Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

John Byrne Headshot

Future of Healthcare: Mergers and Acquisitions

Join us for an in-depth webinar where we delve into the evolving landscape of healthcare mergers and acquisitions (M&A). As the healthcare industry continues to undergo significant transformations, understanding the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in M&A is essential for stakeholders looking to navigate this complex environment effectively. 

September 5
Abran headshot

AI and the Future of Work - Preparing for the AI-Driven Job Market

Abran Maldonado will explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market and how to prepare for this AI-driven future. As AI advances, it reshapes industries, creates new job opportunities, and redefines the skills needed for success.

September 19
Tony Imperato Headshot

Innovative Strategies in Branded Partnerships: Driving Growth and Engagement

Join our webinar, "Innovative Strategies in Branded Partnerships: Driving Growth and Engagement," where industry experts will explore cutting-edge approaches to forming and leveraging branded partnerships. Discover how to create synergistic collaborations that enhance brand visibility, drive growth, and boost customer engagement in today's dynamic market landscape.

October 3
Sathi Roy Headshot

Era of Impact - Aligning with Your Soul's Purpose and Creating Meaningful Change

"Era of Impact" is a speaking series that features Sathi Roy and inspires and empowers people to align with their soul's purpose and make meaningful contributions. By providing wisdom and tools, the series prepares people to become leaders who redefine success and create positive societal impact. It encourages people to connect with their unique essence, fostering impactful leadership and collective well-being.

October 17

We are always looking to grow and feature new topics! If you or someone you know is interested in delivering a webinar, please fill out this form so we can learn more about you and the topic which you wish to discuss.