Department of Accountancy

What We Do

The Department of Accountancy, a unit of the Tobin College of Business, offers several degree programs.

  • The public accounting track is suited for the accounting student wishing to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
  • The controllership track is designed for the accounting student who prefers a career as an upper-level financial management professional within a corporate atmosphere.
  • The taxation track is designed for the accounting student who prefers a career as a tax professional.  

AACSB™-International Accreditation

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business separately accredits the Department's programs. AACSB™ International states in its accreditation standards that: "Accounting accreditation seeks to improve accounting education in order to prepare students to serve the needs of society that are met by the discipline and profession of accounting. The accreditation process intends to promote the development of accounting education programs of high quality and to encourage innovation and continual improvement."  The AACSB™-International accredited the Department's accounting and tax programs both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) program

The Tobin internal auditing curriculum has become one of the foremost programs in the world.  A participant in the Institute of Internal Auditors Education Partnership (IAEP) program, our internal auditing program has been endorsed by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) as a “Center for Internal Auditing Excellence,” the highest designation of the IIA. St. John’s is one of only six schools in the United States and nine schools worldwide at this level.  Moreover, we are the only school with this recognition in the New York Metropolitan area and the entire Northeast.   

 The educational curriculum has been supplemented by significant interactions with the business community, with a robust Internal Auditing Advisory Board (IAAB), campus recruiting events, internship opportunities, and full-time employment success.  The Program works with the Career Services Center to ensure its students are placed in these employment opportunities.   

The IIAB is comprised of 29 senior executives from the internal audit functions at major organizations in New York Metropolitan area, in addition to leaders from professional service firms offering advisory services. Many of these members are Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) of major corporations or leading internal audit service providers of their respective organizations. The IIAB ensures our curriculum stays current with the needs of the profession and their engagement provides us with entry points into significant businesses with resources, including funding potential and employment opportunities for our students. 

Licensure-Qualifying Programs

Many of the Department's programs are designed to meet, by requisites and prerequisites, the requirements, for licensure as a certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of New York. The requirements contained in Section 52.13(b) of the regulations of the Department of Education of the State of New York stipulate the total number of credits (150 credits) required, the minimum number of credits in professional accountancy (33 credits), and general business (36 credits).

Following are average salaries for accountants at public accounting firms: 



(1-3 YEARS)


(4-6 YEARS)



LARGE FIRM$66,750 - $87,000$83,000 - $111,250$125,750 - $208,000
MEDIUM FIRM$59,500 - $79,000$74,000 - $101,000$114,250 - $175,500
SMALL FIRM$54,750 - $70,500$67,500 - $85,000$101,000 - $143,250

Source: AICPA

Department Advisory Board

The Department's Advisory Board is comprised of high profile professionals, including many alumni, who guide the Department's leadership in various academic and curricular decisions. See below the list of advisory board members and the organizations with which they are affiliated.

First NameLast NameTitleOrganization 
ScottArchilaVP, Financial Reporting and Taxation1-800-FLOWERS.COM
JoelBencosmeTax PartnerPricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
MichaelBodratoTax DirectorWISS & Company, LLP
ChrisCahillPartnerDeloitte & Touche LLP
AnthonyChanDirector, Wei, Wei & Co. LLPPresident and Co-Founder, CA Global Consulting Inc
PatrickOberliesSenior Manager – tax/Real EstateMazars USA LLP
DanielCondonPartnerCondon O’Meara McGinty Donnelly LLP
MattDiDonatoOffice Managing Partner, New York CityGrant Thornton LLP
SteveDiPardoTax Managing DirectorBDO
NicolasDiMolaPrincipalQuality Plus & Associates - Internal Audit Services
JoeDugganPartnerKPMG LLP
RobertGearySenior Managing DirectorGreenwich Risk Management Advisory Services
GregGiardielloSenior Vice President, North America ControllerQBE
RobertGouldManaging DirectorProtiviti
JohnHaslbauerSenior PartnerPKF O’Connor Davies
BarbaraHasselmanDirectorMarcum LLP
MaryHillenbrandDirectorDeutsche Bank
AngelaKatehisPrincipalBerdon LLP
JohnKyriakidesPartnerBDO USA, LLP
JohnLynchAssistant ProfessorSt. John's University
MarkMartinelliEVP and Chief Audit ExecutiveSynchrony Financial
JosephMellaVice PresidentGoldman Sachs
MichaelMonahanOffice Managing Partner   Long IslandCohnReznick LLP 
EdwardNapolitanoDirector of Finance & AdministrationNew York Athletic Club
RichardO'BrienSenior Executive Vice President and Chief AuditorHSBC Bank USA, N.A.
JosephRamosEVP, COO & CFO JMR Consulting
WarrenRuppelPartnerMarks Paneth LLP
JerryMusiTax PartnerRSM US LLP
MichaelSabatiniPartnerCitrin Cooperman & Company, LLP

Internal Audit Advisory Board

The Department of Accountancy and its Risk and Financial Advisory Program is advised by a board that adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the profession's global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. See below for a list of the Tobin Internal Audit Advisory Board members.

