the opportunity to refute unfavorable inferences, which might otherwise be drawn. 

All matters upon which the decision may be based must be introduced into evidence at the proceeding before the committee. The decision what be based solely upon such matters. 

The committee has the power to request and receive the evidence it deems necessary and pertinent to the case. 

The committee shall, by a majority vote, either: 

   a) Uphold the grade of the instructor; or 

   b) Uphold the contention of the student that the final grade was unfair. 

If the decision supports the instructor, the case is deemed closed. 

If the decision supports the student, the committee shall submit in writing a recommendation to the instructor to change the final grade to any suggested by the committee. 

The decision of the committee shall constitute final resolution of the complaint and written notice will be sent within two weeks by the committee to the student, the instructor, the chair of the department involved, and the appropriate dean. 

Upon non-compliance by the instructor with two weeks of the decision of the committee regarding the grade, the grade recommended by the committee will become the student's final grade. 

The chair of the committee will advise all parties that all portions of the complaint, including information and testimony gathered in the case as well as the resolution, are to be kept in strict confidence. At no time may any reference to or portion of the record of the case be used, referred to, or incorporated into studies and evaluations of any nature or into any official faculty files. 

The ultimate decision and action of this committee shall be considered final and admit of no further appeal. 

Approved: 9/14/2020


At the beginning of the semester, instructors are encouraged to notify their students of the Plagiarism Policy, the Academic Honor Pledge, and the Academic Honor Code with its Disciplinary Process. Instructors should inform students as to the types of conduct that constitute plagiarism. 

St. John’s University Academic Honor Pledge and Judicial Process

1) Students and Instructors are encouraged review the University Libraries webpage on plagiarism. 

2) In all instances of plagiarism, the instructor is strongly encouraged to give the student a grade of “F” for the plagiarized assignment OR  “F” for the course and must fill out a student misconduct form.

3) The instructor shall promptly notify the student that the grade is due to plagiarism and that he/she has the right to appeal (see Academic Honor Code/ Judicial Process). 

4) Should the student exercise that right to appeal, the matter then falls under the jurisdiction of the Dean’s Resolution Committee pursuant to the process outlined in the Academic Honor Code. 

5) The Dean will convene the Resolution Committee if

        a. the student appeals the charge of plagiarism or the resulting grade; or

        b. another instance of plagiarism has been noted.

6) The Dean’s Resolution Committee will consist of

        a. Two faculty members and students selected from faculty council (if possible)

             i. Two undergraduate students (if the case involves an undergraduate student).

             ii. Two graduate students (if the case involves a graduate student). 

7) If the charges against the student are sustained by the Dean’s Resolution Committee a letter will be sent to all parties involved. If the student wishes to appeal this judgment, the student shall direct such an appeal in writing to the appropriate appeals committee (Academic Fairness Committee of the Faculty Council). Appeals must be based on either procedural error which prejudiced the decision or evidence discovered after the hearing. In no case shall there be an appeal against a decision that has been determined by the Academic Fairness Committee. The decision of the Academic Fairness Committee shall be final. If the Academic Fairness Committee sustains an appeal, the matter will be returned to the Dean’s  Resolution Committee for further action.  

8) In all instances where a grade of F is given for a course pursuant to point 2 above, and that grade survives any appeals process referenced herein, that grade of F supersedes the affected student's right to withdraw from the course and preempt or replace that grade of F.  

Approved 9/14/2020

The School of Education follows the university process to resolve any issues that violates the Academic Honor Pledge. For the purposes of academic integrity, the faculty member observes an apparent act of academic misconduct, discusses it with the student, and in most cases, comes to a resolution. All disciplinary records including those involving academic misconduct of any severity are retained for seven years.

This form is required for any academic honor code violation in which a grade of F for the plagiarized assignment or F for the course is imposed.

It is encouraged that this form is also used to document any academic honor code violation that does not result in the imposed sanction stated above.

If the complainant chooses to present the charges to the Office of Judicial Affairs, please use this form along with a description of the allegation and supporting evidence.


Please click here for the Academic Honor Code Violation Faculty Documentation Form

These policies are currently under a regularly scheduled review with TSOE policy committee.  Any revisions are subject to a full faculty vote.  

Page last updated October 2023