The Johnnies Blog

Welcome to Johnnie's Blog, your one-stop shop for navigating the college experience and beyond. Whether you're a future undergraduate or graduate student, we're here to help you make the most informed decision about your future and prepare for success.
St. John's University Student

My Advice to a College Freshman: Embrace Growth, Keep Moving

Choosing to go to college is a challenging decision, especially if you are like me. During my first few years of high school, I thought I knew what I wanted to pursue, but eventually, I needed clarification about my future aspirations. I did not want to continue my education after high school, but at the same time, I was still determining what I wanted to do.

All I knew was that I needed a new start. In this blog, I share my experiences and insights to help you navigate this exciting, yet challenging, journey.

Kyntel Hines

New York Special Education Certification Changes

There has been a persistent shortage statewide of special education instructors. The New York State Education Department’s certification requirements and segmentation for special needs instructors are changing to combat this shortage. The New York State Department of Education is creating a Students with Disabilities (SWD) (All Grades) certificate.

St. John's University Junior Students

A Junior’s Advice to a College Freshman

Dear future college student, congratulations on making it this far! My name is Madison, and I am a junior majoring in public relations at St. John’s University.
It’s normal to feel nervous about starting college, but don’t worry—resources are available to help you succeed. In this blog post, I share valuable pieces of advice that I wish I had received when I was a college freshman.

St. John's University Student
Madison Coombs
Three students working on computers in SJU Cyber Security Lab

Information Security vs Cyber Security: Are They the Same?

In the digital world we live in today, the terms “information security” and “cybersecurity” are often used interchangeably. However, despite their similarities, the two concepts have a few key differences that are important to understand.

This blog post explores these concepts in detail, breaking down the key distinctions and similarities between information security and cybersecurity. Additionally, we delve into the exciting world of cyber and information security careers, uncovering overlapping skills and discussing what you can do with a master’s degree in this dynamic field.

Katarina Kobetitsch
Katarina Kobetitsch
St. John's Alumni Female Entrepreneurs

Celebrating Female Entrepreneurs: Five Stories of Representation and Resilience

In today’s world, gender equality is a top priority, and the representation of women in business is crucial and a powerful catalyst for change. Although progress has been made, the journey toward gender parity in entrepreneurship is far from over. That’s why it’s important to celebrate the stories of remarkable women in business—not only to recognize their achievements, but also to showcase the impact of diverse voices at the forefront of business.

Read the stories of five trailblazing female entrepreneurs and St. John’s University alums driving positive change in their communities and beyond.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
United National Leader of Accelerator Labs Gina Lucarelli Speaking on Social Entrepreneurship

Making an Impact through Social Entrepreneurship: UN Leader Insights

Are you ready to create a positive impact through social entrepreneurship? In this video, Gina Lucarelli, leader of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Labs, the world’s largest learning network, explains how social innovation, sustainable development, and global collaboration can tackle pressing challenges and ignite positive change. Whether you look to launch a startup or scale your impact, this conversation equips you with the tools and motivation to make a real-world difference.

St. John's University Student Taking Cyberstalking Precautions

Cyberstalking Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

In today’s digital world, social media platforms offer avenues for personal connection. However, along with the benefits come risks, such as technology-facilitated crimes like cyberstalking. Despite the convenience of online interactions, it’s essential to remain on guard against the potential threats posed by anonymity and misuse of digital platforms.

St Johns Student Shaolin Barid
Shaolin Barid
St. John's University RISE network mentorship program

The Power of Mentorship: For Career Development

Do you ever feel lost when it comes to planning your career? Imagine having someone who has already been through the same experience and is happy to share their knowledge with you. They can guide you, answer your questions, and support you—that’s the power of mentorship.

In this blog post, we dive into the benefits of having a mentor for career development and equip you with the knowledge and tools to embark on your mentorship journey.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli