St. Augustine Hall

Majors and Programs of Study

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  • History
Showing 10 Programs Across 1 Area of Interest
Area of Interest
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Studying history provides you with a window into the past, but it also enhances your understanding of the present, develops your critical thinking skills, and offers you valuable insight into human behavior. The skills you cultivate are necessary for success in fields such as business, journalism, law, public policy, and teaching.

Why St. John's

At St. John’s, the opportunity to explore the world through a historical lens is exceptional. You can pursue a wide range of degrees in history or public history, or earn both a Master of Arts degree in Public History and an American Library Association-accredited Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science—the only institution in New York City that offers this opportunity.

American Studies

Italian American Studies

Public History

Public History/Library and Information Science

World History