First NameLast NameTitleCompany
DavidChan Associate ProfessorSt. John's University
MaryDaleckiRetired Associate Vice President of Internal AuditColumbia University
Nicholas DiMolaRetired Auditor GeneralMTA
MikeDursoManaging Director, Chief AuditorJP Morgan
Paul J.FloraRetired Chief AuditorAXA Financial
AlanFrankDirectorEisner Amper
MichaelFucilliRetired Auditor GeneralMTA
PinakGuhaDirectorAccume Partners
NancyHaigRetired Global Director of Internal Audit & ComplianceAlvarez & Marsal
GeofferyKovesdyPrincipalDeloitte Advisory Services
LauraLowenhauptRetired Vice President and Associate General AuditorNew York Life Insurance Company
EricaMcManamanChief AuditorSignature Bank
RaquelMarin-OquendoDeputy Controller of Internal Controls and ComplianceColumbia University Medical Center
MarkMartinelliRetired EVP and Chief Audit ExecutiveSynchrony Financial
Kathleen H.MitterwayDirector of AuditLong Island Power Authority
DuyNguyenExecutive Director of IT AuditWells Fargo
RichardO'BrienSenior Executive Vice President and Chief AuditorHSBC Bank
EleonoraPechenikSenior Vice President - Audit DirectorCiti
TamikaThomasVice President - Americas Head of Securities Operations AuditGoldman Sachs
MichaelTuminoEngagement DirectorCliftonLarsonAllen LLP
FredrickUmbachManaging DirectorProtiviti
KristinaVieniPartnerBDO, LLP
MichaelViscontiVice President - Head of Internal AuditTake-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
JennieWallaceExecutive Vice President, Chief Audit ExecutiveNew York City Economic Development Corporation
CharlesWindeknechtVice President of Internal AuditAtlas Air

Our Faculty

Department of Accountancy

Mission and Vision

The Department of Accounting and Taxation prepares students for professional careers in accounting, taxation and related fields. In all its endeavors, the Department is dedicated to fostering academic excellence, moral leadership, professional responsibility and social awareness in the Vincentian, Catholic tradition.

The Department of Accounting and Taxation intends to be recognized as a leader in accounting and tax education.

  • We shall enable our students to obtain and advance their professional careers in public accountancy or in managerial positions in industry, government and not for profit organizations.
  • We shall excel in teaching and support a commitment to applied research and continuous professional development.
  • We shall develop a work environment where faculty can develop professionally and academically.
  • We shall maintain curricula that are of high quality and responsive to the needs of our stakeholders.
  • We shall foster interaction among internal and external stakeholders.

Guiding Principles
The core values underlying both the Mission and Vision of the Department of Accounting and Taxation are these guiding principles:

Relevance. We develop and maintain educational programs that provide the practical experience, solid knowledge base, strong ethical foundation, and global perspective that enable our graduates to make immediate and valuable contributions as accounting and tax professionals. We provide curricula that form the basis for life-long commitment to intellectual
development and professional growth and provide the technical competency to allow our graduates to sit for professional examinations such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Student-Centered. We convey to our students a conceptual understanding of accounting and taxation and its application to the functional areas of business, government and non-profit organizations. We enhance our student’s understanding of the interpretation and use of financial information for decision making in a constantly changing global economy. We
instill in our students an understanding of the ethical responsibilities of accounting and tax professionals and the moral dimension of business decisions. We help our students improve their interpersonal, critical thinking, and communication skills and enable them to utilize technology effectively.

Nimbleness. We respond rapidly, creatively, effectively and efficiently to significant changes in the profession and to the legitimate needs of our stakeholders. Our internal stakeholders include our students, colleagues and administrators Our external stakeholders include employers of our students, professional organizations, alumni, Catholic institutions, the academic community and the business community. We acknowledge our interdependence by working cooperatively across internal and external boundaries for the best interests of our stakeholders. We promote open and effective communication in a positive and productive way while also maintaining a healthy perspective about life and work. We foster rational, spirited inquiry and intelligent reflection through innovative teaching, research and service.

Respect. We treat each other, and everyone we deal with, fairly and with dignity, respect, and compassion. We value and embrace different backgrounds, ideas, and contributions. We promote equal opportunity, empowerment, and a continuous learning environment. We reflect, in our work and demeanor, that we are educators obligated to carry out our responsibilities in a professional, courteous, and fair manner.

Professionalism. We take personal responsibility and accept accountability for achieving our Department’s goals effectively and efficiently. We continue to adhere to the highest standards of excellence and personal integrity in all our endeavors. We help our students develop a sense of professional and personal responsibility by providing opportunities for their interaction with the business community.